I can't even imagine how it feels to be all of the actors attached to the DC "Universe", thinking that they had their future pretty much set in stone for the foreseeable future, especially some of the lesser known folks.
I can't believe they trusted Zach Snyder to lead this revival. What in the world were they thinking? How did Christopher Nolan not have enough pull to let them know that wouldn't work? None of this makes sense to me at all.
I can't imagine they go forward with their plans if this film does much lower than the estimates. I hope it crashes and burns so badly that they have no choice but to burn it all to the ground and start fresh. Hopefully this will be a wakeup call to SOMEONE about who they should trust with such a huge project. Whoever set all of this up in the first place should be fired. Which idiot was it exactly?
If this flops, even if just critically, it could be one of the biggest disasters in film history. Not simply because of what this film makes, or doesn't make, at the box office, but how it could affect so many future projects.
I feel badly for Suicide Squad and all of those involved as well. That one looks like a quality film, and I hate that it is attached to this apparent mess.