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Phil Spencer: "Not a fan of marketing deals with exclusive content"


In the same line of thought everyone should get access to the same content if being made to pay the same price as other platform holders for a game.

It depends on how much value that content has to you. Perspective. You think you're getting less content, others think they're getting additional. No I'm not trying to spin, it's just we're humans made up of different opinons and thoughts.


Going by his examples, what he appears to mean is permanently exclusive content. Assassin's creed previously had missions you'd never get on the Xbox, same deal with WB and the Batman games. Now Ms has those marketing deals but doesn't pursue exclusive content

Yeah, that's also how I see it, and it's definitely worse than a "console launch exclusive".

Still, I think they did something similar as recently as last year, with Fifa.
A head is responsible of their department. Yes, that includes all of their decisions, even if the head might not be able to make all of them by themselves.

Sure, but responsibility != approval. There's a difference between being responsible for a department and personally signing off and endorsing every decision.


That is to be expected those days sadly.

Main point is "Console Launch Exclusives" are not far off from exclusive content because platforms don't get "content" for x amount of time.

I agree, that "Console Launch Exclusive" is a shitty thing as well. In a perfect world, no such deals would exist. It's not possible for all developers to release on both PS4 and XB1 at the same time, because of resources, but bribing them to hold off a game, a map, skins or whatever, just to piss on the competition is bad form.

But so are 95% of the replies in this thread.
Smh at the discourse on this thread, it's about pointing fingers now and Phil said this and Phil did that.

The point of discussion shouldn't be who's a hypocrite and who isn't. We've agreed that both companies have cut these deals in the past and continue to do so now. The point should be that these type of practices isn't healthy for the industry and doesn't benefit us, the gamers.


Short bus special
It would be in your best interest to STFU Phil and continue munching on that humble pie instead of crying like a salty lil bitch for shit your company pioneered in the first place.
This is rich and hilarious.

Dude... just. Just no.


That is to be expected those days sadly.

Separately, if we discount the past and look at their current strategy "Console Launch Exclusives" aren't much better especially if it's in cases where it's not done to help devs launch.

Given the amount of deals they signed there is going to be a fair amount of games that are done just to have that exclusivity launch window for XB1X which in turn does harm to the industry.

Main point is "Console Launch Exclusives" are not far off from exclusive content because platforms don't get "content" for x amount of time.

How do times exclusives hurt the industry? Sure they're annoying, but how do they hurt anything?
There are so many ways to interrupt this statement that everyone will read it differently . People saying that MS cant get any deals is kind of crazy cause I'm sure they could spend enough money to do it. Hell Nintendo I'm sure has or will have exclusive content so the down 2 to 1 thing IDK about.

My personal opinion from what I gather would be that Phil would love to do the deals but doesn't think they move enough units and worth the extra money . No way to tell if they actually do anything or not though . People can bring up destiny deal but they did have a 2 to 1 lead but I don't the sales were 2 to 1 .
Which obviously equates to responsible for every decision. There's no delegation when it comes to video game management.

You're being weirdly obtuse.

Of course Phil Spencer isn't literally doing everything alone at Xbox. But it's his vision and the policies in the Xbox division are made by him. Everything made by the Xbox team is coming from his visions and policies.


Neo Member
Smh at the discourse on this thread, it's about pointing fingers now and Phil said this and Phil did that.

The point of discussion shouldn't be who's a hypocrite and who isn't. We've agreed that both companies have cut these deals in the past and continue to do so now. The point should be that these type of practices isn't healthy for the industry and doesn't benefit us, the gamers.

Thank you! What an excellent way to put it. This type of practice is unhealthy moving forward, and hopefully the industry starts to change.


Ah much like people who had to pay full price for COD last gen and got content delayed due to MS exclusivity. Or delayed releases of full games due to "console exclusive debut" or many other examples of this when the shoe was on the other foot. Division as another example.

Where was the massive fervor last gen to stop this practice when MS was doing it? In most places the response was "if you are that upset buy a 360." Phil is a PR person and signed most of these deals last gen when they were up. It's the same bullshit of "I hate console wars" then shitting on the Pro because Xbox one x is now the most powerful console.

Is this a good practice? No. Is this a practice Microsoft started and is now crying foul over because they can't do it? Yes.

There were people complaining about it when MS was doing it, and now there are people doing so that now that Sony is doing it.

It sucked then, it sucks now. But don't try to say everyone was just fine with this sort of deal when Microsoft was doing it. Because most weren't.


The people who paid to stop Rise of the Tomb Raider from being multiplatform for a year when it was planned for multiplatform before their deal?

The guys who invented delaying COD map packs and Skyrim DLC from Playstation users?

Aren't they the ones with that parity clause we heard is still going as of last month? Ok Phil
Rise of the Tomb Raider Phil? This is even more stupid than holding back a strike or a weapon.

The only people profiting from such deals are both companies signing the deals, not the gamers. So yea I agree this is stupid. But Phil has done stuff like that before so this statement is weird.

Oh yea totally forgot about all your (launch) exclusives Phil.

That just reads as him not being a fan because he can't get any. Seriously, he was in charge when deals like that were still going on. It's beyond ridiculous to make this claim. If MS could get the deals Sony is getting you bet your ass they would make them.


Phil continues to be absolute shit and a total used car salesman as others put it.
It depends on how much value that content has to you. Perspective. You think you're getting less content, others think they're getting additional. No I'm not trying to spin, it's just we're humans made up of different opinons and thoughts.
It's not really additional content though is it? Should one platform A receive the same or more content than platform B makes no difference to A owners. Platform B miss out on content but are forced to pay the same price. Should Platform A owners pay more for the game, then you have a case of it being additional content. As it stands its content witheld. That was most definitely a spin.
He liked that parity clause that made devs create exclusive content for Xbox games if it came out later than other platforms...That was content you couldn't get anywhere else....

He likes console launch exclusives, that keep the game from other players/platforms for a time period...

But he doesn't liked timed dlc? Lol
I feel like we need some clarity, it's not what he's saying that's wrong it's just who is saying it. You guys are delusional in thinking if they weren't in a different position they wouldn't be doing the same thing. There's plenty of evidence of it throughout this gen.

So please let's stop trying to act like Executives are our friends and all they have is our best interest in mind. Put the shoe on the other foot and we would have these same practices from Microsoft. They are there to make money any way they can.
Not the same at all. The fanbase of the other platform will still get the developers entire vision of the game on their day 1.

And missing a single gun or a 10 minute non-story mission will not be the entire vision of the game?

I frankly see exclusive content deals to be WAY better than "launch" exclusives. Most people just want to play the game, and would prefer to play the game missing a few small inconsequential pieces than not get to play it at all for 6 months. Enough to nudge people one direction, but not taking away their ability to enjoy the game at all.

Can't honestly believe people would rather not have a game at all than to miss tiny bits of content. You wouldn't be angrier if Destiny 2 was a 6 month launch exclusive? Of course you would.
Look Phil, I'm rooting for you and the new version of the console. But please don't try to take throw stones from a glass house and expect to be seen as a leader with nuanced opinions on how your competitor is hurting the industry. It reeks of school-yard mentality when they (justly) called out Microsoft at the beginning of this generation. Stick to the selling points of power, further including indie titles, and the game log.
Smh at the discourse on this thread, it's about pointing fingers now and Phil said this and Phil did that.

The point of discussion shouldn't be who's a hypocrite and who isn't. We've agreed that both companies have cut these deals in the past and continue to do so now. The point should be that these type of practices isn't healthy for the industry and doesn't benefit us, the gamers.

He's right, but saying he isn't a fan? That's a lie. They are all still a fan. At the end of the day, Microsoft is going to do things for their Xbox fans and provide more content for Xbox fans. And he will continue signing deals like that period. This is so disingenuous when it's still likely going to happen. Microsoft really started this game and here we are....
You're being weirdly obtuse.

Of course Phil Spencer isn't literally doing everything alone at Xbox. But it's his vision and the policies in the Xbox division are made by him. Everything made by the Xbox team is coming from his visions and policies.

No, that's not how business works, especially not a business as large as Microsoft. Phil Spencer definitely has an overall agenda and vision for Xbox, but that does not mean every policy and adheres strictly to that vision and not every decision comes with his tacit approval.
They've done it in the past, with The Division. But I'm glad they realize this kind of shit is bad for the industry.

Sony's deal with Activision for Destiny is beyond absurd. Holding back content for years, that should be unnaceptable, plain and simple. And seeing it shown during Sony's conference, and people applauding and cheering it.. That was fucked up.

It's a timed exclusive. That's an entirely different subject.
Explain Titanfall then.


If a a developer wants to accept money for timed content and I don't like it I just won't buy the game. Everyone is placing the blame at the feet of MS and Sony when in reality the money grubbing hands of developers/publishers is what keeps this practice going


Holding back parts of games from other platforms? Vile!

Holding back whole games from other platforms, half a conference's worth? Totes fine.


and come on uncle phil, who signed the cheques last gen for exactly these kinds of deals?
Smh at the discourse on this thread, it's about pointing fingers now and Phil said this and Phil did that.

The point of discussion shouldn't be who's a hypocrite and who isn't. We've agreed that both companies have cut these deals in the past and continue to do so now. The point should be that these type of practices isn't healthy for the industry and doesn't benefit us, the gamers.


This board and others have talked about the bullshit that is exclusivity for decades. What's special about this case is who is saying it and that the person is a huge hypocrite.
I agree with what he is saying, but at the same time, he has probably now taken that stance due to their inability to pull off these deals...because you know if they could have gotten Destiny, then you know they would have....get your 1st party in order, Phil.


Folks are like that. They like saying "my shit is better than your shit, now deal with it"

MS have done cut these type of deals in the past when they were market leader. But this goes to show that this is a business and companies will do what's in the best interests of their bottom lines. Sony may want this to come across as good for the gamers, but make no mistake they're doing it for themselves.

Seriously, what does someone who owns only a PS4 get out of Destiny content bring exclusive to their platform for a year besides bragging and putting down other folks and lording the fact that they have it for a year? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Xbox or PC folks getting the same content day and date wouldn't mar the experience or make it any less fun. Moreover I think this sucks for developers. I can't speak for them, but if I was a dev I'd want my content to be enjoyed by as many folks as possible.

Many will think Phil is coming across as a hypocrite and maybe he is when his company has cut these type of deals in the past, but I'm glad he is speaking against this and hopefully these type of practices come to an end. It isn't fair for either player base on PS4/Xbox or PC.

Hey, question for you. What do consumers get out of MS hording all of the games they showed for undetermined periods of time? I want to play Ashen, but I have to wait longer than an XB1 owner, for what reason?

It goes both ways man... these deals are NEVER for the consumer- they are 100% for the corporation to sell more games on their platform.

Phil speaks out against it less than 24 hours after doing it himself!!! I mean, come on. MS is screwing over players as much, if not more than Sony is. It's all about sales, and any corporation that tells you otherwise is lying.

Depending on your side of the fence, you may (for now) feel more strongly about one type of exclusive deal over another, but why can't we all just sit back for a second, and say they ALL SUCK, and therefore, Phil is a fucking hypocrite. He has to either shut the fuck up, or stop doing what he is so vehemently against. If Shu or Shaun came out and said something about timed exclusives, I would call them out in a heartbeat, but they seem to keep it in their pants. Phil just won't stop talking.
Not the same at all. The fanbase of the other platform will still get the developers entire vision of the game on their day 1.

What vision? By this logic...people who don't buy the highest tier of game editions are not recieving the entire vision of the game on their day one either? Best Buy, target, Walmart, even they do this.


While Microsoft isn't a shining beacon in this department either, I agree with Phil on the specific case of Destiny 2. Sucks the PC version comes out a month later and then also won't even have all the available strikes or equipment. Also seems weird Bungie teamed with the only non-advocate for crossplay for their shared world shooter.
He's right, but saying he isn't a fan? That's a lie. They are all still a fan. At the end of the day, Microsoft is going to do things for their Xbox fans and provide more content for Xbox fans. And he will continue signing deals like that period. This is so disingenuous when it's still likely going to happen. Microsoft really started this game and here we are....

Oh for sure, I agree entirely with you. Given the opportunity, Phil would cut these very same deals to fatten their bottom line and provide the best "value" for the Xbox faithful. I'm glad he's speaking out against it, but it's up to us to keep him accountable.


It's not really additional content though is it? Should one platform A receive the same or more content than platform B makes no difference to A owners. Platform B miss out on content but are forced to pay the same price. Should Platform A owners pay more for the game, then you have a case of it being additional content. As it stands its content witheld. That was most definitely a spin.

I'm just going to nip this in the bud. We both agree that exclusivity is a pile, I'd argue most of the thread does. We also understand why these companies do it. I'm just stating that I would prefer to have the game itself as opposed to the additional content, especially on the grounds that the content is still coming. They're both awful and anti-consumer, I just consider one more egrigious and that's our point of contention. You'll likely never change my view on that because of what value I place on having the game available to me at launch vs having bits of content available to me at launch.


Yeah, that's also how I see it, and it's definitely worse than a "console launch exclusive".

Still, I think they did something similar as recently as last year, with Fifa.
You're right, apparently were certain legendary players in "ultimate team" only available for Xbox. So I understand why people fond this to be hypocrisy.

On the bright side, FIFA 18 ditches that exclusivity. Wonder if that was EAs or MSs decision
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