The most competent BLADE.
Uh no. That's me.
The most competent BLADE.
Uh no. That's me.
You're Elma?
Can I go to new zone at lvl 15?
Did most stuff in Primordia.
No. I am the guy in the background doing all the work while the NPCs are dead.
You can go to a new zone from the beginning. Every region has low level and high level sections and intermingling spots, well except Cauldros.
Anyone the name of armor?true form Elma wears in her reveal cutscene
Finally finished the story! Yay!
I guess I'm finally free even if there is still much to do. Hmm
But i mean like do quests there at that level.
Am i stronk enuff
Some affinity quests will require you to travel to new continents regardless of the main story. So might as well travel and get those fast travel spots.
Starting my skell license mission. Half done right off the bat.
I dunno that the lack of tutorials is entirely on purpose, but overall I agree with you. The way MonolithSoft focused the game so purely, squarely, on exploration, adventure, and discovery is nothing short of incredible. Can't think of a more successful open world game in this regard.
I can't imagine XBCX being looked back upon with anything but fond memories.
Anyone the name of armor?true form Elma wears in her reveal cutscene
Yo, H.B is fucking amazing.
***Don't read before chapter 12***
Anyone the name of armor?true form Elma wears in her reveal cutscene
You just spoiled the ending for me before the edit. Sigh.
Of course, I suspected.
gawdamn. im only on chapter 11 man.. did not think that was that big of a spoiler
You just spoiled the ending for me before the edit. Sigh.
Of course, I suspected.
One of the affinity missions made it super fucking obvious, though.
H.B is perpetually my 4th. No regrets here. I like that he looks like Bayonetto as well.
I think it was, in most respects, intentional. And you know what? I actually appreciate the complexity now, because it made coming to grips with it all the more satisfying, and it made the game´s premise to permiate to the player. You feel overwhelmed because you are MEANT to feel overwhelmed. Thats what I take out of it personaly.
Nah, that's a bit much for me right now. Not enough would change to really make it worth doing this soon after completing the game. A year down the line, maybe. I've finally just 100%'d the world survey and have gotten into min-maxing and seeing the numbers go up is too much fun. I'll just keep switching genders daily like I originally planned.
New OT title needs "Asscaves" in there somewhere
Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| Press L+A to Asscaves
Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| Tatsu not for Asscaves
New OT title needs "Asscaves" in there somewhere
Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| Press L+A to Asscaves
Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| Tatsu not for Asscaves
Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| Asscaves
By any chance are you Charlie? O.O.
Yes thats me hi. Great runs yesterday.
Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| Asscaves don't know how to spoiler
So I was just walking through an alley looking for lobsters and a Ma-non fell out of the sky.
I guess you are buddy (what is this game sometimes though).
Tried to keep Elma out of the shot
This game...
This game...
My favorite party member.Yo, H.B is fucking amazing.
Duplicators will copy all surrounding probes and act as if those probes were placed on the Duplicator's node, except for other Duplicators(or their duplicated contents). So in your example, the node the Duplicator is sitting on would produce miranium/credits as if a Booster and two Storages were on it. The Booster to its left would apply to the two Storages being duplicated and give whatever bonus level the Booster is(1.5x for Booster 1, 2x for Booster 2). Then the copied Booster would apply to the two adjacent Storage probes to the right/below. So it would be like in your last guess, where there are effectively 4 boosted Storage probes.could someone explain how duplicator probes and booster probes work in concert?
Let's just use this as an example:
Code:{booster}---{duplicator}---{storage} | | | {storage}
Does the booster's effect on the duplicator probe yield an effective result of 2 normal storage probes + 2 boosted storage probes?
Or does the duplicator probe ALSO duplicate the booster probe so that it boosts the two adjacent storage probes as well, and you get a net result of 4 boosted storage probes?
or am I totally off base here. shit's complex mang.
I love the combination between your avatar and that screenshot ^^
There's a fee for changing, but it's really not that big of a deal. Choose whichever one you like the sound of the most. Changing your mind later won't bankrupt you.Over here debating on what division I want to choose. Never knew it was so many choices lol omg
New OT name?
Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| I feel lonely even in the crowd.
Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| I'm really kinda feeling it, you know?
There's a fee for changing, but it's really not that big of a deal. Choose whichever one you like the sound of the most. Changing your mind later won't bankrupt you.
Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT2| Skell fanfiction!