Merging what I know with others thermal
Issues were preventing them from going up to the higher end of that scale, 11.5, and so they were hovering lower on the middle. But the machines were still fine, they just ran hotter than they would like, with zero headroom for any upclocking or improvement. That’s not a good position to be in, because you should always leave a little room for something.
The chance of those thermal issues being resolved is near enough 100%. Hell
Sony even put in orders for better cooling, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that’s sorted and they pushed up to 11.5 with a little on top even.
But you don’t just go from 10 to 14. That’s not how it works 10 to 11 with refinements on top? Sure. But right on up to 14, when you already had thermal issues as it was?
mentioned he heard rumblings of higher temps too, but no issues reported, so pretty much the same.
But I would bet top greenback no thermal
Issues being present at all now. I would almost guarantee it. They were pushing the system too hard on the clocks and that wasnt playing well worth the cooling is all, and that was then. I would say next to zero chance of 9tf, let go of that. Sony would likely rather delay the damn thing that to drop it that low compared to sx.