set the one you want as leader press +
or look at the green bars under the level number
set the one you want as leader press +
or look at the green bars under the level number
So what's the disadvantage of Skells? I go my level 20 one and it dominates. Can handle level 30 enemies and what not. Does the level mean less than your characters level and what they can fight?
So what's the disadvantage of Skells? I go my level 20 one and it dominates. Can handle level 30 enemies and what not. Does the level mean less than your characters level and what they can fight?
There's a little bit of text to the left and right when you activate overdrive that will actually tell you the (usually four?) immediate benefits you'll get depending on your gear and setup.I don't really understand the Overdrive concept
I do not seem to benefit me at all
I don't really understand the Overdrive concept
I do not seem to benefit me at all
Unless I'm doing something wrong, I'm ready to quit at chapter 5 because I don't have time to grind levels all day for minimal gain. Do I need to grind for more levels or is there a trick to getting past all the enemies? I have all the best equips and abilities currently at my disposal and have spent plenty of time grinding for levels and doing side missions. I'm at a loss at the big jump in enemy levels AND their quantity. I read something about getting past enemies with a non-aggro move but that seems really cheap like I'm gaming the system instead of playing properly.
Played for a couple of hours last night...
Why are there only two types of cutscenes? Cutscene with zero bgm and then cutscenes where the bgm is so loud you can't really hear what the characters are saying.
...or is it all deliberate throwback to Xenosaga 1?
Unless I'm doing something wrong, I'm ready to quit at chapter 5 because I don't have time to grind levels all day for minimal gain. Do I need to grind for more levels or is there a trick to getting past all the enemies? I have all the best equips and abilities currently at my disposal and have spent plenty of time grinding for levels and doing side missions. I'm at a loss at the big jump in enemy levels AND their quantity. I read something about getting past enemies with a non-aggro move but that seems really cheap like I'm gaming the system instead of playing properly.
Unless I'm doing something wrong, I'm ready to quit at chapter 5 because I don't have time to grind levels all day for minimal gain. Do I need to grind for more levels or is there a trick to getting past all the enemies? I have all the best equips and abilities currently at my disposal and have spent plenty of time grinding for levels and doing side missions. I'm at a loss at the big jump in enemy levels AND their quantity. I read something about getting past enemies with a non-aggro move but that seems really cheap like I'm gaming the system instead of playing properly.
There's a little bit of text to the left and right when you activate overdrive that will actually tell you the (usually four?) immediate benefits you'll get depending on your gear and setup.
you can kinda read it in that picture
"Zero Fuel Use"
"Melee Weapon Attack Up"
"Component Regen"
"2x Damage Reflect: Physical"
There are also behind the scenes benefits when you combo different colours with each other, someone posted a chart earlier in the thread.
Depending on the Skell Frame you have it will have different benefits, such as healing, taking more damage, dealing less damage, recovery of appendages, etc. Plus you have more chance of going into the cockpit view, which refreshes the cooldown of all your arts, and makes you invincible during the duration.
For Ground Gear there's a list that gives you the color bonuses of using overdrive (such as Orange Art on succession giving more EXP)
It was posted somewhere in the thread, but I can't remember where it was.
uuuh.. you are not supposed to fight those enemies, you are supposed to go around them. There's a reason why when a quest sends you to fight something inside a high leveled area the actual objective you have to fight is at much lower level.
There are no extra tickets.Wait...I don't understand what you're trying to say here at all.
When I fight the global nemesis, I get drops from them, which AFAIK can only be used for turning in for tickets.
Also at the end of the week or whatever, they leave and a new Nemesis shows up and you get 90-something parts from them, which I guess are used for crafting.
What am I supposed to do at what time to get extra tickets? Am I supposed to NOT turn in the normal parts I get for tickets until the end of the week or something?
Oh man, that Yggralith dog gives like 1000 tickets per run.
Oh man, that Yggralith dog gives like 1000 tickets per run.
There are no extra tickets.
If you don't turn in the appendages for tickets it gives you one ticket for each and empties your nemesis spoils. Consider the appendages tend to be worth 25 or more that if you trade them in normally it is an insult especially as the event doesn't warn you at any point that it will do that to the appendages if you don't trade them in.
Oh man, that Yggralith dog gives like 1000 tickets per run.
Can someone post a pic of that G-Buster thing please?
I'm trying to figure out what it is/farm it. But I don't play in english and google doesn't help much with such a common term.
I would have an ares 90 after two runs getting 1k per. Are you doing it solo?
The swordCan someone post a pic of that G-Buster thing please?
I'm trying to figure out what it is/farm it. But I don't play in english and google doesn't help much with such a common term.
not in the game atm but it's large big sword on shoulder... go check verus (bunny skell) default right shoulder weapon
The sword
I just wanted to post the gif.
Thanks guys. I think I figured it out. Why are people farming a thing that come by default with the Verus?
And I got a shotgun x sniper like weapon that deal way more damages than this. So I will check this out later.
So has anyone gone down the enforcer class to mastermind? I figured the class would be helpful but not feeling the weapons or skills. Only a level 9 enforcer right now.
I'm leveling through the Mastermind class now. Skills are...a little lackluster tbh. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Healing my teammates is nice but I feel like I give up way too much damage by staying in this class. Was forced to switch back to Duelist to get past a story boss.
Mastermind's final skill is -50% secondary cooldown timers, which if you can fit into a build, is real nice.
So.... I am crazy enough to create a second playthrough now (male character this time). Anyone else started a second playthrough?
uuuh.. you are not supposed to fight those enemies, you are supposed to go around them. There's a reason why when a quest sends you to fight something inside a high leveled area the actual objective you have to fight is at much lower level.
Chapter 5 can be a little tough with all the enemies it throws at you. The one turret (on the opposite side of the canyon from the other two), the enemies really are deliberately too high leveled. I think you gotta sneak around the back to get there. For a couple of the turrets in the middle of the bases, I found that you really have to pick and choose carefully which foot soldiers to take on. That area, they're much lower leveled (like Level 20, I think?). I generally avoided all of the mech walkers completely if I could, and see if there's either a stealthy way around or a way where I could take out 2 or 3 soldiers without creating too much aggro in the area. Just kinda look at paths and see if there's a way through by defeating just 1 or 2 specific guards.
If you're not strong enough to take out the individual prones standing guard (the lower-leveled ones), I'd say you probably gotta do a little grinding. Maybe Level 18-20 should be enough, can't remember precisely.
Yeah I'm not seeing the healing being worth the damage reduction.
That does sound nice but I don't know if it's worth it for just one skill.
planning one for next summer most likely... want to see the lowest level + crappiest gear that i can use to beat the story
obviously just use the starting gear and stay at the minimum level at all times![]()
Ooooooh! I have one big sword (it takes all the back weapons slots) that does beam damage but I changed it for the other one that do 12000.What's the weapon damage? If it's beam then it'll devastate enemies skells.
Thanks for responding.
Level 21 for the 3 mains. I have no trouble with the small groups of humanoid aliens and bots. It's the large mechs that cause problems; they're around level 28-30 and unpredictably powerful at times. I can sometimes kill them on their own but it's a drawn out battle and it may attract other enemies... or sometimes the mech alone inexplicably fast KOs my team. On my way to the second turret, there are several mechs spaced out and blocking all obvious paths. I'll take the advice and see if there's some other way. May have been relying a bit much on the scout ball.
And I never played an RPG where "don't fight the enemies in the area where you're supposed to be" was a viable strategy, lest you end up under-leveled later on. I know I shouldn't engage an unrelated lv 40+ monstrosity in the vicinity of a mission where I'm meant to kill some lv 18 bird, but I assumed the mechs were meant to be tackled since they're Prone tech and grouped closely with the Prone grunts. For example, the very first one (tyrant?) is patrolling a narrow valley with only one approach. If this is common throughout the game, I will keep it in mind but it's worth noting that this isn't entirely obvious to a beginner.
Mastermind's really not that great for bosses since the class is largely focused around using Brainjack, which bosses are immune to. Against anything that isn't immune to Control effects, though? It's amazing. And depending on your build, the skills in that tree are all extremely useful (especially Secondary Accelerator).
Mastermind isn't meant to put out insane damage. It's meant to cripple your opponent with debuffs galore and then mind control them.
So.... I am crazy enough to create a second playthrough now (male character this time). Anyone else started a second playthrough?
i had a feeling you would reply to that post >.>