Welcome to the Final Fantasy XI Community Thread!
With the recent release of the most recent stage of Rhapsodies of Vanadiel, and the resultant resurgence of rookie and returning adventurers, the community thread is ripe for revitalization!

Linkshell: IHOP
Server: Sylph - http://ihop.guildwork.com/
Sackholders: Talym, Aurellius, Chocobro, Grahf, Pancakesandsx, Seigyoku
IHOP is our social linkshell, and the de facto NeoGAF linkshell. If you happen to be on the server, contact an active sackholder for a pearl. If youre start a new character, make it on Sylph. If youre reactivating on another server, consider transferring and joining us!
Player Directory
Add yourself to our handy Google Docs player directory! Itll make it easier to keep track of who is who here on GAF and in-game, as well as give us an idea if anyones missing a pearl.
If you used to play and are returning to the game, make sure to set yourself as active and update your character name if necessary!

Rhapsodies of Vanadiel is the ultimate conclusion of major story content for Final Fantasy XI.
It is free for all players and released in three chapters, with the first two having dropped in the May and August 2015 updates.
The final chapter has been released today with the November update.
Trailers: May | August | November
Whats New in Rhapsodies?
- Final main mission content that will be released for FFXI.
- New areas: Escha - Zitah, Escha - RuAun, Reisenjima
- New events: Geas Fete, Domain Invasion
- New class of super weapon: Aeonic weapons
- Mission rewards that provide you with massive boons such as:
- Cumulative, permanent 180% boost to experience point gains
- Cumulative, permanent 90% boost to capacity point gains
- Additional Trust NPC slots - up to 5, for a full solo party
- An 80% reduction in home point teleportation costs
- Relaxed costs and entry requirements: Dynamis, Salvage, Einherjar, Legion, Voidwatch, etc.
- Access to many consumables and items like chest/coffer keys at low cost from an NPC - A second Mog House floor and an accompanying second Mog Safe
- New job points, gifts, and other job adjustments
Due to its nature as the conclusion of main story content, Rhapsodies occasionally expects that players have completed certain portions of the base game and earlier expansions, and may contain some spoilers for those stories.
For the most part, Rhapsodies attempts to minimize spoilers on major plot points. Youll get alternate versions of cutscenes depending on your mission progress, but youll likely see characters that you havent met yet as a new player. The rewards for completing the missions are significant, particularly for new players, but if you are a super stickler when it comes to spoilers, consider yourself warned!

Many of you will be playing Final Fantasy XI for the first time, or will be returning after so long its like a brand new game anyway. Here are a few things you should know.
Where to Buy
Steam | Amazon (Ultimate Collection) | Amazon (Expansion Only) | Gamersgate
Client Download
You can download the PC client directly from Square-Enix.
Version Update Trailers
November 2015 | August 2015 | May 2015 | February 2015 | November 2014 | August 2014 | May 2014 | February 2014 | December 2013
Resources for New & Returning Players
- Official Final Fantasy XI website
A handy source of news and info about the latest updates. - New Player Tutorial
Added several years ago and contains some useful stuff that might give you a little more direction as you begin your adventures. - Returning Player Guide & Version Update History
BGWiki has a returning player guide that explains a bunch of the changes mentioned below in more detail. - Adventuring Primer
Contains some basic explanations of new content and what you should look into first if you're a new or returning player. Start here if you're overwhelmed by the community sites like BGWiki, etc.

General Changes
- Limit Breaks and virtually all missions are now soloable thanks to item level equipment and the Trust Initiative system.
- Dramatic changes to old endgame events systems:
- Solo entry for Dynamis, Limbus, Salvage, Einherjar, Assaults, Meeble Burrows, etc.
- Assault tag and Campaign op credit timers reduced to 10 minutes. **
- Adjustments to make certain assaults more solo-friendly.
- Dynamis, Limbus, and Einherjar can be entered once per day, or even more often. **
- Dynamis, Limbus, Einherjar, and Legion costs significantly reduced. **
- Kings are now popped with items obtained from KSNM99 and occasionally login campaigns. - Artifact, Relic, and Empyrean armor can be reforged to relevant level 109 and 119 versions.
Combat System Adjustments
- Enmity system overhauls mean tanking can be accomplished more effectively.
- Defense is more relevant and monster level correction has been altered or removed.
- Many weapon skills have received dramatic damage calculation changes.
- Magic bursts have received a dramatic buff, and are very powerful.

General Changes
- Many low cost, accessible teleportation options, including survival guides, home points, accolade warps, and more.
- Maps previously only quested can be purchased from an NPC.
- Mog house storage can be accessed from any mog house.
- New storage options, including the mog wardrobe, which increases your equippable inventory by up to 80.
- Base movement speed increased by 25%.
- Harvesting, Logging, and Mining points now have a visible indicator.
- Many gates and doors that required a few people can now be opened by a single person:
Garlaige Citadel banishing gates | Quicksand Caves weighted doors | Eldieme Necropolis doors | Halvung doors | Sacrarium door
- A new synthesis menu allows recipe selection, history, and favorites.
- New /lastsynth command repeats your last synthesis attempt.
- New crafting kits have been added for levels 1-50 for every craft allow you to produce the item with no other materials, but cannot result in an HQ synth. They are intended for use in skilling up.
- Synthesis skill-ups are now possible on recipes up to 10 levels below your current skill level.