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Batman v. Superman RT Thread: like standing ovations in rain

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Avengers is a structurally tight blockbuster, that knows when to have fun and when to get (relatively) serious, and balances the two tones exceptionally well. Great cast dynamic where everyone plays off each other pretty perfectly (doubly impressive considering they were all hired in separate movies apart from each other). The plot is simple but perfectly functional in executing what the movie is actually about and needs to do: blending these six or seven completely different personalities together, and wringing as much chemistry and entertainment out of it as possible.

The movie could have easily been a disaster but ends up working so well that it almost looks effortless. Yeah yeah, flat lighting, Cap's costume, Hawkeye is a zombie for most of the movie, blah blah. The strengths outweigh the weaknesses and the whole thing is greater than the sum of its parts.

It was just fun to see them interacting together.
On the bright side, Transformers always does bad reviews but still makes billion dollars.

Yeah, but Transformers are fun. Terrible movies but truckloads of mindless fun. I really enjoy them.

And then you have BvS, it sucks the fun out of you. It makes you a bit dead inside. It decapitates your soul, eats the head and vomits it back onto your lap. Then the movie starts.
Why even quote me if you're just going to gloss over everything I wrote?

Blockbusters like the first Avengers are pretty rare, despite what the "AVENGERS IS SHIT" contingent on GAF would like to believe. Few are as well put together or genuinely exciting to watch, with casts that work as well as that one. Most are pretty sloppy, boring affairs with dull actors and duller action. Whether that says more about Avengers' strengths or how few actually good blockbusters we get every year is another matter though...
Heroes interaction with one another was the best thing about the movie, I agree with you there. Likeable protagonists is Marvel's greatest strength in MCU, I like watching them in every movie. But that's not something that can put a movie as one of the best with a boring, basic plot with an awful villain. Even the action is against random copy pasted robots that we have no reason to care or feel much since they just come out of the sky and it's bad. Look at WS for comparison. Soldier that's built throughout the movie and brings tension and causes damage even though they didn't go all in there either.
I doubt Alan Moore would agree that the "entire point" of Watchmen is the specific nature of the fake threat that the villain creates.

i meant the entire point of the ending, not the entire point of the whole graphic novel. we were discussing the ending, the point of the alien monster, and why doc manhattan doesn't work as a replacement for it.


Just came back from seeing this and now I understand why the reviews are lower than Man of Steel, which is actually a more coherent movie. That might be hard to believe, but hooooooo boy is this movie a mess! But it's a lovable mess that tries REALLY hard (bless you, Based God Snyder) and personally I think every GAFer should see it, if only 'cause some segments are straight up from the Arkham games. Also, it is going to fuel message board arguments for the next decade, no doubt about it.

I will post more spoiler filled impressions in the spoiler thread, but here's some quick thoughts...


- BATFLECK THE GOD. Srs, Batman had to dive bomb into this movie to save the day and Ben put in work. He does a shitload of un-Batman like things that were riffed from The Dark Knight Returns, which I feel like Synder and Terrio both obviously loved but probably didn't understand very well...BUT I WAS WILLING TO FORGIVE ALL BECAUSE HIS PERFORMANCE SAVED THIS DAMN MOVIE. Also him and Jeremy Irons spit some witty fire at each other.
- Wonder Woman rocks. I know where those early tweets saying she got standing ovations came from. Also she has the best music.
- Doomsday final boss fight is pretty good tbh


- Superman gets the shaft hard in this movie and Cavill cannot compete against the acting chomps of Batfleck the God. This movie will not help those "moping, sad Superman" arguments at all.
- The reasoning for Bats to fight Supes is pretty damn weak
- The script. Whoever came up with that pic of Terrio standing with FALSE GOD on his chest is on the nose; because the script, no matter what you heard, AIN'T THAT GOOD. It's filled with quasi-intellectual metaphors and mythology illusions, and the characters literally talk about the nature of life like they're in a mid 90's Japanese RPG at times. (GAF might see this as a positive actually; some of the lines are so bad they are funny)


- Really was not feeling Lex Luthor. Soon as he came on screen, I wanted to punch him and that feeling lasted till the end.
- The poorly structured nature of the movie's first hour - this is where all those rotten tomatoes are coming from because there are just too many random story moments pieced together incoherently for the film to be considered a "good" one, at least in its beginning half. Those critics sadly are not working under a Marvel conspiracy - they're just calling bullshit when they see it, and this first act got cut to hell and back. The extended Blu-ray might fix things up a bit, but ya, bullshit.

To sum things up, it's kind of a magnificent trainwreck with some epic fanservice moments which make it entertaining and worth watching at least once. It's kinda like the comic book movie version of Advent Children.

Read a number of reviews where they loved the first half/hour more. Not sure what's going on. How can it be so divisive?
How the fuck is the Avengers rated as some top tier in terms of great movie, even for Marvel movies? The only good thing is that it has superheros as a team getting together.

- The villains overall are garbage. 1,000s of generic looking characters that all get beat and we know nothing from their feats. Big snake thing that comes out and gets destroyed by the hulk. All of them being led by the guy that got his ass smashed by Thor. But now we are supposed to take him seriously as Thor whose noticeably stronger teams up with Ironman, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Fury, the Hulk, & Captain America.
- Which leads to having literally no tension at all during the movie. Execpt for that overly scripted death scene that later on doesn't even turn into a death scene. Apparently this is also a guy everyone here is supposed to care, how many of them know him exceptionally well?
- The plot.. fuck lets just move on.
- Captain America's writing & costume.
- Needed a laugh track to equal to Big Bang Theory type of comedy. I actually dug some of the comedy but was too overdone.
- Deus Ex Machina Hulk being able to control and not control his powers depending on what the movie needs.
- Bomb explosion makes generic 1,000s of copy & paste bad guys disappear because why not.

FUN theater experience. Had a blast. Generally on second watches, the quality is very little over, under or the same. Only movie I had a totally different outlook on the second viewing and promised to not watch again so I wouldn't rate it any lower. No idea what appeal this movie has over CBM other than superheroes getting together, plenty of Marvel movies are better written and directed let alone overall. Even with those flaws, it's a fun movie and should be enjoyed. If Avengers came out today, I guarantee you it would be nowhere near as well received as it originally was.

I still don't know why one of Thanos' people didn't fall from sky.

It really doesn't hold up in repeat viewings. The main draw is that this is the first time you see this cinematic universe stuff actually work.

There's like no story and Iron Man fixes a ship for too long, but the character interactions are on point.


The movie needed a gigantic mechanical spider, that would've saved everything


Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'd actually like to know :)

So be it... Plasma. :)

Barring the fact that the film can't physically give us everything the comic does, it manages to bring many a classic scene from the comic to the screen fairly faithfully, at least in terms of visuals. It also manages to miss the point of many of them, kinda like Zack does with Superman. I'm going to pick one example:

Nite Owl's reaction to Rorschach's death...

...is pure, unadulterated, Hollywood bullshit. It's awful. A brilliant scene utterly mangled in translation to screen.

The film gives us Rorschach and Manhattan's exchange, sure, but what could've been a contemplative moment between two characters is torn asunder by a cringy Hollywood "NOOOOO" from Nite Owl, followed by him then beating up the guy who not only soundly pounded him mere moments ago without breaking a sweat, but who also has a monumental enough ego that it would be completely out of character for him to allow it. Case in point: he never got over having his arse handed to him by The Comedian all those years ago, hence why he was so vicious during the rematch. He held a grudge for that long.

Now, in the comic, this scene is quite minimalist. It's a quiet piece that builds to a crescendo. Little is said overall, but it adds to the intensity of the moment. The subtext is given room to breathe too: Man vs God, the Insane vs Cosmic Order, Existentialism vs God - all sorts of shit. On the surface, this isn't a heroic moment. It's a mad dog being put down. It is sad, private and inevitable. After he is murdered, no-one else really knows what happened. Subtext aside, it's an intensely emotional moment without being trite or histrionic.

Was Nite Owl's insertion into this scene necessary? Did it drive the plot along or give us a better understanding of the characters and their motivations? Did they perhaps add a layer of symbolism or thematic development? Did it make it better in anyway?


So why add it at all? They had to have Nite Owl do those things because Hollywood can't have (what is ostensibly) a "bad guy" - they gave him overt Nazi connections, for fuck's sake - get away with his "nefarious" scheme without having some kind of comeuppance. Is that a sentiment the comic holds to? No, absolutely not.

That's one example of the film wearing the comic's skin but not having it's heart.

I'm a massive fanboy though so... :)

100 % agree. I loved that Bryan Hitch art man.
So you're in a band huh? What did you name it? And can hear it?
I named my band, Disasters of the Universe... Haha always chuckle when I say it out loud.

Yeah. This one isn't together anymore sadly. We were called: Let Our Enemies Beware. ;)

That's a great band name. Love a good pun, me :)


Why even quote me if you're just going to gloss over everything I wrote?

Blockbusters like the first Avengers are pretty rare, despite what the "AVENGERS IS SHIT" contingent on GAF would like to believe. Few are as well put together or genuinely exciting to watch, with casts that work as well as that one. Most are pretty sloppy, boring affairs with dull actors and duller action. Whether that says more about Avengers' strengths or how few actually good blockbusters we get every year is another matter though...
It's amazing that there are people who don't get this when you see movie after movie positioned as a franchise-starter end up flopping. If it was easy to routinely put out movies like The Avengers and make over a billion dollars, then you wouldn't see Warner struggle getting their version of the cinematic universe off the ground.


well not really...yet
Read a number of reviews where they loved the first half/hour more. Not sure what's going on. How can it be so divisive?
The bad editing and pacing of the first half seem pretty unanimous.

Even if I dont like the flick when I see it tomorrow I will probably still check out the Directors Cut to see what damage was done in the editing room.
Just came back from seeing this and now I understand why the reviews are lower than Man of Steel, which is actually a more coherent movie. That might be hard to believe, but hooooooo boy is this movie a mess! But it's a lovable mess that tries REALLY hard (bless you, Based God Snyder) and personally I think every GAFer should see it, if only 'cause some segments are straight up from the Arkham games. Also, it is going to fuel message board arguments for the next decade, no doubt about it.

I will post more spoiler filled impressions in the spoiler thread, but here's some quick thoughts...


- BATFLECK THE GOD. Srs, Batman had to dive bomb into this movie to save the day and Ben put in work. He does a shitload of un-Batman like things that were riffed from The Dark Knight Returns, which I feel like Synder and Terrio both obviously loved but probably didn't understand very well...BUT I WAS WILLING TO FORGIVE ALL BECAUSE HIS PERFORMANCE SAVED THIS DAMN MOVIE. Also him and Jeremy Irons spit some witty fire at each other.
- Wonder Woman rocks. I know where those early tweets saying she got standing ovations came from. Also she has the best music.
- Doomsday final boss fight is pretty good tbh


- Superman gets the shaft hard in this movie and Cavill cannot compete against the acting chomps of Batfleck the God. This movie will not help those "moping, sad Superman" arguments at all.
- The reasoning for Bats to fight Supes is pretty damn weak
- The script. Whoever came up with that pic of Terrio standing with FALSE GOD on his chest is on the nose; because the script, no matter what you heard, AIN'T THAT GOOD. It's filled with quasi-intellectual metaphors and mythology illusions, and the characters literally talk about the nature of life like they're in a mid 90's Japanese RPG at times. (GAF might see this as a positive actually; some of the lines are so bad they are funny)


- Really was not feeling Lex Luthor. Soon as he came on screen, I wanted to punch him and that feeling lasted till the end.
- The poorly structured nature of the movie's first hour - this is where all those rotten tomatoes are coming from because there are just too many random story moments pieced together incoherently for the film to be considered a "good" one, at least in its beginning half. Those critics sadly are not working under a Marvel conspiracy - they're just calling bullshit when they see it, and this first act got cut to hell and back. The extended Blu-ray might fix things up a bit, but ya, bullshit.

To sum things up, it's kind of a magnificent trainwreck with some epic fanservice moments which make it entertaining and worth watching at least once. It's kinda like the comic book movie version of Advent Children.

Cheers Chap. Good write up
39% RT and 84% audience score. That's quite the gap, though too soon to judge.

Really doubt almost 120k people watched the movie already and went to RT to post their thoughs on it, most of these are fans giving it a high score before the first trailer was released


I love Cap in the Avengers. When it comes to comicbooks Superman have always been my favorite superhero. The Avengers is the movie i realized Cap is a better Superman than anything i'll ever get out of DC movies. And that costume is aces, he's blue and proud of it! Dislike the muted colors in the movies after it.

I felt this way about the vision on AoU. Colorful, super powerful, not ashamed of his cape and, most importantly, he does feel like an outsider who almost have the right to feel above humanity and, yet, simply appreciates the human potential.
Just came back from seeing this and now I understand why the reviews are lower than Man of Steel, which is actually a more coherent movie. That might be hard to believe, but hooooooo boy is this movie a mess! But it's a lovable mess that tries REALLY hard (bless you, Based God Snyder) and personally I think every GAFer should see it, if only 'cause some segments are straight up from the Arkham games. Also, it is going to fuel message board arguments for the next decade, no doubt about it.

I will post more spoiler filled impressions in the spoiler thread, but here's some quick thoughts...


- BATFLECK THE GOD. Srs, Batman had to dive bomb into this movie to save the day and Ben put in work. He does a shitload of un-Batman like things that were riffed from The Dark Knight Returns, which I feel like Synder and Terrio both obviously loved but probably didn't understand very well...BUT I WAS WILLING TO FORGIVE ALL BECAUSE HIS PERFORMANCE SAVED THIS DAMN MOVIE. Also him and Jeremy Irons spit some witty fire at each other.
- Wonder Woman rocks. I know where those early tweets saying she got standing ovations came from. Also she has the best music.
- Doomsday final boss fight is pretty good tbh


- Superman gets the shaft hard in this movie and Cavill cannot compete against the acting chomps of Batfleck the God. This movie will not help those "moping, sad Superman" arguments at all.
- The reasoning for Bats to fight Supes is pretty damn weak
- The script. Whoever came up with that pic of Terrio standing with FALSE GOD on his chest is on the nose; because the script, no matter what you heard, AIN'T THAT GOOD. It's filled with quasi-intellectual metaphors and mythology illusions, and the characters literally talk about the nature of life like they're in a mid 90's Japanese RPG at times. (GAF might see this as a positive actually; some of the lines are so bad they are funny)


- Really was not feeling Lex Luthor. Soon as he came on screen, I wanted to punch him and that feeling lasted till the end.
- The poorly structured nature of the movie's first hour - this is where all those rotten tomatoes are coming from because there are just too many random story moments pieced together incoherently for the film to be considered a "good" one, at least in its beginning half. Those critics sadly are not working under a Marvel conspiracy - they're just calling bullshit when they see it, and this first act got cut to hell and back. The extended Blu-ray might fix things up a bit, but ya, bullshit.

To sum things up, it's kind of a magnificent trainwreck with some epic fanservice moments which make it entertaining and worth watching at least once. It's kinda like the comic book movie version of Advent Children.

Loved the review, lmao

One more day!


i meant the entire point of the ending, not the entire point of the whole graphic novel. we were discussing the ending, the point of the alien monster, and why doc manhattan doesn't work as a replacement for it.

I thought substituting the alien fear for a fear of God worked. It was different, but the idea of a being with God-like powers proving to be angry and vengeful, annihilating his partial namesake among others areas and thereby severing any prior allegiances was a good alternative to fear of a non-human hostile other.


Something I just found out courtesy of a glance at the DCEU page on Wikipedia is that Man of Steel got an A- Cinemascore. (Contrast 55% RT, which is lower than I was expecting!)
Read a number of reviews where they loved the first half/hour more. Not sure what's going on. How can it be so divisive?

There's some cool Bruce Wayne stuff in the first half hour/hour or so, and a Batman chase scene that's good. I assume they're talking about that, because there are just way too many scene jumps otherwise. You literally get the feeling that someone rearranged sections in the editing room to be in the most incoherent, non-traditional storytelling way imaginable. It's like Man of Steel's semi-weird flashback sequences, but coked up and on steroids. I think the extended cut will fix a lot of these issues, to be fair.

Oh, the people who loved it also might be referring to the Knightmare sequence, but that's honestly a weird bit. Not sure what to think of it because it really feels like gratuitous fanservice more than anything else (which I liked and disliked at the same time).


BvS is carried by a brutal Batfleck, but as a whole it offers more philosophical drama than superhero escapism.

Disappointed to learn that. I didn't get a Man of Steel vibe from the trailers, so it sounds like the trailers are (possibly) misleading?


well not really...yet
Something I just found out courtesy of a glance at the DCEU page on Wikipedia is that Man of Steel got an A- Cinemascore. (Contrast 55% RT, which is lower than I was expecting!)
Cinemascore doesn't really mean all that much to be honest, unless you're getting Cs and Ds


Just came back from seeing this and now I understand why the reviews are lower than Man of Steel, which is actually a more coherent movie. That might be hard to believe, but hooooooo boy is this movie a mess! But it's a lovable mess that tries REALLY hard (bless you, Based God Snyder) and personally I think every GAFer should see it, if only 'cause some segments are straight up from the Arkham games. Also, it is going to fuel message board arguments for the next decade, no doubt about it.

I will post more spoiler filled impressions in the spoiler thread, but here's some quick thoughts...


- BATFLECK THE GOD. Srs, Batman had to dive bomb into this movie to save the day and Ben put in work. He does a shitload of un-Batman like things that were riffed from The Dark Knight Returns, which I feel like Synder and Terrio both obviously loved but probably didn't understand very well...BUT I WAS WILLING TO FORGIVE ALL BECAUSE HIS PERFORMANCE SAVED THIS DAMN MOVIE. Also him and Jeremy Irons spit some witty fire at each other.
- Wonder Woman rocks. I know where those early tweets saying she got standing ovations came from. Also she has the best music.
- Doomsday final boss fight is pretty good tbh


- Superman gets the shaft hard in this movie and Cavill cannot compete against the acting chomps of Batfleck the God. This movie will not help those "moping, sad Superman" arguments at all.
- The reasoning for Bats to fight Supes is pretty damn weak
- The script. Whoever came up with that pic of Terrio standing with FALSE GOD on his chest is on the nose; because the script, no matter what you heard, AIN'T THAT GOOD. It's filled with quasi-intellectual metaphors and mythology illusions, and the characters literally talk about the nature of life like they're in a mid 90's Japanese RPG at times. (GAF might see this as a positive actually; some of the lines are so bad they are funny)


- Really was not feeling Lex Luthor. Soon as he came on screen, I wanted to punch him and that feeling lasted till the end.
- The poorly structured nature of the movie's first hour - this is where all those rotten tomatoes are coming from because there are just too many random story moments pieced together incoherently for the film to be considered a "good" one, at least in its beginning half. Those critics sadly are not working under a Marvel conspiracy - they're just calling bullshit when they see it, and this first act got cut to hell and back. The extended Blu-ray might fix things up a bit, but ya, bullshit.

To sum things up, it's kind of a magnificent trainwreck with some epic fanservice moments which make it entertaining and worth watching at least once. It's kinda like the comic book movie version of Advent Children.

Pretty close to my thoughts on it. And YES on the bolded. I thought overall the music was a bit patchy but there are a couple of moments when it just hit right, WW's being the prime example. This is a movie of epic moments bobbling in a sea of piss and confusion. I think a lot of folks impressions of the film are going to be dependent on how much personal impact those moments where it works and is epic and great have, and whether that impact cuts through the rest of the muddle.

Dat first act though, it's actually mindboggling how it can be so fucking long yet so woefully undercooked and patchy. I'm not sure the Directors cut is going to help the first act much, it's already a bit of slog and adding 10-15 minutes at least to attempt to fix it might make it flow better but it's going to make it hellishly long.
I thought substituting the alien fear for a fear of God worked. It was different, but the idea of a being with God-like powers proving to be angry and vengeful, annihilating his partial namesake among others areas and thereby severing any prior allegiances was a good alternative to fear of a non-human hostile other.

and why would the russians believe the US about the Doc and not just shrug their shoulders and let their greatest enemy eat a bag of dicks?

It doesn't work as well and, again, the novel made it a point to mention that the alien was free of ideology and a neutral threat so having the doc be the replacement for it misses what the alien was meant to be in the first place.


I felt this way about the vision on AoU. Colorful, super powerful, not ashamed of his cape and, most importantly, he does feel like an outsider who almost have the right to feel above humanity and, yet, simply appreciates the human potential.

Vision is my favorite thing out of AoU. He looks and acts and feels reasonably weird, like he shouldn't belong, but you immediately understand him and he fits right in. Then he's used appropriately and gets a couple of cool visual moments.


Cinemascore doesn't really mean all that much to be honest, unless you're getting Cs and Ds

I suppose that's kind of my point, for how badly Man of Steel tends to be thought of these days I was not expecting that level of critic/audience disconnect.

Or possibly for it to be the other way around.


Something I just found out courtesy of a glance at the DCEU page on Wikipedia is that Man of Steel got an A- Cinemascore. (Contrast 55% RT, which is lower than I was expecting!)

Cinemascores can be deceiving, especially for frontloaded movies where fanboys make up a large part of the audience. In the end, the bad reviews from mainstream critics bogged the movie down.

I'm not saying audience reactions or preferences are less valid. I think the movie is probably "good" for general audiences, but nothing that makes it great or worth watching more than once. It's box office reflects that.

Let's see what happens to BvS
A feeling I'm getting from all these reviews is that the movie is so self assured in the fact that it has the DC Trinity in it that it forgets to make us care for this particular version.


and why would the russians believe the US about the Doc and not just shrug their shoulders and let their greatest enemy eat a bag of dicks?

It doesn't work as well and, again, the novel made it a point to mention that the alien was free of ideology and a neutral threat so having the doc be the replacement for it misses what the alien was meant to be in the first place.

Destroying most of your capital city doesn't seem like the greatest false flag operation.

It's just a new enemy to distract from continuing war with fellow humans.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Just came back from seeing this and now I understand why the reviews are lower than Man of Steel, which is actually a more coherent movie. That might be hard to believe, but hooooooo boy is this movie a mess! But it's a lovable mess that tries REALLY hard (bless you, Based God Snyder) and personally I think every GAFer should see it, if only 'cause some segments are straight up from the Arkham games. Also, it is going to fuel message board arguments for the next decade, no doubt about it.

I will post more spoiler filled impressions in the spoiler thread, but here's some quick thoughts...


- BATFLECK THE GOD. Srs, Batman had to dive bomb into this movie to save the day and Ben put in work. He does a shitload of un-Batman like things that were riffed from The Dark Knight Returns, which I feel like Synder and Terrio both obviously loved but probably didn't understand very well...BUT I WAS WILLING TO FORGIVE ALL BECAUSE HIS PERFORMANCE SAVED THIS DAMN MOVIE. Also him and Jeremy Irons spit some witty fire at each other.
- Wonder Woman rocks. I know where those early tweets saying she got standing ovations came from. Also she has the best music.
- Doomsday final boss fight is pretty good tbh


- Superman gets the shaft hard in this movie and Cavill cannot compete against the acting chomps of Batfleck the God. This movie will not help those "moping, sad Superman" arguments at all.
- The reasoning for Bats to fight Supes is pretty damn weak
- The script. Whoever came up with that pic of Terrio standing with FALSE GOD on his chest is on the nose; because the script, no matter what you heard, AIN'T THAT GOOD. It's filled with quasi-intellectual metaphors and mythology illusions, and the characters literally talk about the nature of life like they're in a mid 90's Japanese RPG at times. (GAF might see this as a positive actually; some of the lines are so bad they are funny)


- Really was not feeling Lex Luthor. Soon as he came on screen, I wanted to punch him and that feeling lasted till the end.
- The poorly structured nature of the movie's first hour - this is where all those rotten tomatoes are coming from because there are just too many random story moments pieced together incoherently for the film to be considered a "good" one, at least in its beginning half. Those critics sadly are not working under a Marvel conspiracy - they're just calling bullshit when they see it, and this first act got cut to hell and back. The extended Blu-ray might fix things up a bit, but ya, bullshit.

To sum things up, it's kind of a magnificent trainwreck with some epic fanservice moments which make it entertaining and worth watching at least once. It's kinda like the comic book movie version of Advent Children.

Damn good review. :)
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