The first one? It was afternoon at the Industrial District.To add to that, you need to have a cat as a pet in your barracks. Can't remember the time for the heart to heart, maybe afternoon.
The first one? It was afternoon at the Industrial District.To add to that, you need to have a cat as a pet in your barracks. Can't remember the time for the heart to heart, maybe afternoon.
I'm looking for a good Assault RIfle/Photon Saber build, if anyone wants to help.
Starfall Rondo
Starfall Blade
Starfall Blossom
Galactic Cataclysm
Furious Blast
Flash Grenade
Last Stand
Astral Horizon
Steel Flesh
Mighty Muscle
CQC Master
I'll probably need to work on the augments on my own. I already made an TP Gain XX, and I recently earned the Overclock art from Alexa's Affinity Mission.
No the second one, but I just realized you had put the picture in the post showing that anyway (somehow missed it earlier)The first one? It was afternoon at the Industrial District.
Yes.Couple questions before my copy arrives:
1) Are the side quests any good?
2) Are the side quests necessary to get enough xp/resources to keep up with the critical path?
3) How long is the critical path alone?
Will I like this game if I didn't like the Witcher 3 because of how big the maps were?
It's okay, discovering everything take time.i was SO HYPED for this game before release but now that i got it in my hands and played for about 15 hours, i've kinda grown cold on it. it's just one of those games where i feel like if i don't have 3+ hours to continuously play it, then i won't be making any progress.. i'm on winter break right now so i thought it would be the perfect time to chew through X but i'm really just not feeling it right now and have decided to get back into fallout 4. gonna have to hop on that rttp party =(
That's not just a j-rpgs thing to put young hero, you know.I actually really like Lin and her voice acting is pretty damn good. But I just...
I don't understand why they made her 13. She doesn't look 13. She doesn't act 13. Nothing in the plot is attached to her age as her being super accomplished would be impressive at, say, age 18. Her being 13 is completely and utterly unnecessary. The game is helped not a single bit by her being 13.
And I watch a lot of anime and play a lot of jRPGS so I'm used to the fat-titted super mature 8 year olds and bullshit like that but in this game it's just SO INCREDIBLY out of place.
I was fine pretending she was older until she said she was 13 then I just sorta...put her in Heavy Armor and never took it off.
If a big world is a problem, Xenoblade Chronicles X is not the right game for you.Will I like this game if I didn't like the Witcher 3 because of how big the maps were?
If you get a perfect on the eject QTC your insurance count won't go down. AI partners always get perfect. But if insurance itself is at 0 you will have to pay salvage (the QTE mechanic is something like it takes the insurance then gives you one back so if there if there is none to take...)Really? Why's this? Is it only player registered Skells that use insurance up? If so... I can't believe I missed that one O_O
If you let a Skell's insurance reach zero and you can't reload for some reason - just sell the thing. It's going to cost you more gold to maintain in the long run, just take the hit and replace it with a new model immediately.
I've been sloppy with Skells before, cycling a Skell that only has 1 insurance left to one of the other party members is the best way to use the system if you find yourself in that situation.
I liked how some NPC at some point of the game literally tells you to choose the BLUE WIRE when the time comes.
I'm at the same place as you, and I'm level 60.Wow, my brand new lv50 skell is so strong it isn't even funny. At first I saw G2-Buster dealt 15000 damage to the G-Buster's 24400, but once I used it I realized it hits twice and is an AoE attack. It's so ridiculous I've been randomly killing lv40 enemies simply by trying to hit something else near them.
I'm level 51-52 and I think I still haven't even started chapter 10 (finished the Manhunt mission that was prequisite for whichever chapter I have to do now)... have I gone overboard on side-content and levelling up while exploring stuff for that point in the story?
You can redo them as many times as you want as long as you've got any medals left (scout medals, I think?).
I didn't even think of moving 1 insurance skells to party members.......simple but genius. Thank you.
which of those are the hardest to get? (600 tickets for one item? RIP)In reply to question asked
the much talked aboutDoll material requirementsend game
item - ticket prices - # ( needed )
for Ares 90:
Golden Yggralith Heart - 636 - ( 2 )
Silver Vita Core - 210 - ( 4 )
Crude Neilnail Mask - 210 - ( 12 )
Seidr Control Device - 138 - ( 8 )
Advanced Core - 138 - ( 12 )
Upgraded Lens - 58 - ( 16 )
Cimmerian Cinnabar - ?? - ( 2 )
I'm at the same place as you, and I'm level 60.![]()
Time taken: 180hours 8minutes
I'm about to start the game, but I read on page one of this thread that you can't change your name later on. When playing with others, does it show the name you put in, or does it show your NNID? Just curious.
There's an in-game option to toggle between your character's name and your NNID.
Was that voluntarily power leveling or just doing side missions and finding yourself overpowered after all that? It's weird how skells make things too easy against enemies you shouldn't be fighting yet, and the whole positive reinforcement loop that comes from said enemies giving you lots of experience and powerful gear.
Heck, last thing I did in-game yesterday was walk into Cauldros and proceed to own nearly every single enmy I saw (while avoiding lv65+ stuff just in case), and I haven't even begun the story mission that takes me to that continent.
Also unlocks this picture as a wall decal for your barracks. They also give you 5000 reward tickets.
Upon returning to the barracks, a congratulations message and this pops up:
Also unlocks this picture as a wall decal for your barracks. They also give you 5000 reward tickets.
It's the network console in the northern room of the Blade Barracks. You can exchange reward tickets (which you earn for completing missions) for most monster drops in the game.Can someone point to where you can use tickets. I dont get the system at all.
which of those are the hardest to get? (600 tickets for one item? RIP)
which of those are the hardest to get? (600 tickets for one item? RIP)
nevermind, found it.
ANYWAYS, 100% completion reached!
Time taken: 180hours 8minutes
Upon returning to the barracks, a congratulations message and this pops up:
Also unlocks this picture as a wall decal for your barracks. They also give you 5000 reward tickets.
what can you do with 5k reward tickets if you 100% all things
I need to find the elf girl I had her in NLA but is seems she is gone
also where is Mia?
Bit of a shame they left all of the best party members out of the image. If it's supposed to be a reward for 100% completion, it'd be a pretty safe assumption the player might have recruited the optional characters.
The 100% completion is just from map segments. Not actually from doing every possible thing and crafting/buying everything possible.
Elf Girl is probably at one of her Heart to Heart spots, go check them.
Which part of Mia's quest are you up to?
The 100% rating doesn't include Alexa, H.B., Boze, or Yelv since they were originally DLC characters.
It's the network console in the northern room of the Blade Barracks. You can exchange reward tickets (which you earn for completing missions) for most monster drops in the game.
I think the tragedy about the cutscene music is, there's some really good tracks, but they just aren't really utilised at all.
The 100% rating doesn't include Alexa, H.B., Boze, or Yelv since they were originally DLC characters.
5000 tickets? That must mean you can expand your cap somehow.
Can anyone explain how to raise your reward ticket cap?
5000 tickets? That must mean you can expand your cap somehow.
Can anyone explain how to raise your reward ticket cap?
I've warmed up to most of the tracks, but there's still a few I'm not a fan of. Mainly some of the battle music.I don't exactly agree about all of the tracks being good on their own, but it's definitely more of a problem with the sound direction rather than the music itself, for the most part. Even the instrumental pieces are subject to playing over unfitting scenes and transitioning abruptly, as well as more specific problems like the infuriating overuse of that one 'comical' track, which seems like it plays whenever any Nopon, Phog or L is on screen, as well as in half of the NPC conversations. And all of those issues only get worse when the vocal tracks are taken into account...
That's true, but Murderess, Phog, Mia, Frye and Hope don't have much of a reason to be absent.
She should pop up next at the Cleansing Spring in Sylvalum.I last found her on the ring thing asking us to climb up
I need to find her other hang out spots
Yeah, it's a shame they don't get a picture as well.That's true, but Murderess, Phog, Mia, Frye and Hope don't have much of a reason to be absent.
That's true, but Murderess, Phog, Mia, Frye and Hope don't have much of a reason to be absent.
is there a way to get the main screen UI into the gamepad?
at least the minimap? the map on the touchscreen doesnt have the directional arrow