Ivan Amiibo
pretty much what's wrong with gaf in this thread
We should ban all sites that have different opinions than GAF!I'm a bit worried that Kotaku isn't banned here yet.
pretty much what's wrong with gaf in this thread
What's better then?Ugh, Not even close.
We should ban all sites that have different opinions than GAF!
Ding ding ding.
Who wants to come back and quote all these dudes when the game comes out and is verified as mediocre?
The first link you posted is LITERALLY four sentences based on a hands off demo showing the best bits of the game, and largely commenting on how the game "looks" from a cursory observation.
The second are the authors impressions of a seemingly more in depth closed door (i.e: "We have more latitude for jank. . .") presentation, of which he was not impressed.
It's like saying a person can say they are hyped from a movie trailer and then aren't allowed to say how disappointing the screening was.
What was so bad about Alan Wake's mechanics? It was a bit samey, but not bad I thought, American Nightmare in particular. Feedback was nice, guns and other weapons felt good, dodge and stamina were welcome mechanics, it was all pretty competent to me. No, it wasn't Vanquish, but it was hardly a tradegy either.
And they also made two Max Payne games with great gunplay.
I'm not sold on the game yet either, nothing I saw came close to the Uncharted 4 PSX demo when it comes to a dynamic combat sandbox, but I wouldn't dare to write it off based on that (extended) demo.
I've really not seen that variety first hand as of yet, I watched the two showings and didn't see any real signs of "Alan Wake" style in there, I hope I'm wrong, I really do.
lmao. That's richRe-posting from other thread ;D
Few days ago
Kotaku UK: Remedy's Quantum Break Footage Looks Excellent
Kotaku: Unfortunately, Quantum Break Looks a Bit Rubbish
Same guy posted those.
So is it good or is it bad?![]()
Unfortunately, it's just his opinion.
There are only 4 of them that you will see.
This is forum posting for you. Is anyone actually reading the articles or just knee jerking because they are "attacking" these games that have been put on an exclusive pedestal. There is nothing wrong with a first look at a conference impressing but you get to see the game a bit more in depth and it is not as impressive. Since you don't play the sizzle reel and actually play it in depth I think it is valid.
No. But maybe we should ban the whining users who thread-shit asking for websites to be banned. That sounds like a good option to me personally.Can we make Kotaku a banned URL?
This website would be better immediately.
It's the posts that remind me of The Order's threads, not the game.I feel like Quantum Break is going to be brought down by the TV show idea rather than the lack of gameplay.
Ding ding ding.
Who wants to come back and quote all these dudes when the game comes out and is verified as mediocre?
The only site I remember of those that did actual games journalism seems to have been Rock Paper Shotgun and Videogamer occasionally.Eurogamer, Gamasutra, Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Videogamer, Edge and GamesTM if we count mags as well.
Heck, I prefer Gametrailers and Gamespot to Kotaku as well.
I bet a "looks awesome" article wouldn't get this much hate, although your critic would still be valid.
The only site I remember of those that did actual games journalism seems to have been Rock Paper Shotgun and Videogamer occasionally.
What notable bit of games journalism have the others done?
The extended demo had more cut-scens and the plaforming bits, but the combat demo was the same. If he thought that looked excellent on Tuesday and rubbish a few days later I wonder what happened in between.
People who think Max Payne had a ton of variety should go back and play it again.
Especially Max Payne 2, that combat is samey as hell...
So was the combat in Alan Wake. I loved that game despite the samey-ness.
Quantum Break will hing on it's style like Alan Wake and Max Payne did, unfortunately a lot of that style is in the live-action sequences which is a much riskier proposition than just doing cutscenes and styling the gameplay.
His main point is it does nothing new yet he complains the time powers aren't like Max Payne's bullet time. Contradiction?
His main point is it does nothing new yet he complains the time powers aren't like Max Payne's bullet time. Contradiction?
Maybe I skipped past that in the article. He writes that the time manipulation doesn't feel as original in QB as it did back then in Max Payne.His main point is it does nothing new yet he complains the time powers aren't like Max Payne's bullet time. Contradiction?
High of seeing the game in action wore of and was able to give a more detailed accounting of his feelings on the game?
His main point is it does nothing new yet he complains the time powers aren't like Max Payne's bullet time. Contradiction?