Are you fucking serious?
this guy is truly gaming's Trump
Are you 12 or just bad at making jokes?
this guy is truly gaming's Trump
I'm just going to nip this in the bud. We both agree that exclusivity is a pile, I'd argue most of the thread does. We also understand why these companies do it. I'm just stating that I would prefer to have the game itself as opposed to the additional content, especially on the grounds that the content is still coming. They're both awful and anti-consumer, I just consider one more egrigious and that's our point of contention. You'll likely never change my view on that because of what value I place on having the game available to me at launch vs having bits of content available to me at launch.
No, but sadly some People here are serious and think that this is how it works.
Not the same at all. The fanbase of the other platform will still get the developers entire vision of the game on their day 1.
Sure, but responsibility != approval. There's a difference between being responsible for a department and personally signing off and endorsing every decision.
I know that none of them were true exclusives. I'm stating what they said. They didn't say the 42 games shown would be exclusive.
No it would just make it understandable and excusable. We all say dumb shit when we're 12.If I was 12 would it make the joke good
No, that's not how business works, especially not a business as large as Microsoft. Phil Spencer definitely has an overall agenda and vision for Xbox, but that does not mean every policy and adheres strictly to that vision and not every decision comes with his tacit approval.
Not the same at all. The fanbase of the other platform will still get the developers entire vision of the game on their day 1.
Yeah I'm not really wanting to play a game of arguing one is worse than the other. Both are shitty practices as worse as eachother in my eyes.
this guy is truly gaming's Trump
We are witnessing a change in the evangelical image of Phil Spencer right before our very eyes. It turns out he isn't responsible for every decision that comes out of Xbox.It either happened before he took charge, he wasn't aware of it happening or he did it reluctantly only because he had to.. does that about cover it ?
MS did that all day every day last gen, and have done it this gen too. Like when they bought timed exclusivity of RotTR so PS4 players couldn't play the game for a year. But that was before Spencer took over, I guess?
Yes, but the person making this statement is not Phil Spencer, an individual. In this context, the statement is made by Phil Spencer, the lead of Xbox division.
No it would just make it understandable and excusable. We all say dumb shit when we're 12.
Your whole point is laughable.No, that's not how business works, especially not a business as large as Microsoft. Phil Spencer definitely has an overall agenda and vision for Xbox, but that does not mean every policy and adheres strictly to that vision and not every decision comes with his tacit approval.
Pretty muchSo? I don't understand your point. You can be critical of business practices that you've engaged in.
Like, I don't want to get it twisted and make it sound like I think Phil Spencer is some infallible gaming god or something. I don't. I just don't think that what he is saying should be dismissed because Microsoft have engaged in the same practices. It's not hypocritical (whether it be individually or on behalf of Xbox) to change, and this message would have probably come off 100% better if he had added "it's a practice we once engaged in but saw that it was hurting consumers and have moved away from it". People probably still would have read into it as them not being able to get deals or whatever, but it would have read with a little more humility than just taking a jab at Sony or whatever.
Regardless of why he's saying it or what Microsoft have done in the past this is still a good message and Microsoft have shown this E3 that they are actively moving away from those kinds of deals by not having exclusive content in the games they have marketing for.
He just says shit to get on Gamers good side and they eat it up. He knows damn well if the XB1 was leading the charge like the XB360 did Activision would be having them market Cod and Destiny and he wouldnt be saying well gee I think we should have content available for everyone at the same time guys.Man, this guy is so full of shit.
Huh? Up until now, devs have used the systems to the best of their abilities. Why would it be an issue now?Personally, I can get over the timed exclusives issue, whether it's for the entire game or just DLC.
But what I find incredibly annoying is the possible rising trend of gimping a game, artificially, so that it plays equal or worse on a more powerful platform. That's much worse to me as it directly affects gameplay. If I have a system that can play a game faster or better, then I expect the game I buy to take advantage of it.
I can wait 6 months for a timed exclusivity deal to run out as long as what I get runs as well as possible on the system of my choice.
Uh having a WW release of a game and parts of the game exclusive to one platform is worst than having time exclusivity....
Timed exclusivity just means the whole game first on one platform for a set time
The other is worst because there's no parity. U pay the same 60 bucks as other platform users and u not getting the same content as them.
Ya all crazy in here.
Ain't mothing wrong with timed exclusive. What sony is doing with destiny 2 is definitely not right. Why does sony owners get more than I do and we paying the same?? FoH
Im not a fan of doing deals that hold back specific pieces of content from other platforms. You dont see that in the deals weve done with Assassins and Shadow. Well have a marketing deal on those, but I dont say, hey, I need some kind of Strike or skin somebody else cant play.
I dont think its good for our industry if we got into a point where people are holding back the technical innovation of game developers based on a marketing deal.
Uh having a WW release of a game and parts of the game exclusive to one platform is worst than having time exclusivity....
Timed exclusivity just means the whole game first on one platform for a set time
The other is worst because there's no parity. U pay the same 60 bucks as other platform users and u not getting the same content as them.
Ya all crazy in here.
Ain't mothing wrong with timed exclusive. What sony is doing with destiny 2 is definitely not right. Why does sony owners get more than I do and we paying the same?? FoH
Which Phil has also participated in. See FIFAA times exclusive game is completely different from time or altogether exclusive content on a game readily available on multiple platforms