Not really. If you have a PC that costs thousands why comment at all?
Unless you can offer a user friendly plug and play solution at $500 you’re not comparing apples to apples anyway.
Yes we understand we’d get more luxury in a Porsche than we would a Honda.
But we expect that given the difference in price.
So what’s the point really?
that was not my point tho.
i was explaining why microsoft did a shitty move not announcing all their exclusives on pc from day one.
imagine this scenario, you already have a beefy pc but you want to play M exclusives, you buy their console and after that they announce all their games on pc.
you remain with a totally useless console that costed 400-500 dollars, how is that a pro consumer move?
like i said, the news itself was not a negative thing, the timing was. (and it was absolutely on purpose)
i don't believe for a moment that this was not an already programmed step but they wait to announce it far beyond day one, how do i have to feel with a useless console and 400-500 dollars less in my wallet??
i mean you can defend this shit all you want but it doesn't mean that i'm wrong...
it's the same situation with sony right now, they need to clarify their pc gaming release status and people with a pc is waiting for this clarification because they don't wanna buy a useless console.