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'Playstation 5 The Future of Gaming Show' had a 4 times bigger Audience than 'Xbox Games showcase"


Every sold PS5 is one Game Pass owner less.

Whether the games in Gamepass interest you is personal opinion, but you don't have to own XBox hardware to subscribe to Gamepass. It's almost like some fans need an adversary for Sony. Nintendo stop competing directly since the Gamecube days they are holding on to XBox to fill their weird console war fetish. Microsoft is going for services with Xbox. If you don't want to buy the console that's ok.


I think that MS cannot invest as much money in a triple A as Sony does, I do not think that this business model is sustainable, that is why we are seeing so many double A games instead of triple A in GamePass, Sony is currently doing good because their exclusives sell more than ever in the past they sell many consoles and have already exceeded 40 million on PSPlus.
Well Sony is the biggest games company in the world right now and they made more money than any other generation.... so the model just works for them and they have customers ready to buy the AAA games they make. Nearly all the huge ones get 3 million sales in the first few weeks..... (nearly 200 million dollars gross sales)

If MS had made some AAA games and they took off and their customers bought them consistently, they could have been the one in that position. But maybe that ship has sailed.


I think you’ll see PS5 outsell XBox 4/1 worldwide and 2-1 in the US.

I bet Microsoft will back down from forcing developers to make their games work on Lockhart. Many developers will think it’s just not worth the effort to get a game working on gimped hardware to sell to a diminished user base. Not to mention the fact that a significant portion of XBox owners (from what I read here on NeoGAF) are likely to be cheap and less likely to buy games not on game pass.


Even this generation, Playstation only managed 2.5:1
X360 and Ps3 was 1:1
I guess we'll see 1.5:1 this time.
I agree. Microsoft lost most 360 customers because of the launch price just like Sony lost most PS2 customers. Sony will "win" again, but it will be much closer even though Microsoft goes for Pc + xCloud and loses the core gamers if Microsoft is not more expensive again.


Well, yeah.
And still the event was successfully overhyped, yet as much I wanted MS to drop something good it was such a bad presentation which made me angry as if I had MS Shares.

Meh, Sony solidified their dominance in the gaming space, this won't change anytime soon.


Whether the games in Gamepass interest you is personal opinion, but you don't have to own XBox hardware to subscribe to Gamepass. It's almost like some fans need an adversary for Sony. Nintendo stop competing directly since the Gamecube days they are holding on to XBox to fill their weird console war fetish. Microsoft is going for services with Xbox. If you don't want to buy the console that's ok.

Of course it's not exactly one Game Pass owner less. As you said they are multiple ways to enter Game Pass. But still every sold PS5 = 1 potential subscription less. The service wont get on PS5 and Nintendo Switch. The buying behaviour for home consoles is either PS5 or Xbox, only a small amount of people are willing to buy both systems. I'm getting both consoles with release and I own a capable PC for gaming, a Switch and every now and then I use xCloud but I'm part of a very small minority. I don't think that Microsoft lost a meaningful amount of customers yesterday but they missed the opportunity to bring customers back to their home console. And as I know how this things work, the guys who do the calculation will do everything to hide this with fitting numbers like "Game Pass subscribers" and "Xbox Live Users".
Unless something completely unforseen happens MS should just pull the plug on hardware after this gen. Go third party and leave gaming to Sony & Nintendo, two complete opposites who could very happily live alongside eachother
No sir, I won’t settle with that, not until Sony eventually swallows NN and becomes sole ruler of the gaming universe. That is ultimate goal, Mario, Zelda and Halo on PS Store.

*insert ominous evil guy laugh*
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Not surprising especially considering how that was the first actual showing of the PS5 at all. We hadn’t seen anything but Godfall for PS4 till that point, and were still grasping at straws about what the box would look like, when MS showed the Box and a trailer for a 1st party title 6 months earlier


2 generations ago 360 had a better start because they released the console like a year an a half before Sony, did many things right and Sony had an awful start with many huge mistakes. Even considering that, PS3 managed to outsell worldwide 360 at the end of the generation in a close fight, and if we align sales we see PS3's job wasn't that bad even at the start of the generation.

But outside that, looking at worldwide sales PS always has been way more popular than the other home consoles. They clearly dominated with PS4, PS1 and specially PS2. For what we know in the official announcements and patents or even rumors/leaks, they seem to be doing their job properly, and with that I mean that they aren't/won't make huge mistakes as they did with the PS3 launch.

In the MS conferences I saw they are improving a lot in terms of their strategy focus (games+gamepass) and quality, quantity and diversity of their portfolio. But I have the impression that they are still far behind Sony, and that we'll start seriously noticing the results of their recent efforts in late 2022/early 2023, once they start to release many of the cool looking nextgen only games announced in the MS stream, once Game Pass will have a way bigger userbase and library, and once xCloud is implemented worldwide, with an insane catalog (your entire library and not the Game Pass games only) and once 5G and 4K/120fps tvs achieve a good enough install base worldwide.

So I think it's super likely that PS5 will dominate the generation again as we can guess by looking at the current gen install base, lessons from past generations or data from these videos and related social media posts. As of now, I think the PS5 interest compared to Series X is at least way above the current 2x/2.5x console install base difference.

Specially because of the ~1st year catalog (let's count the last month and a half of 2020 and the entire 2021): MS the bigger weapon has a 4K60fps Halo but it doesn't look as good as many desired, and seems it will have a GaaS focus that I think many won't like. In the other side, Sony will very likely release in that period Spiderman, Horizon 2, Ratchet or Demon's Souls. As usual, Sony's approach is more focused in having more quantity and diversity: these games separatedly will sell less than Halo, but combined will sell more. They try to appeal a bigger diversity of player types/niches, which results on getting a bigger userbase.

Maybe some people love Spiderman and don't care about Ratchet or the opposite. Maybe some people love Horizon 2 and don't care about Demon's Souls and the opposite But all of them will get this console and probably it will be their own GOTY, while in Xbox this will be more focused on a more limited amount of games, this time mostly Halo.
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After yesterday’s show I’m moving to PS5. Shit reveal for halo, no good gameplay, only thing that looked interesting was The Medium. No hellblade 2, no avowed gameplay, no fable gameplay. CGI nonsense. Meanwhile Sony showed off more gameplay, and they also have a better track record that I can trust in at this point with their games.
So many snacks, food and drinks prepared for this showing.




After yesterday’s show I’m moving to PS5. Shit reveal for halo, no good gameplay, only thing that looked interesting was The Medium. No hellblade 2, no avowed gameplay, no fable gameplay. CGI nonsense. Meanwhile Sony showed off more gameplay, and they also have a better track record that I can trust in at this point with their games.
That's the thing...trust. I feel I can depend on PlayStation to deliver good games every year (exclusives) even if one or two don't hit expectations... like Days Gone, they are still usually very decent games with no microtransaction bullshit.
Approximately the real difference between Xone and PS4x sales.

Holy crap you wear your fanboy flag high and proud, don't you?

That isn't the sales split, btw. But you don't care about facts.

After yesterday’s show I’m moving to PS5. Shit reveal for halo, no good gameplay, only thing that looked interesting was The Medium. No hellblade 2, no avowed gameplay, no fable gameplay. CGI nonsense. Meanwhile Sony showed off more gameplay, and they also have a better track record that I can trust in at this point with their games.

Yeah while some of the games MS showed yesterday look fun and others show potential, there's probably a large contingent of the fanbase who are getting impatient of waiting on "potential". A lot have been waiting for better part of 3-4 years probably if they aren't fans of stuff like Forza and Gears (both of which had great recent installments, FWIW).

I think MS needs to retool their messaging and actually put the best foot forward next time with polished real-time gameplay for some 1st-party games, and soon.
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Sony has always had a bigger fan base, that will never ever change. Sony could physically show up at the door and kill 20% of its fanbase and they still would be fine. They are loyal beyond belief.
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Xbox has had a real exclusivity problem for a long time now. It just occurred to me yesterday that I went through the entire 8th gen, and I never even touched the Xbox One. This is pretty significant to me, because I've gone through every gen playing each and every console, and owning most of them. But it never crossed my mind once to get the Xbox One. It's not because I'm team Sony. I remember during the 7th Gen the console I played the most on was the Xbox 360. But the problem is they just don't have the games anymore. Is it been a glaring issue for so many years now, and they still don't seem to get it.

Look at all the big console exclusives for the PS4 compared to the Xbone. The PlayStation 4 completely slaughters the Xbone in terms of quality and quantity in that department.

Halo and Gears are tired, played out IPs. Fable was never fucking good either. The first game never lived up to the promises that old Petey made, the second one was pretty decent, but the third one sucked. So why the fuck is anyone even remotely excited for Fable 4? I'm pretty sure that most western RPGs that have come out since the first Fable, have completely blown Fable out of the water.

Xbox just feels irrelevant.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Even this generation, Playstation only managed 2.5:1
X360 and Ps3 was 1:1
I guess we'll see 1.5:1 this time.

It could be the difference will only grow in favor of Sony. We've had an entire generation where Sony outclassed Microsoft with their exclusives. I bet there'll be more dissatisfied Xbox One owners interested in getting a PS after so many lean years than PS owners who can't wait to switch to Xbox.


Gold Member
Imagine a world where consoles sales are still the benchmark.

The views don't lie though. Mindshare is something else, huh?


No surprises here. Sony is coming from a very successful PS4.
But MS has put up a good fight rebuilding.
As everyone knows, every generation is a fresh start.
Let us revisit this once we know of the price and play the actual games. 🤷‍♀️

Im putting my neck and predict a 1.8 : 1 by end of the generation.
My basis is, MS under Phil, is slowly returning to their roots, their leadership - Most Power and Live! community
The transformation is visible imo


Not surprising. People have an affinity for the brand because it’s synonymous with legendary games.


More like luring in more western gamers. I bought a 360 for their exclusive jrpgs.
That is just a terrible plan, I'm sorry. That ship has sailed 20 years ago. At best MS can pay for some ports they aren't getting.
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Overall, they satisfy their customers with what they want much much better than the competition and are in tune with their audience much much better than the competition. You can't do worse than MS. I don't even think Sega did this bad. They just weren't as rich as MS, subscriptions like PS Plus/Xbox Live weren't around, and they got sandwitched by a new entrant MS and Sony (the market leader). But even Sega wasn't as out of touch as current MS back in the day.
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Completely logical and normal, Sony has dominated the generation by offering a large catalog of exclusive games, keeping the interest of users very alive, Microsoft instead has lost strength with its community.

I dont agree, I do not know a single person that plays xbox but plans to go for a PS5 next round. That is just anecdotal obviously but I think you are way off base when saying they are losing strength in their community. What you see on Negaf is the reaction you will see here anytime Xbox does anything.

I really need Xbox gamers to understand this -Neogaf is Extremely pro Sony to the point that the site has become almost anti-Xbox. Please do not come here hoping for a realistic view of anything related to Xbox and that includes looking for a lack of interest.


After yesterday's embarrassing show Series X feels pretty much DOA. I have a hard time seeing how Microsoft will compete with Sony on equal terms. Next gen will be even more one sided than the current.
Maybe at the beginning it will be incredibly hard, but MS acquired lots of studio that will bring some heat to the game in a few years, I think (and hope). Competition is important.

They must, however, stop hyping their stuff and acting so confident when what they have is remarkably inferior to the competition. No distinctive artstyle or graphics to compete against Nintendo or Sony.

It makes them look SO BAD and arrogant.


If I'm Sony, I absolutely wait to show anything more significant until October, with a continued slant towards more completed Year 1 games.

And if I'm MS, I rush to get multiple new trailers completed (CGI preferred as it will be faster) for September to announce as many games as possible, regardless of how early they are.

It is by no means the end-all-be-all, and nothing is ever written in stone, but both of these companies understand how important the timeframe up until Dec 31, 2021 is for things to go well (launch, games, teases, future hype, etc.).
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Considering that the PS4's userbase is larger than the XB1's by a magnitude of 2.2x-2.5x, that viewership ratio is disproportionally large in favor towards Playstation.
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