OK, so I was having the same issues as many of you.
Here's what I did to fix it:
in Nvidia Control Panel, set Vsync to Adaptive and set Shader Cache to OFF.
That smoothed everything out for me. Hope it works for others.
OK, so I was having the same performance issues as many of you.
Here's what I did to fix it:
in Nvidia Control Panel, set Vsync to Adaptive and set Shader Cache to OFF.
That smoothed everything out for me. Hope it works for others.
So my FPS is the same at 1080p as it is at 4k. Never seems to go above 50 nor drop below 40. I'm not getting any stuttering though (except on title screen)
[email protected]
Titan X
16 GB Ram
All details maxed, disabled vsync (I have Gsync monitor), set to max FPS, 16x anisotropic filtering in Nvidia control panel.
Why the hell would the performance be the same at any resolution?
OK, so I was having the same performance issues as many of you.
Here's what I did to fix it:
in Nvidia Control Panel, set Vsync to Adaptive and set Shader Cache to OFF.
That smoothed everything out for me. Hope it works for others.
I had having a similar issue when running in borderless windowed. When I changed it to full screen, it seemed to change the performance the way I expected it to. Give it a shot.
OK, so I was having the same performance issues as many of you.
Here's what I did to fix it:
in Nvidia Control Panel, set Vsync to Adaptive and set Shader Cache to OFF.
That smoothed everything out for me. Hope it works for others.
(Fullscreen, max settings)
yeah that worked for me
left sync alone but changed the Shader Cache to OFF and that made it a lot more smoother.
Thank you very much.
I'm glad it helped out for you guys.
When the dev said they thought there was a shader cache error, I figured I would force it to off in NV control panel. I'm actually going to turn my vsync back on as well.
So expect a shader cache patch is coming very soon...
Until then I'd definitely suggesting setting it to OFF just to see if it helps out.
Turning off shader cache via driver (amd) solved every stutter problem i got.
Played a bit last night, was averaging around 45fps at 4k with everything maxed aside from using FXAA. I set max frames to 60 and turned vsync off. Didn't have any stuttering and it was a lot more enjoyable to play than the PS4 version.
Titan X
4790k @ 4.2 GHz
installed on SSD
So, i have 980ti, 6700k, 16 ddr4.
First run was bad, really bad stutters and stops.
Changed graphics options to max, disabled v-sync, fps to max, set fov to 100. Set borderless window.
Set NV control panel vsync on, 16 AF, triple buffering on.
2nd run of game has slight stutters. First time doing some actions like entering ship there are pauses, but now game is fairly smooth. Stuttering is very minimal.
So overall after hearing all the bad shit im not that disappointed as i have come prepared with the easy steps to minimize the issues, but yeah i think the fact that pauses happen usually the first time you do things make me think this is some caching issue.
OT: how long does it take to get your refund from Steam?
Frequent sub 10 fps drops, no proper 21:9 support, overall terrible feel, 60 fps lock, looks horrible...
I have an i7, 16GB RAM and a dual 980 setup.
Asked for a refund.
Just got home to play this and all I see is a wall of complaints. Has this been terrible on PC for most people or am I on a negative page?
i7-6700K 4.0Ghz, 16GB DDR4 2400, Samsung 950 M2, GTX 1080 (368.81 drivers), Windows 10 64-bit (1511).
No performance issues. I had one crash to desktop after 11 hours running. Witcher 3 has done that to me before.
I was thinking about getting this on PC but then I read about the problems and the OpenGL 4.5 requirement. According to OpenGL Extensions Viewer my GPU only supports 10/11 of the OpenGL 4.5 features, it's missing OpenGL 4.5 Shader Language. I checked and I already have the latest nVidia driver for my card (368.81), so what's the deal?
Does the game only require some parts of OpenGL 4.5? Could people who have successfully played the game run OpenGL Extensions Viewer on their PC to see what they have so the actual OpenGL requirement can be determined?
Works great for me, have played a bit over an hour, Steam version.
CPU: i7-5820k @ 4.7ghz, hyperthreading disabled
GPU: GTX 1070 with 369.09 drivers auto-downloaded from Windows update
RAM: 32GB 2133mhz DDR4
SSD: Samsung 840 Pro
OS: Clean install of Win10x64 v1607 (anniversary update)
Running @ 1440p, settings maxed except for AA off. Changed FOV to 140 in that settings file. Turned off shader cache in nvidia control panel. FPS fluctuates between 70-100ish depending on planet (I re-started several times locking down the settings I wanted). Locked to 60 with RTSS and never falters. Still get the occasional hitch that lasts a split second, but turning off the shader cache setting seems to help.