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No Mans Sky | PC Performance Thread


Encounter a hilarious "bug ?". If doesn't get to a save point before changing any of your setting in the .ini . The game will constantly crash after the No Man's Sky logo. I have to uninstall for it to work again.


OK, so I was having the same issues as many of you.
Here's what I did to fix it:

in Nvidia Control Panel, set Vsync to Adaptive and set Shader Cache to OFF.

That smoothed everything out for me. Hope it works for others.

yeah that worked for me
OK, so I was having the same performance issues as many of you.
Here's what I did to fix it:

in Nvidia Control Panel, set Vsync to Adaptive and set Shader Cache to OFF.

That smoothed everything out for me. Hope it works for others.

Tried that right now, didn't work.
So my FPS is the same at 1080p as it is at 4k. Never seems to go above 50 nor drop below 40. I'm not getting any stuttering though (except on title screen)

[email protected]
Titan X
16 GB Ram

All details maxed, disabled vsync (I have Gsync monitor), set to max FPS, 16x anisotropic filtering in Nvidia control panel.

Why the hell would the performance be the same at any resolution?

I had having a similar issue when running in borderless windowed. When I changed it to full screen, it seemed to change the performance the way I expected it to when I changed the resolution. Give it a shot.


OK, so I was having the same performance issues as many of you.
Here's what I did to fix it:

in Nvidia Control Panel, set Vsync to Adaptive and set Shader Cache to OFF.

That smoothed everything out for me. Hope it works for others.

Made the game a stuttering mess for me.


I had having a similar issue when running in borderless windowed. When I changed it to full screen, it seemed to change the performance the way I expected it to. Give it a shot.

Ahh, yes, that fixed it (I seem to recall borderless windowed having the same issue with another game I played come to think of it). Now, for some reason, the graphics look all blurry. I'm going to switch it back to 4k at fullscreen instead of 1440p.
OK, so I was having the same performance issues as many of you.
Here's what I did to fix it:

in Nvidia Control Panel, set Vsync to Adaptive and set Shader Cache to OFF.

That smoothed everything out for me. Hope it works for others.

(Fullscreen, max settings)

left sync alone but changed the Shader Cache to OFF and that made it a lot more smoother.

Thank you very much.


yeah that worked for me

left sync alone but changed the Shader Cache to OFF and that made it a lot more smoother.

Thank you very much.

I'm glad it helped out for you guys.
When the dev said they thought there was a shader cache error, I figured I would force it to off in NV control panel. I'm actually going to turn my vsync back on as well.

So expect a shader cache patch is coming very soon...
Until then I'd definitely suggest others to set it to OFF just to see if it helps out.
I'm glad it helped out for you guys.
When the dev said they thought there was a shader cache error, I figured I would force it to off in NV control panel. I'm actually going to turn my vsync back on as well.

So expect a shader cache patch is coming very soon...
Until then I'd definitely suggesting setting it to OFF just to see if it helps out.

Good catch. To be honest, I'm really surprised how well it runs on my laptop w/ a Nvidia GeForce 960M. Think I have all the details all at high and I believe I lowered the AA (or whatever it is) down a notch (from 4 to 2 I believe). The only downside is that I can't use the geforce optimization feature in the geforce experience app because, for some reason, it won't detect the game. Even add the specific folder NMS is in. Maybe it will show up later, game works.

for those on a laptop w/ a 960M, you should be fine as long as you meet the other requirements as the game is completely playable on mostly high settings.
Has anyone gotten this working with steam in-home streaming? Using the other performance tips I've gotten it running great on my machine, but whenever I try to stream it to my media PC it keeps dropping due to "Slow encode" I've tried both hardware acceleration on my GTX 1070 and via quick-sync.

The strange thing is I can look over and it will be running at 60+ FPS on my machine while it's failing to encode at even 1 FPS.


Gold Member
i have the gog version but can't seem to get it to show up in nvidia geforce experience. i have it set to scan "C:\GOG Games\No Man's Sky\Binaries\" which is whre the desktop shortcut goes to but it can't find it.
played for about an hour and a half. It's actually kind of fun but I think I can already see the gameplay wearing thin. I am going to request a refund due to the performance issues. The game actually crashed on me when closing it and hearing all the bad stories on here i think i'll wait for a few patches and see if mods emerge.


I love the game so far so this really makes me sad, for both the devs and those with issues, I don't get how the performance can be this varied.

Like I said earlier I've not had a single crash yet and it runs at 120-144fps pretty much all the time. :/

There are some occasional (like super rare) dips down to around 40fps though (when loading in new environment details maybe?) but from the sound of it some people are seeing game-breaking performance all the time on way faster rigs than mine.

Some details

i7 4790K 4,0GHz
16GB DDR3 PC12800/1600MHz
Gigabyte GeForce GTX980 Ti G1 6GB

I'm still at Windows 7 (64bit), could that matter?

Edit: GeForce Game Ready driver is super old too. 2015-07-29 version. 353.62. Latest driver according to GeForce experience is 368.81. No idea if the new one is worse, just posting stuff that might stick out from the rest of you.

I'll look into the NMS graphics settings, I know I have v-sync off since I'm using g-sync and no higher than 1920x1080, I think the rest is standard high but I'll recheck shortly if something else is off, and no cap on the framerate obviously.

Edit2: Some stuff was set to medium, I switched to the highest possible on everything now (except v-sync) and the framerate dropped to 100-115fps now. Still runs fine and looks pretty great!

Edit3: Steam version btw.


Neo Member
4690k (oc 4400)
Gtx 970

I played it for 5 hours last night and initially it was terrible.

but after setting fps to max, vsync off and letting geforce experience do its thing
the stutter seemed to disappear .
I had a look at afterburner and noticed that the cpu was getting more hammered than the gpu. In fact the gpu
never went above 60'c.

If you like the game ( and in these early stages I do!) I would wait it out.

And thanks to all those gaffers posting fixes. It's helped a PC newb like me a lot


well, it's a hitchy mess on my rx480. (CPU: i5 3570 4.2ghz Ram: 8gb) Doesn't matter what settings lowest to highest it hitches like a motherfucker. I guess I'll wait and see if they fix it eventually.


Does anyone know why Geforce Experience just won't add the Gog version of this? It's annoying to not have access to the share functions and shadowplay.


Just played for 102 minutes. I turned off V-sync as well as kept FPS at 30. Played pretty well I thought. Maybe a few times the FPS dropped to 0, but eh. It was fine.

i7-3770 3.40 GHz
16GB memory
Geforce GTX 960 4GB


I really want to like it and I love the gameplay, however the frequent dips in fps and overall blurry look are really off putting and I don't even really care about any of that pc master race crap.

Definitely refunding this for now, since 60 bucks is 60 bucks, however I'd totally buy it again if this all gets sorted out, although the really low textures being so blurry is extremely eye straining.

It also was in no way as bad as Arkham Knight, talk about hyperbole.


Played a bit last night, was averaging around 45fps at 4k with everything maxed aside from using FXAA. I set max frames to 60 and turned vsync off. Didn't have any stuttering and it was a lot more enjoyable to play than the PS4 version.

Titan X
4790k @ 4.2 GHz
installed on SSD


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm seeing very high frame-rates all around but there is a lot of stuttering and hitching at certain points.

I7-5820k + 970


Once I got the settings figured out (frame limiter off), game has been silky smooth 60fps, minimal stuttering. There are some definite rough patches with texture loading. I'm enjoying the game, sucks that so many of you aren't.

i7 3770K not OC'd (3.5ghz)
Samsung 1TB SSD
EVGA 1080

Windows 10
Latest drivers

Played a bit last night, was averaging around 45fps at 4k with everything maxed aside from using FXAA. I set max frames to 60 and turned vsync off. Didn't have any stuttering and it was a lot more enjoyable to play than the PS4 version.

Titan X
4790k @ 4.2 GHz
installed on SSD

Try using the Max setting for the frame limiter and see if it puts you at 60fps. I was hovering at 45-58 with the same settings, turned off the limiter and now it sticks at 60fps 95% of the time.

Repo Man

Big thanks to all the gaffers who have found and shared tweaks and fixes. The game runs and looks better now after I edited the FOV and forced AF from the driver. Decided to switch off AA completely as I felt both options made the IQ blurry so I'll have the jaggies instead. Now just need the devs to sort out the random occasional stutters though I'm still gonna try the latest driver from nvidia and maybe move my install on my SSD.


So, i have 980ti, 6700k, 16 ddr4.

First run was bad, really bad stutters and stops.

Changed graphics options to max, disabled v-sync, fps to max, set fov to 100. Set borderless window.

Set NV control panel vsync on, 16 AF, triple buffering on.

2nd run of game has slight stutters. First time doing some actions like entering ship there are pauses, but now game is fairly smooth. Stuttering is very minimal.

So overall after hearing all the bad shit im not that disappointed as i have come prepared with the easy steps to minimize the issues, but yeah i think the fact that pauses happen usually the first time you do things make me think this is some caching issue.

With this setup i just played 4 hours straight and didnt have any stutters after the initial hour or so. Jumped to other planets and stuff, no stutters. Smooth gameplay. Actually was pretty fun, game is great.


Gold Member
apart from stuttering/hitching and odd framedrops i'm ok with the performance. it could be way better but it's totally playable. hopefully after a few patches the performance will be more smooth but until then i'm quite fine with it.


i7-6700K 4.5Ghz, 16GB DDR4 2400, GTX 1070 (368.81 drivers). Windows 10 64-bit (1607).

i'm using the GOG version. disabled vsync, max fps, fullscreen, 1080p, ssaa x4, everything up full except shadow at high. in nvidia control panel i set max pre rendered frames to 1, disabled shadow cache, set vsync to on (not adaptive as was getting a load of screen tearing). rivatuner is capped at 60fps.
Well, I was about to say performance wasn't too bad for me in my first hour, but the game just crashed (I think) when I quit out to desktop. Both of my monitors turned black and PC went unresponsive. Had to force shutdown. Don't remember the last time I've seen a game crash the whole system like that. Was going to let it rock despite the performance stutters, but now I'm mulling over asking for a refund.
The game runs pretty good at max settings 1440P, FOV@100 and FXAA on the following system:

I7 5820K @4.3GHZ
16GB Corsair DDR4@2133MHZ
GTX 980TI G1(Latest Drivers)
Windows 10 (Anniversary Update)

Yes there is initial stuttering but it goes away after a few seconds, however I've noticed after playing for a few hours when I enter my ship it randomly slows down to a crawl I would say 1-3FPS, almost like a memory leak,rebooting the game fixes it and I can play normally.

It only happened 2 times and I've played 8 hours,so It happened after every 4 hours it is kind of annoying.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Going to try and sort this out when I get off work, but it seems some with just a single 970 are getting good Performence, so I won't throw in the towel just yet.

Going to uninstall and reinstall on my SSD, try some of the Nvidia control panel settings you all have posted and hope I can get this at least playable at 1080p.

Because even on the intro scene I was hovering in the teens and hitching to 0fps constantly. Completely unplayable at 1080p, on a rig that does Wild Hunt at 4K. Somethings up, so I think it will be fixable. At least I hope.


Performance really seems to be all over the place. People with comparable specs are getting sometimes bad and sometimes good results and everybody has to fight with at least occasional stuttering.

Not a good job Hello Games, not a good job at all. BTW did they comment on the state of the PC release?
Been running pretty much great all day, but there may be a memory leak or something. Seems like after about 2.5-3 hours, I will go to get in my ship on a planet, and everything will slow down to a crawl (10 fps or less). Game slows down and everything. Closing and restarting fixes it every time. Again usually until another 2.5-3 hours.

Other than that, haven't had any of the apparently really egregious problems. No stuttering, runs at 1080p well above 60fps 99% of the time (locked at 90, rarely dips below 70). Most settings on high, generation on high, forcing triple buffering, Vsync off and 16xAF through Nvidia control panel. Also edited the config file for 120 field of view.

Somewhat of an older rig, but still kicking:

i5 [email protected]
16GB DDR3-2400 RAM
Installed to 850 EVO SSD

Game is what I wanted it to be, been having a lot of fun all day! Sad to see it get dragged down so much, but I hope they can at least fix most of the issues quickly.


Just got home to play this and all I see is a wall of complaints. Has this been terrible on PC for most people or am I on a negative page?


Neo Member
Borderless windowed mode, no fps cap in-game, and capping fps to 60 with RTSS solved the stutter problem for me. Still embarrassing for Hello Games, seems like an avoidable mess.

I really do hope they add an option to change the draw distance, the pop-in is pretty jarring.


Gold Member
Just got home to play this and all I see is a wall of complaints. Has this been terrible on PC for most people or am I on a negative page?

it isn't really performing too well. some people can't even load the game, there are crashes, stuttering/hitching, huge framedrops, there are issues with memory leaks, shadow caching, etc. you will definitely need to change settings to get it running properly like turning off vsync/enabling max fps (instead of capping)/using borderless window and forcing vsync/shadowcache disabling in driver panels and capping fps (i use rivatuner).

this is up there with the likes of Fallout 4 and GTA IV as the worst games to get up and running properly on PC. i'm quite optimistic though that Hello Games will be able to get things sorted out.
i7-6700K 4.0Ghz, 16GB DDR4 2400, Samsung 950 M2, GTX 1080 (368.81 drivers), Windows 10 64-bit (1511).

No performance issues. I had one crash to desktop after 11 hours running. Witcher 3 has done that to me before.


I was thinking about getting this on PC but then I read about the problems and the OpenGL 4.5 requirement. According to OpenGL Extensions Viewer my GPU only supports 10/11 of the OpenGL 4.5 features, it's missing OpenGL 4.5 Shader Language. I checked and I already have the latest nVidia driver for my card (368.81), so what's the deal?

Does the game only require some parts of OpenGL 4.5? Could people who have successfully played the game run OpenGL Extensions Viewer on their PC to see what they have so the actual OpenGL requirement can be determined?

EDIT: best comment regarding the situation from a friend on Facebook: "This is what makes me think they did next to fuck all QA on this - people are reporting crashes on machines from repurposed ZX Spectrums to PCs built out of tech recovered from crashed UFOs."


In case anyone with a low end system/card is wondering on performance:

i5 3450
8Gb DDR3

720p/mix of high/med with shadows low - avg around 35fps up to 40.
Pretty good considering this card is really old!

Think I should be fine once i chuck a new card in there and get my ram back to 16..

Weirdly was crashing all the time at first, then I updated my drivers and played the last 5 hours with no crashes or stuttering.


Gold Member
i7-6700K 4.0Ghz, 16GB DDR4 2400, Samsung 950 M2, GTX 1080 (368.81 drivers), Windows 10 64-bit (1511).

No performance issues. I had one crash to desktop after 11 hours running. Witcher 3 has done that to me before.

i have pretty much the same set up except a 1070 (368.81), 850 evo ssd and running windows 10 (1607). it's mostly fine but there are framedrops and stuttering. you're getting none of that? absolutely solid smooth framerates?


I was thinking about getting this on PC but then I read about the problems and the OpenGL 4.5 requirement. According to OpenGL Extensions Viewer my GPU only supports 10/11 of the OpenGL 4.5 features, it's missing OpenGL 4.5 Shader Language. I checked and I already have the latest nVidia driver for my card (368.81), so what's the deal?

Does the game only require some parts of OpenGL 4.5? Could people who have successfully played the game run OpenGL Extensions Viewer on their PC to see what they have so the actual OpenGL requirement can be determined?

Why not just post what GPU you have and save people the trouble of messing around with the website?


Works great for me, have played a bit over an hour, Steam version.

CPU: i7-5820k @ 4.7ghz, hyperthreading disabled
GPU: GTX 1070 with 369.09 drivers auto-downloaded from Windows update
RAM: 32GB 2133mhz DDR4
SSD: Samsung 840 Pro
OS: Clean install of Win10x64 v1607 (anniversary update)

Running @ 1440p, settings maxed except for AA off. Changed FOV to 140 in that settings file. Turned off shader cache in nvidia control panel. FPS fluctuates between 70-100ish depending on planet (I re-started several times locking down the settings I wanted). Locked to 60 with RTSS and never falters. Still get the occasional hitch that lasts a split second, but turning off the shader cache setting seems to help.


Gold Member
Works great for me, have played a bit over an hour, Steam version.

CPU: i7-5820k @ 4.7ghz, hyperthreading disabled
GPU: GTX 1070 with 369.09 drivers auto-downloaded from Windows update
RAM: 32GB 2133mhz DDR4
SSD: Samsung 840 Pro
OS: Clean install of Win10x64 v1607 (anniversary update)

Running @ 1440p, settings maxed except for AA off. Changed FOV to 140 in that settings file. Turned off shader cache in nvidia control panel. FPS fluctuates between 70-100ish depending on planet (I re-started several times locking down the settings I wanted). Locked to 60 with RTSS and never falters. Still get the occasional hitch that lasts a split second, but turning off the shader cache setting seems to help.

how did you get the 369.09 drivers? windows update isn't showing it and i can't get seem to get it from nvidia. says that 368.81 is still the latest.
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