I'm expecting ICO 2.00 and im totally fine with that.
96. Calling it now, it will be on best game ever lists a year from now.
OléGunner;225627641 said:People predicting 90+ need their heads checked.
I mean I'd love those scores, but that's living in cuckoo land.
OléGunner;225627641 said:People predicting 90+ need their heads checked.
I mean I'd love those scores, but that's living in cuckoo land.
Not sure if those Reddit impressions were real or not, but they said the game was around 12 hoursOléGunner;225627641 said:People predicting 90+ need their heads checked.
I mean I'd love those scores, but that's living in cuckoo land.
Edit: why do I feel that length will have a massive impact on scores?
The game is full price and we saw how TO: 1886 was raked over the coals for being short (beyond it's other issues)
You may never know.
No man, sky's the limit.
Not sure if those Reddit impressions were real or not, but they said the game was around 12 hours
I think most controls comments, mine included, are tongue-in-cheek. There was an editorial at Kotaku/polygon/whateverclickbaitysite where the author complained about how The Last Guardian controls felt "ps2-era" or something to that tune.I don't get the complaints regarding the controls, based on the footage shown. The game is going for expressiveness and realism, and the kid's animations are very expressive and someone that age is supposed to be clumsy and not a warrior or super athletic all the time. All the footage I've seen shows basic stuff - walk over to an object to pick it up, jump on something to climb it, walk, run, sneak, etc. Nothing looks broken whatsoever, so what are people expecting? You're just a boy in a stylized but somewhat realistic fantasy setting. It's not a Mario game, where the sky's the limit for a tight control scheme that doesn't need to account for things like gravity and physics. BTW both he and the colossi pup have some of the most impressive animation i've seen in any game.
...No man, sky's the limit.
No man, sky...
Might not quite be the former, but it ain't going to be the latter. Duke Nukem was like gaming's version of a pile of Lego blocks, rebuilt and reformed myriad timesI think this one is one extreme or the other. Either it's a masterpiece or it gets cooked like Duke Nukem Forever
OléGunner;225627641 said:People predicting 90+ need their heads checked.
I mean I'd love those scores, but that's living in cuckoo land.
Edit: why do I feel that length will have a massive impact on scores?
The game is full price and we saw how TO: 1886 was raked over the coals for being short (beyond it's other issues)
86 Metacritic
6/10 Polygon
I'm expecting ICO 2.00 and im totally fine with that.
As hyped as I am, I just cancelled my pre order. Only becaue I think the price will drop like a stone and I just bought a bunch of games on Black Friday PSN sale.
Regardless of how good the reviews are I just can't see it picking up mainstream success to warrant that price point for too long. If final fantasy xv on Xbox can drop to $35 in a week I would imagine it would happen here too
The Last Guardian |OT| Liberated Guardian.
Seems quite fitting.
He replied to me with an honest retort to my comment about not knowing whether he was legit or not for what its worth.Not sure if those Reddit impressions were real or not, but they said the game was around 12 hours
86 Metacritic
6/10 Polygon
I like it...Where The Hell Was |OT| The Last Guardian
A lot of people seemed to like my suggestion for the OT title, so I'll post it again.
Late to the Party |OT| The Last Guardian