Its more fun, for sure. And way underrated especially in terms of character/dialogue.
That being said, I stand by my opinion that TLOU2 isn't actually badly written, it just sets itself up to try and pull off a really difficult dramatic trick and I think its execution of that is flawed in a number of key areas.
For some people these flaws are total deal-breakers it seems, others seem to not be bothered by them at all. Myself I'm somewhere in the middle and fortunately appreciate the effort and intent, even if I disagree with many creative choices in the telling.
Also, there are so many good things I can point out in TLOU2 that even accepting that the plot and pacing are less effective than the original, in every other respect its a very worthy sequel.
Its a great talking-point game too.
It's just put together all wrong and misses every emotional beat, which then needed it to put in 'reminders' constantly to give pseudo depth to characters. Take a look at ANY scene from the first game ... literally ANY, and compare the quality of writing and the weight of the narrative. It's night and day. TLOU felt like a good film and this felt like a second rate TV series. None of the characters evolved and the only conflict was two dimensional. The snowball fight should have been cut. The guitar sections should have been cut. Much of the chatter should have been cut. You can't expect to have a character kill the main character and then try and justify it whilst playing the character that just killed the main character.:
Scene 1: We begin with Joel talking to Tommy and then we ride into Jackson. Joel gets off his horse, we get the cutscene but then we're still in control of Joel. He meets Ellie and they talk about going out scouting the following day, Joel mentioning that if they have time, he's got something to show Ellie.
Scene 2: We continue playing as Joel. They scout about, clearing some areas and eventually we arrive at the space shuttle section. It plays out as it did but we've been playing Joel. Now we are fully engaged in Joel again, having younger Ellie do her stuff has reminded us of the first game (nostalgia/satisfaction/)
Scene 3: Ellie leaves on a scouting mission with Dina. We also see Tommy and Joel leave on a scouting mission. Joel acknowledges Ellie and tells her to be careful. Dina is a bitch. Cold, offensive, not fun to be around. They go through the same gameplay but the dialogue is taut and awkward, some back and forth about Joel being too smothering. They arrive at the weed plant, find some weed, light some up. CUT. No sex scene. That comes later.
Scene 4: Now we play as Joel again, scouting with Tommy. A reasonably lengthy scene around the same time as Ellie's playtime. The scene ends when they come across a location with lots of infected trying to break down a fence and see a person (Abby) trying to survive. A bit of conversation with Tommy to explain why the two of them would help. End scene. Cut.
Scene 5: Abby. Now we play as Abby (minus the father scene) to the section we first play and then onto the fence scene where Joel rescues her. We have no idea she's about to kill Joel. We've got to know her and have no reason to dislike her, thus making her sections enjoyable and fresh. We continue as it played out in the game but this time Joel is grabbed at the gates and forced into the room the murder takes place. Tommy has been knocked out and tied. Someone else is also tied up and dead in that room. Dina's brother, beaten up and questioned about Joel's whereabouts. That's what is inferred. Maybe a conversion implying that. The scene of Joel's death plays out as it did in the game.
Scene 6: Ellie's scene also plays out as it had in the game.
Scene 7: Back at camp, Dina has been told about the death of her brother and Ellie begins preparation for her journey to Seattle and revenge. Dina insists on coming too. Ellie is getting dark, really dark. Nothing in the Seattle section is played 'lightly'. She begins hearing Joel's voice, seeing him in the corner of her eyes and slowly loses it until she's got full blown psychosis. Ellie and Dina survive though, Dina refocusing Ellie with hard truth and Ellie bringing out some compassion from the bitch Dina. The end of that section, before we play as Dina again, is the love scene between Ellie and Dina.
Scene 8: Cut to Dina and her father saving a giraffe which continue on to the father getting shot scene.
It's rough and would need lots of work but that would be much better. The rest needs work too but this would have sorted out a good two thirds of the game.