You accuse me of lying. Wow. I’m sick of your posts, they’re draining.
Owen enters with the shotgun. That I had wrong. It’s almost off-screen, so I overlooked it by mistake. Abby enters with empty hands, they walk in from the garage where they tied up the horses. I thought you watched the video too?
I went ahead and drew out a map of the room, complete with Tommy’s point-of-view with peripheral vision. The only person he
may not be able to see is hat guy.
The “5 minutes“ is in the video you claimed to have also watched. It’s actually sub-5 minutes but I rounded up for simplicity. If you wanna split hairs, we can call it 8 minutes to include the arrival at the cabin and the tying up of the horses.
I’m done talking with you. You are more interested in being right and “winning” than you are in the truth. We’re at an impasse and I can’t do your thinking for you. I can’t help you with your mental projections either. You don’t know me, you don’t know what I want except from what I’ve told you. I wanted this to be good and it appears as though it’s less than its predecessor. Expect to see me here critiquing the game once it’s out and I’ve played it. I have no issue admitting when I’m wrong.