Keep in mind the docs are only 6-7 months old. Highly unlikely anything drastic would change with out a launch delayIt either resembles the retail chip, or it’s an early test chip for Sony to get working on backward compatibility. And the real chip is better. Let’s hope for the latter.
Was it over for Nintendo after the gamecube? Was it over for Nintendo after the WiiU? Was it over for MS after the OG Xbox? Was it over for Sony after the PS3? Based on your logic,they all should have dropped out of the console biyears ago. The whole point of starting a new gen is to get a new start,address the mistakes of a previous failed product. As a result,we got The Wii,Xbox 360,PS4,Switch.They need to fire you, you're not very good at your job... too obvious.
Yes, and Phil said hardware isn't really that important i.e. "I don’t need to sell any specific version of the console in order for us to reach our business goals "
Xbox boss Phil Spencer on the future of gaming: “The business isn’t how many consoles you sell”
A deeper look at xCloud and Project Scarlett.www.theverge.com
IF hardware is important to Microsoft, they're just not very good at it. You're not good at your job either, they should get rid of you - your astroturfing skill are horrendous.
The world loves options that is why sales of Xbox have been steadily going down for nearly a decade, and let's be honest, they were never really good... okayish during the peak of Xbox 360. Options are great, just nobody cares about the Microsoft option.
The console warz are over, although it appears MS is spending even more on astroturfing, didn't really work last time.
As i've stated many times,MS has addressed the issues that plagued XB1. Starting by making XSX first and foremost...a gaming console with the aim of being the most powerful console they can possibly build at a premium price (no more resolutiongate,no more selling a 40% weaker console than its competitor,bundled with kinect priced at 100 dollars more). No more 1080p vs 720p. No more kinect,entertainment,tv with gaming taking a back seat. XB1 significantly lacked 1st party studios/exclusives. MS has since baught Playground(2 major AAA studios),DoubleFine,Obsidian,Ninja Theory,InXile,etc...The Initiative(building a new AAA studio from the ground up who's stealing ex naughty dog/Sony Santa Monica devs left n right, on top of Turn 10,343,Rare,and The Coalition.
Then you have the two approach. XSX for the hardcore who wants the most power,best multiplats, and Lockhart for the cheap gamer that just wants to play the big hits/gamepass etc..
Nobody is expecting Xbox to outsell PS5,nor does it need to to be successful.
We all know you're upset about XSX12tf vs PS5 8-9tf fiasco and lashing out
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