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Kotaku: Unfortunately, Quantum Break Looks a Bit Rubbish

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I don't see how you could call the stage demo excellent then turn around and call the same demo that they played back during the backstage demo rubbish.


I thought it looked good at E3, only real problem was it looked really easily, you can just freeze the enemy and kill him without any fight, but besides that not much else. Remedy haven't let me down yet, so I'm still looking forward to it, not sold on the live action stuff yet though.
I've never really liked the idea of stopping the gameplay to watch TV show episodes. I've heard you can play the game and watch the TV stuff separately, but it definitely seems like the game's designed to be game -> TV -> game -> TV. Wanting to sit back and watch a TV show and wanting to play a game are two entirely different moods for me to be in.

I've always loved Remedy's storytelling, but straight up making a live action TV show really wasn't a direction I hoped they would go. I find it hard not to take it as "Our game has frequent 20+ minute cutscenes!", which doesn't really boil my potato these days.
The first link you posted is LITERALLY four sentences based on a hands off demo showing the best bits of the game, and largely commenting on how the game "looks" from a cursory observation.

The second are the authors impressions of a seemingly more in depth closed door (i.e: "We have more latitude for jank. . .") presentation, of which he was not impressed.

It's like saying a person can say they are hyped from a movie trailer and then aren't allowed to say how disappointing the screening was.

The extended demo had more cut-scens and the plaforming bits, but the combat demo was the same. If he thought that looked excellent on Tuesday and rubbish a few days later I wonder what happened in between.

cm osi

i kinda agree. what i got from the video is A LOT of oneshotted enemies with fancy QTES and the omnipresent superman-punch.
i admit those games aren't exactly my cup of tea, but trailer failed to make me interested in the game


Well, there's another data point.

Also holy crap it looks like half this thread consists of attacks on Kotaku. Slow your roll, guys. We'll know the truth when the reviews come out.
What was so bad about Alan Wake's mechanics? It was a bit samey, but not bad I thought, American Nightmare in particular. Feedback was nice, guns and other weapons felt good, dodge and stamina were welcome mechanics, it was all pretty competent to me. No, it wasn't Vanquish, but it was hardly a tradegy either.

And they also made two Max Payne games with great gunplay.

I'm not sold on the game yet either, nothing I saw came close to the Uncharted 4 PSX demo when it comes to a dynamic combat sandbox, but I wouldn't dare to write it off based on that (extended) demo.

Disclaimer: I completely forgot about American Nightmare before that post, my apologies.

I felt the base game was quite clunky. Stuck between what they originally wanted to make and what they turned the game into. It turned into it's current form fairly late in development if I am remembering correctly (it went dark a good bit out from release and was a horror game prior to going dark) and came back as a thriller with TPS elements. You can see in the American Nightmare DLC, what the mechanics would have been like if they spent more time on them. They were tighter and less unforgiving at times, made the gameplay a bit faster and less samey as you said. Hopefully QB is building on that, I would assume it is.


Sick of seeing people asking for Kotaku's banishment but then seeing some of the same people fall over themselves applauding the (fantastic) work of individual writers like Schreier or Klepek.

Let's discuss the contents of the article instead of shitting up the thread with "wow kotaku sucks." Or did you even read the article?

There are only 4 of them that you will see.

Worth putting in the OP if true. Thanks for this. Can you cite a source?


This is forum posting for you. Is anyone actually reading the articles or just knee jerking because they are "attacking" these games that have been put on an exclusive pedestal. There is nothing wrong with a first look at a conference impressing but you get to see the game a bit more in depth and it is not as impressive. Since you don't play the sizzle reel and actually play it in depth I think it is valid.

Absolutely. It's completely reasonable to have a different response to a sizzle reel and actual gameplay. The amount of hysterical anti-Kotaku posts from this and the Halo article is hilarious. Apparently only positive articles are allowed for exclusive titles that are a part of Xbox's best games line-up of all time.

There's always an element of pushing Internet traffic in everything posted online. That doesn't immediately invalidate the writer's comments.
Reading the articles the dude wrote, the timeline makes sense. Wowed by pretty Microsoft presentation, let down by the crappy behind-closed-doors presentation. The articles are obviously titled in such a way to make this opinion change evident. It's not like he's hiding it.
Can we make Kotaku a banned URL?

This website would be better immediately.
No. But maybe we should ban the whining users who thread-shit asking for websites to be banned. That sounds like a good option to me personally.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Oh, so this is another of those embarassing threads.

Quantum Break doesn't look at all interesting. It gives me all those vibes The Order did before the first time I tried it myself.

Here's hoping we'll have a playable demo during BGS so I can test it for myself.



Unfortunately, Kotaku can be rubbish when it comes to offering up opinions that I actually agree with.


Ding ding ding.

Who wants to come back and quote all these dudes when the game comes out and is verified as mediocre?

A lot of games look mediocre. While Uncharted 4 looks (gameplay wise) mediocre to me, I'm sure I'll have fun playing it day one.

In TPS, the story/scenario saves the game and if Remedy can tell a decent story with high production values it should be okay.


People who think Max Payne had a ton of variety should go back and play it again.

Especially Max Payne 2, that combat is samey as hell...

So was the combat in Alan Wake. I loved that game despite the samey-ness.

Quantum Break will hing on it's style like Alan Wake and Max Payne did, unfortunately a lot of that style is in the live-action sequences which is a much riskier proposition than just doing cutscenes and styling the gameplay.


extra source of jiggaflops
Eurogamer, Gamasutra, Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Videogamer, Edge and GamesTM if we count mags as well.

Heck, I prefer Gametrailers and Gamespot to Kotaku as well.
The only site I remember of those that did actual games journalism seems to have been Rock Paper Shotgun and Videogamer occasionally.

What notable bit of games journalism have the others done?


I already played quantum break in first person, it was awesome!


I never see this game being talked about here, and I loved it. You can stop, pause and speed up time, the damage you do to enemies while they are under the time effects accumulate, so one shotgun blast is different than 5 to the same guy, he will be knocked back way farther, and the multiplayer even has time grenades, where inside the blast radius the time will slow down for a time.

And this game is from 8 years ago. Of course quantum break looks insanely better, but from what I have seen of footage from quantum and having played timeshift, I wish they did a sequel to timeshift instead.

SOme publisher needs to buy the license to this


I bet a "looks awesome" article wouldn't get this much hate, although your critic would still be valid.

Probably, but for good reason. The majority of critics seem to say the game is pretty good. Kotaku isn't just saying that the game has flaws (which it does), but that the game is rubbish. If you're going to say something that sensational, you should have good arguments as to why, and saying "lol non innovation" doesn't cut it.
Putting the controller down for 20 minutes at a time is guaranteed way to shake the audience. They need the illusion of input; if the same story content had corridor walks and a pointless fight scene thrown in, it would be much better recieved.


The extended demo had more cut-scens and the plaforming bits, but the combat demo was the same. If he thought that looked excellent on Tuesday and rubbish a few days later I wonder what happened in between.

High of seeing the game in action wore of and was able to give a more detailed accounting of his feelings on the game?


This game is not coming out for a bit though right?

I remember them showing off alan wake and showing some kind of bare environments with tornado tech etc. The game ended up being a bit great though.
Graphically it looks good and gameplay looks fine. I guess the main question will be, Can Remedy mix up the shooting / time mechanics enough to stop it from getting too repetitive ?

Hopefully the story will be engaging too, which will help the game a lot.
People who think Max Payne had a ton of variety should go back and play it again.

Especially Max Payne 2, that combat is samey as hell...

So was the combat in Alan Wake. I loved that game despite the samey-ness.

Quantum Break will hing on it's style like Alan Wake and Max Payne did, unfortunately a lot of that style is in the live-action sequences which is a much riskier proposition than just doing cutscenes and styling the gameplay.

Max Payne was somewhat original at its time and had a nice hook with the bullet-time that was pretty impressive. If max Payne came out today, I doubt it would be remembered as highly.


I'd rather outlets started their previews from the perspective of "eh" and only get glowing for something that actually excites them. Any potential harm from a middling preview is fixed by releasing a sweet game. Consumers aren't going to get burned by not pre-ordering a game due to a middling preview. They could get burned by buying into the hype from a glowing preview.


The article is total clickbait. That being said I wasn't impressed with what I saw of Quantum Break in the Gamescon trailer either. It looks impressive from a technical standpoint but it also looks a lot like Infamous: SS and a few other games I've played mashed together. Even the time "power" looks like an excuse to repackage and reuse bullet time.

Max Payne and Alan Wake were both interesting premises that did some original things amongst some very dramatic storytelling. Quantum Break so far looks like it might be trying too hard with very little in the way of originality.

Hopefully I am wrong.


His main point is it does nothing new yet he complains the time powers aren't like Max Payne's bullet time. Contradiction?


As far as it not doing anything really new, who gives a shit? Does it have to in order to qualify as being a good game? As long as it's fun, the mechanics work and are implemented well, then that is all I can really ask for. Just a fun and polished game. Where are all of these other games that are reinventing the wheel this generation anyway?


It must be rough to publish an opinion article on a console exclusive. You're immediately dragged through the mud.

I don't see why it's so hard for some to comprehend that the game might have some problems. It's not like this game has had the smoothest development.
Well, i liked the gamemechanics with time and stuff.
And it doesn't even have to kake absolute sense.

I hope the final game is sonething i really would enjoy playing.

Having said that.. I still need to buy a XboxOne so i hope it's a great game.


extra source of jiggaflops
His main point is it does nothing new yet he complains the time powers aren't like Max Payne's bullet time. Contradiction?
Maybe I skipped past that in the article. He writes that the time manipulation doesn't feel as original in QB as it did back then in Max Payne.
High of seeing the game in action wore of and was able to give a more detailed accounting of his feelings on the game?

I find that hard to believe.
Going from exellent to rubbish for the exact same demo with some live action and platforming stuff tacked on is pretty strange to me.

I saw both as well and I can't say it made me change my opinion. The combat was the same, the platforming was in line with what they showed last year (so hardly new either, just a different location) and the live action stuff, well, that was new.


His main point is it does nothing new yet he complains the time powers aren't like Max Payne's bullet time. Contradiction?

he complains their not as new as max paynes bullet time was at the time. not that he wants it to just be max payne again... it's just timeshifts abilities but with a fancier coat of paint. i guess he wanted to see something fresh for the time based combat instead of a retread?
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