So he watched someone else play the game and said it sucked?
So, if a game is only presented hands-off is a writer supposed to just not comment at all on it?
So he watched someone else play the game and said it sucked?
Not sure the guy who wrote the QB article played that demo, he wrote this "The presenter running the demo showed off a gunfight against some hired goons"
Similar thing with Halo 5.
Did any of those journalists pick up the xbox one controller and play?
So basically like a lot of gaffers who criticise unreleased games like Cod?So he watched someone else play the game and said it sucked?
When you have a journalist saying that a game is "a bit rubbish" having not even played it, then you know they are looking for clicks.
I've got no problem with his opinion of the game and how he feels the mechanics are tired and overused, but he lacks any credibility by just adding that sentence.
So he watched someone else play the game and said it sucked?
When you have a journalist saying that a game is "a bit rubbish" having not even played it, then you know they are looking for clicks.
If the word "rubbish" wasn't used would the backlash be this bad? QB looks like a solid game that will land somewhere in the 6 to 8 range on the critics scale. Not rubbish at all, but not a masterpiece. If you can't skip the tv show though, that's gonna tank the success of the game
That's everyone's thing that participates in the preview cycle in the AAA industry.Is this just Kotaku's thing now? Posting provocative articles after a minuscule amount of time with the game?
What did you expect?I thought the game would be a lot different. The trailer made it look like a TPS with time elements and that's a shame for me.
I don't get these views, if he said it looked good, would he be any more credible?
The cheque bounced.
So he watched someone else play the game and said it sucked?
If the word "rubbish" wasn't used would the backlash be this bad? QB looks like a solid game that will land somewhere in the 6 to 8 range on the critics scale. Not rubbish at all, but not a masterpiece. If you can't skip the tv show though, that's gonna tank the success of the game
I don't get these views, if he said it looked good, would he be any more credible?
They weren't allowed to play it. Articles praising the game also didn't play it. That's how most big demos at trade events go.
I mean, if they watch this long demo, what are they supposed to do afterwards? Not give their opinions?
What's not to get?
I still would take what he says with a grain of salt because he hasn't played the game.
Are you equally outraged by the writer calling it "Excellent" before the behind closed doors demo?Once again, he is entitled and paid to have an opinion on the game. That isn't my problem. You can't call a game rubbish by just looking at it. He could have said I didn't enjoy what I saw etc. this title is click bait.
Once again, he is entitled and paid to have an opinion on the game. That isn't my problem. You can't call a game rubbish by just looking at it. He could have said I didn't enjoy what I saw etc. this title is click bait.
Are you talking about Quantum Break's characters? Because so far we've just seen dudes wearing normal street clothes, and on the fashion model thing, they're characters are based on and played by good looking actors. What about them seems overdesigned exactly?
He looked at a game and said it looks a bit rubbish. Calm your tits.Once again, he is entitled and paid to have an opinion on the game. That isn't my problem. You can't call a game rubbish by just looking at it. He could have said I didn't enjoy what I saw etc. this title is click bait.
So far, I've chalked up my somewhat mixed feelings to rubbish marketing rather than the game being rubbish but Kotaku's latest impressions don't exactly instill me with confidence.
Fucking lol at a Remedy game landing in the "6 to 8" category.
Your post ranks in the immensely stupid category.
I think the combat looks rubbish too. Had no idea I had the same qualifications as a Kotaku writer to make that call without playing the game.
Are you equally outraged by the writer calling it "Excellent" before the behind closed doors demo?
(On the outrage-o-meter scale this should be even worse, because that was writen based on even less information than this article is based on.)
So your problem is just phrasing? Like if he'd said "the elements of the demo I saw looked rubbish" it would be fine?
Look up a video of Ninjabread man and tell me that game isn't rubbish. I dare youOnce again, he is entitled and paid to have an opinion on the game. That isn't my problem. You can't call a game rubbish by just looking at it. He could have said I didn't enjoy what I saw etc. this title is click bait.
Who is outraged? Obviously this writer like sensationalising his articles so he gets more clicks.
the headline is my only problem. I'm not sure why that's so difficult to understand.
He looked at a game and said it looks a bit rubbish. Calm your tits.
But based upon their previous efforts, do you think they would make something boring and generic? Max Payne and Alan Wake did some really cool narrative and combat things, so you really think Remedy have basically gone "Shove it, lets make it as generic as possible!"
Nope, no scores around or below 80 there.
To be fair the first report looks like a quick write up while watching the conference, whereas the second is a write up of an extended demonstration.
The really stupid thing about it is that these people really seem to believe that it's only negative opinions that require you to play the game first, not positive ones. Bunch of crap.Why is it so wrong to have an opinion of a game you've never played? I have opinions of things that have never affected me, ever.
Even more rubbish than Quantum Break or if you want to be really mean even more rubbish than The Order 1886!If QB looks rubbish as a game what are we going to call the really rubbish looking games?
I trust Remedy more than I trust Kotaku.
Better than your dumb shit "noooooo how dare he say the thing he saw doesn't look good! You can't say something looks good or bad just by looking at it!" You're acting like this is their final review or something when it's not even close to being presented as that.Thanks for the post. Amazing addition to the thread.