ryutaro's mama
Is the appeal of Trump that he is against money in politics? Admittedly I don't know much about him. Aside from his tax plan, the wall, and hate speech.
And his penis.
Is the appeal of Trump that he is against money in politics? Admittedly I don't know much about him. Aside from his tax plan, the wall, and hate speech.
I don't think its fair to say that anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary hates minorities. Some people have a really bad financial situation, and to them democrats are the ones keeping them from having a better life. They could either vote for someone that will improve their life, or they could vote for someone who improves the lives of others. I'm sure they don't want to make other people's lives worse, but sometimes you don't have any other choice then to vote for the candidate that you believe will help you and your family the most.
I personally don't think that conservative fiscal policies are best, but some people do. Will voting for a republican help their financial situation? Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't mean that they hate minorities.
You may think that people like Huelen are ignorant or stupid, and you're free to believe that. However, please don't automatically accuse them of being racists who want to ruin America.
I don't think its fair to say that anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary hates minorities. Some people have a really bad financial situation, and to them democrats are the ones keeping them from having a better life. They could either vote for someone that will improve their life, or they could vote for someone who improves the lives of others. I'm sure they don't want to make other people's lives worse, but sometimes you don't have any other choice then to vote for the candidate that you believe will help you and your family the most.
I personally don't think that conservative fiscal policies are best, but some people do. Will voting for a republican help their financial situation? Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't mean that they hate minorities.
You may think that people like Huelen are ignorant or stupid, and you're free to believe that. However, please don't automatically accuse them of being racists who want to ruin America.
I don't think its fair to say that anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary hates minorities. Some people have a really bad financial situation, and to them democrats are the ones keeping them from having a better life. They could either vote for someone that will improve their life, or they could vote for someone who improves the lives of others. I'm sure they don't want to make other people's lives worse, but sometimes you don't have any other choice then to vote for the candidate that you believe will help you and your family the most.
I personally don't think that conservative fiscal policies are best, but some people do. Will voting for a republican help their financial situation? Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't mean that they hate minorities.
You may think that people like Huelen are ignorant or stupid, and you're free to believe that. However, please don't automatically accuse them of being racists who want to ruin America.
Ahhh yeah. He says it's no problem. But I dunno, he squints a lot.And his penis.
How in the hell can you not call anyone who votes for someone being openly fucking racist, well, a racist?I don't think its fair to say that anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary hates minorities. Some people have a really bad financial situation, and to them democrats are the ones keeping them from having a better life. They could either vote for someone that will improve their life, or they could vote for someone who improves the lives of others. I'm sure they don't want to make other people's lives worse, but sometimes you don't have any other choice then to vote for the candidate that you believe will help you and your family the most.
I personally don't think that conservative fiscal policies are best, but some people do. Will voting for a republican help their financial situation? Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't mean that they hate minorities.
You may think that people like Huelen are ignorant or stupid, and you're free to believe that. However, please don't automatically accuse them of being racists who want to ruin America.
The two types I know:
1. Old misogynists
2. Young Bernie-ites who seriously don't understand what 8 years of Bush did to this country.
I don't think its fair to say that anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary hates minorities. Some people have a really bad financial situation, and to them democrats are the ones keeping them from having a better life. They could either vote for someone that will improve their life, or they could vote for someone who improves the lives of others. I'm sure they don't want to make other people's lives worse, but sometimes you don't have any other choice then to vote for the candidate that you believe will help you and your family the most.
I personally don't think that conservative fiscal policies are best, but some people do. Will voting for a republican help their financial situation? Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't mean that they hate minorities.
You may think that people like Huelen are ignorant or stupid, and you're free to believe that. However, please don't automatically accuse them of being racists who want to ruin America.
I get what you're saying, and I'll vote for who I'm being told to vote for if I feel like we truly are in danger of getting a Trump presidency. It's just pathetic that this is our modern interpretation of democracy. Vote for X because Y sucks harder. What good is a democracy if I'm shoe-horned into voting for candidates that don't represent my values?Who says we don't want more? I sure want a fuck more out of our electoral system. I want a lot of Sander's platform to become reality. Universal healthcare? Higher education? Sign me the fuck up.
But not voting doesn't have any utility. It doesn't meaningfully shift the field in the direction you want. It doesn't. You staying home because Bernie isn't the nominee and a possible Cruz election as a result just tells people the country wanted Cruz. What Bernie has done, actively campaigning, that has shifted the field. No future presidential election will be untouched by the way rhetoric and perceptions of liberal voting bases have been adjusted in the last 12 months. Sitting out in November is just grandstanding.
I voted Liberal too, and I oscillate between NDP and Liberal depending on who best represents me at the time. The glory of the parliamentary system! And Harper wasn't as bad as any GOPer this election.
I would rather live in Canada under Harper than America under Clinton.
I would pay more in taxes if that would help to reduce the persecution minorities face in this country and I certainly wouldn't want to pay less at their expense.I don't think its fair to say that anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary hates minorities. Some people have a really bad financial situation, and to them democrats are the ones keeping them from having a better life. They could either vote for someone that will improve their life, or they could vote for someone who improves the lives of others. I'm sure they don't want to make other people's lives worse, but sometimes you don't have any other choice then to vote for the candidate that you believe will help you and your family the most.
I personally don't think that conservative fiscal policies are best, but some people do. Will voting for a republican help their financial situation? Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't mean that they hate minorities.
You may think that people like Huelen are ignorant or stupid, and you're free to believe that. However, please don't automatically accuse them of being racists who want to ruin America.
1. The lot of you are crying about how you can't vote for a politician who doesn't truly represent you. Boo fucking hoo, minorities, LGBT, and women have had to deal with that for decades. There is a political party that is actively trying to fuck their lives up in so many ways. They never get a politician who that truly represents them but you don't see them saying "Fuck the system lololol, I'll vote republican for the lulz!" They still vote for the closest politican they can find.
You don't worry about that because you're a white male, and because of such the policies the right will enact will affect you much less than the non white groups of America. It's white privilege to be able to vote for a repressive party because you didn't get your way. The rest of us don't have such a luxury. We have to vote for whoever is trying to fuck us over the least. Many upon many Americans stand to loss much with Trump/Cruz in office. They stand to lose insurance via ACA, which probably doesn't affect you because you have a decent paying job that provides adequate insurance. LGBT stand to lose the right to get married, again this doesn't bother/concern you because you're a straight white male, you've been able to get married since this country's inception.
2. With number one stated, it's clear that none of you actually ever gave a fuck about Bernie's platform and what he stands for because if you did then you'd have long realized how selfish and arrogant to vote against what he stands for. Hillary is corporate yes but even Bernie himself has acknowledged on more than one occasion that they both have the same goals in mind in regards to making America a place more tolerable for those who didn't hit the genetic lottery to be born middle class, white, and male. Bernie Sanders himself will vote this election and I can promise you he'll vote for Hillary.
Bernie's policies and platform were never the reason you people were voting for him. You were voting for him because most of you are to put it bluntly...fucking hipsters and Bernie Sanders/Feel the Bernie was the newest fad that you jumped on to show all your twitter/Facebook friends that you're "socially woke" and to pretend that you give a damn about the country or the people. It was an shallow act, and now that Bernie has lost you've dropped the fad and are on to the next one. You people heard the buzzword "anti-establishment" and jumped on the hype train, went to your social networks and blogs and posted links and articles about the sad state of America telling your friends to "wake up" like you were this social justice warrior but the entire thing was a damn act. You never gave a damn about the state of America or how it's people are being treated, and I mean ha why should you? It would barely affect you in the end. You're not poor, you're not LGBT, you're not a minority. At most you'll lose a dollar or two because of tax but hey life is still good.
Then when Trump/Cruz is elected and the put some ridiculously conservative judges on the SCOTUS and rollback all the progress America made, you'll sit in your ivory tower of white privilege and go "If only you people voted for Bernie! we could have avoided this!" Not once realizing that you directly contributed to the shit state of affairs when you decided to pout that your politician didn't get elected.
It's like you people don't understand a thing about politics, politics is all about compromising, even voters have to compromise. I personally would like the next 5 Presidents to be socially progressive minorities but I can't get that, but I am presented a politician who while I don't agree with all of her stances on things, she's the closest thing I've got to my ideal politician, and she's also the one who will fuck over us non white males the least and at the very least protect some of the laws that keep us safe and rollback others that hurt us. And that's the crux, you weren't "added" as a clause to be considered equal or worth protecting. We were and we'd like to see the clauses stay as they are and not eroded or removed completely because a segment of America deems us to be lessers.
But hey, take your ball and pout. That's the privilege granted to you. It must be nice.
I agree with all of this.Who made more money during the recession that Bush brought on? Besides Halliburton, Boeing, Lockheed Martin? I never understand this argument. Clinton's 8 years economy was great. Bush's 8 years economy was terrible. Obama's 8 years economy recovered.
I'd be willing to also, but money really isn't an issue with me at the moment. Some other people couldn't afford it, and I'm not going to hate them because of it.I would pay more in taxes if that would help to reduce the persecution minorities face in this country and I certainly wouldn't want to pay less at their expense.
I find it abhorrent that anyone would strive to keep our choices to just two parties who work to keep it that way for their own mutual benefit.
I don't think its fair to say that anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary hates minorities. Some people have a really bad financial situation, and to them democrats are the ones keeping them from having a better life. They could either vote for someone that will improve their life, or they could vote for someone who improves the lives of others. I'm sure they don't want to make other people's lives worse, but sometimes you don't have any other choice then to vote for the candidate that you believe will help you and your family the most.
I personally don't think that conservative fiscal policies are best, but some people do. Will voting for a republican help their financial situation? Maybe, maybe not. But it doesn't mean that they hate minorities.
You may think that people like Huelen are ignorant or stupid, and you're free to believe that. However, please don't automatically accuse them of being racists who want to ruin America.
I get what you're saying, and I'll vote for who I'm being told to vote for if I feel like we truly are in danger of getting a Trump presidency. It's just pathetic that this is our modern interpretation of democracy. Vote for X because Y sucks harder. What good is a democracy if I'm shoe-horned into voting for candidates that don't represent my values?
All these people will change their tune when she announces Elizabeth Warren as her VP.
I'm still trying to figure out who is who in this Watchmen analogy
All these people will change their tune when she announces Elizabeth Warren as her VP.
I don't think Hillary is a progressive pick. She's just not regressive. People are awfully dismissive of other people's reasons for voting how they want. The thing about a democracy is that shit won't always go your way. Seems every time one side doesn't get their way it's the fall of the Roman Empire and time to move to Canada.
That shit was designed because "We The People" couldn't be trusted to know what was good for us.
What good is a democracy if I'm shoe-horned into voting for candidates that don't represent my values?
Reading this thread it amazes me how many people think they are entitled to another person's vote and don't like when people don't follow their beliefs.
It is scary. What's worse is that post claiming that one is racist if people don't accept their beliefs..
How in the hell can you not call anyone who votes for someone being openly fucking racist, well, a racist?
When generations of voters (and I think it's correct to say it's generations at this point) only really perk up during presidential elections, and treat them as not much more than another competitive reality show, it shouldn't be a surprise when a reality show host playing by reality show rules makes it way farther than they should.
Can you explain to me how going from Bernie to Trump isn't racist? Can you explain how not voting in such a pivotal election with the other parties leading candidate being openly racist doesn't fuck over the minorities whose side you claim to be on?Reading this thread it amazes me how many people think they are entitled to another person's vote and don't like when people don't follow their beliefs.
It is scary. What's worse is that post claiming that one is racist if people don't accept their beliefs.
Neogaf has replaced religious extremism with political extremism.
It is pathetic, but it's what we have until real, large scale push for change comes and people are affected by the choices made regardless.
I don't think it's pathetic at all. It's the end game of democracy where people will group together to ensure victory for their grand viewpoint. A multi party system is nothing to brag about. It's not like shit is better in Britain politically. I think there is plenty of nuance between candidates in both parties and that's why we have primaries. We basically vote first for the top two and then have a runoff between those two to get an overall winner. You have to win in the playoffs to get to the SuperBowl.
The Supreme Court doesn't matter because I have feelings![]()
Mmm hmm.
Reading this thread it amazes me how many people think they are entitled to another person's vote and don't like when people don't follow their beliefs.
It is scary. What's worse is that post claiming that one is racist if people don't accept their beliefs.
Reading this thread it amazes me how many people think they are entitled to another person's vote and don't like when people don't follow their beliefs.
People forget this. But we are human, and thus need to hear words like these...
We can admire some aspects of someone and condemn them all at the same time. Feelings and opinions on candidates do not necessarily need to define us. That is actually a great thing about being human, we can be against injustice and admire certain aspects of someone all at the same time.
Like, I can't stand Clinton and won't vote for her, but I do like what she's said on Planned parenthood, I think it is agreeable and sound. Voting for Bernie doesn't make you a commie, voting for Arlington doesn't make you a saint, and voting for Trump doesn't make you a racist; communist views make you a commie, penance makes you a saint, and racism and bigotry and fear and close-mindedness makes you a racist, not voting.
Bernie supporters sure do crazy a lot.Man, Hillary voters whine a lot.
Mmm hmm.
We talkin about Bernie Sanders supporters now?
It's amazing how many people think Hillary is entitled to everyone's vote. It's a shame she even wasted her time campaigning.
People forget this. But we are human, and thus need to hear words like these...
We can admire some aspects of someone and condemn them all at the same time. Feelings and opinions on candidates do not necessarily need to define us. That is actually a great thing about being human, we can be against injustice and admire certain aspects of someone all at the same time.
Like, I can't stand Clinton and won't vote for her, but I do like what she's said on Planned parenthood, I think it is agreeable and sound. Voting for Bernie doesn't make you a commie, voting for Arlington doesn't make you a saint, and voting for Trump doesn't make you a racist; communist views make you a commie, penance makes you a saint, and racism and bigotry and fear and close-mindedness makes you a racist, not voting.
We need to let go of this fear, assumption and hate. Hell, I was attacked by a minority in this thread when I myself am a minority, simply because our viewpoints weren't exact. We can't keep doing this as a nation, yet it still happens.
Yeah, I don't get why she's even bothered. She's only saying the exact same things Trump has been saying. What's the point ?It's amazing how many people think Hillary is entitled to everyone's vote. It's a shame she even wasted her time campaigning.
Man, Hillary voters whine a lot.
You're missing what I'm getting at. It's their vote. If they don't see anything about Hillary they like/support (and this has nothing to do with Bernie's policies being similar to Hillary), why should they vote/support her? I'm not even talking about Trump or voting for him over Hillary. If they don't see either candidate worth supporting, why should they go and vote and voice "support" for either? Just because you tell them to?
We talkin about Bernie Sanders supporters now?
Man, Hillary voters whine a lot.
Agreed but this thread is scary.
We don't think she is fucking entitled, we are having a primary...voting for Bernie (yay!)
If he doesn't win and my choice is Hillary v. Trump, yah I'm voting Hillary. It isn't that complex.
Imagine you are in a room with 10 people. You have all decided that you are going to come up with a policy for dealing with X. X is a problem that affects everyone. Of course, some people do not think it is a problem at all, and they're here to tell you so! So you all sit down and begin to deliberate.So, why do some people here & overall feel like you have the right to tell someone else who they should vote for? You get 1 vote during primary & GE, they get 1 vote and I get 1 vote. Each person should be making up their own mind, and should be voting for who they think is best for them self, their family and the country/world. If they want to write-in Sanders, vote for Trump or 3rd party or Hillary, it should be up to them.
If a friend was telling me I was wasting my Michigan primary vote by voting for Hillary, I would fight back, maybe tell them something not nice & ignore them for a while. I personally do not trust Sanders and would not vote for him if he was the Dem nom.
I do wish everyone would go out & vote, regardless if it is for Hillary.