Folks are like that. They like saying "my shit is better than your shit, now deal with it"
MS have done cut these type of deals in the past when they were market leader. But this goes to show that this is a business and companies will do what's in the best interests of their bottom lines. Sony may want this to come across as good for the gamers, but make no mistake they're doing it for themselves.
Seriously, what does someone who owns only a PS4 get out of Destiny content bring exclusive to their platform for a year besides bragging and putting down other folks and lording the fact that they have it for a year? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Xbox or PC folks getting the same content day and date wouldn't mar the experience or make it any less fun. Moreover I think this sucks for developers. I can't speak for them, but if I was a dev I'd want my content to be enjoyed by as many folks as possible.
Many will think Phil is coming across as a hypocrite and maybe he is when his company has cut these type of deals in the past, but I'm glad he is speaking against this and hopefully these type of practices come to an end. It isn't fair for either player base on PS4/Xbox or PC.
Hey, question for you. What do consumers get out of MS hording all of the games they showed for undetermined periods of time? I want to play Ashen, but I have to wait longer than an XB1 owner, for what reason?
It goes both ways man... these deals are NEVER for the consumer- they are 100% for the corporation to sell more games on their platform.
Phil speaks out against it less than 24 hours after doing it himself!!! I mean, come on. MS is screwing over players as much, if not more than Sony is. It's all about sales, and any corporation that tells you otherwise is lying.
Depending on your side of the fence, you may (for now) feel more strongly about one type of exclusive deal over another, but why can't we all just sit back for a second, and say they ALL SUCK, and therefore, Phil is a fucking hypocrite. He has to either shut the fuck up, or stop doing what he is so vehemently against. If Shu or Shaun came out and said something about timed exclusives, I would call them out in a heartbeat, but they seem to keep it in their pants. Phil just won't stop talking.