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Doom Eternal Director Opens Up About A Possible Female Slayer

I mean is a first person shooter what difference will it make...
The voice.
Not cool if she is not black asian lesbian too.... I don't care too much but cmon
It's more annoying that they make a big deal about it, we had Metroid Prime a million years ago, we also always have female protagonists, etc. Acting like this is a breakthrough, when the conversation behind the scene was more in the linenof, let's get rid of that cis white bro dude.
I was thinking about a new character. Not gender swap doom guy.
Whatever, remember Marvel?



I'm kind of over the forced female protagonist at this point. If there's a reason for there to be female instead of a male, cool. But if it's just for the sake of more virtue signaling they should probably rethink if it's worth it or not.




Anger about female playable characters in general or certain games? Doom seem like a good fit. You don’t always wanna do a new IP for a female protaganist. Or ar at least if this becomes common it would be bad. Like Half Life 3 could have a female protagonist shooting but Zelda might be bad.
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I’m a fan of monster hunter, resident evil and wow. So like female chatacter balance is important in limited IP releases.
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always chasing the next thrill
Sure why the fuck not
it’s not that they will make another wokenstein 2 out of it


Gold Member
Im not a vested Doom player, so for me I don't care.

I'm surprised more games don't simply have a 1-2 default. One man, one woman. Especially for games which have the character covered and the story can have anyone as the main character.

Now if it's a game where the character's gender is really important for story, voice acting (you got to double the costs with two voice actors) etc.... then ya. Probably better to leave the gender alone.

But for many kinds of games with negligible story and in this case, has Doom Dude ever been revealed as a beastly meathead?
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Cool let me know the first DOOM game where your gender plays a role in the story and that will be the one I skip.

You could have told me reboot Doomslayer was a female this whole time and that would be fine. That's true equality, is it not? The gender hasn't come up until this point, why even start now?

See this is where I jump off. Just give me a game about shooting demons. Now it has to "impact the gameplay in a way that was meaningful". What does that mean? Do I reload weapons slower as a woman? Are demons now attuned to my period blood?

That's the problem, they can't just plug in a woman, they have to "make a statement". It can't just be a woman doing the Doomslayer things (which would be fine). It has to be an opportunity to virtue signal and cram some cringy male feminist shit into the gameplay and story. So now a simple game with a simple story that was just "blank avatar shoots demons" is going to have to feature gender stuff. DOOM is supposed to be fun b-movie trash. This would be like getting a lecture on economics from your soft drink.
Why does impact = negative? What if they leaned into the fact that women and men are different strengths? They could keep all the punching and ripping with your arms for the Doom Guy. Then they could give Doom Gal a completely different set of glory kills where she uses her knee to smash a demons skull instead of her hands. If they could repeat those kind of differences for all the kills in the game it could lead to some fun replay ability to see Doom Slayer do new moves.

Overall if we had this thread before Doom 2016 I’d be worried to death. Now though; they’ve shown they get the franchise and haven’t shit it up. I would trust them to make Crash or whomever but also not screw up lore.

it would just be more Doom if done right and I’m happy for them to consider doing that.


Your entire post is so offbase that you should reread it one week later and ask yourself what you were thinking.

Here's Hugo's quote again (emphasis mine):

Can he not be referring to making her more agile, having a double jump, faster sprints, dashes and grapples?

And you realize such changes most likely need a retooling of the level design which might be why she's not in Eternal to begin with?

Where on earth are you getting the idea that Hugo is going woke?
If woke means making the game cool with stuff like that wake me up! It would be sweet if they did a slight balance like that.

You’re more agile but worse at reloading fast or something. Some give and take and there is more doom then. It could even be a hard mode where you have like 80% health and ammo. Badge of honor. Being the chick and kicking ass. A universal hard mode for fun. Lots of potential.


I honestly wouldn't mind as long as you can select male or female at the start of the game. Or have the player swap between them during different portions of the game.

On a side note, one thing I thought was cool about the earlier builds of Duke Nukem Forever was that the player would start out playing as Duke until he was captured by the aliens and you had to play as Bombshell (his female sidekick) for a portion of the game.
That’s cool! The “shake it baby” girls were playable for a while? That would have kinda been fun actually.
The most annoying thing is they brought it on themselves, they could've just never shown a face and then said "Uhhh, the Doomslayer is whatever you want him/her/zim/zer to be!" if pressed, but better still to not care. I didn't necessarily assign a gender to the DS before Eternal. I just thought of "him" as a force of nature embodied in the suit, I only said him for ease of speaking, I suppose, I didn't even think about too deeply tbh. Now its boring though, because its a just a human looking guy.

They could make a new character, is it for coop purposes? Thats sounds good.

I think the original games have always showed a guys face at the bottom next to the health bar. I do NOT like my doom guy to talk but they did have a little face that got damaged in the OG doom games.
Isn't this game first person shooter? So what's does it matter if the character you control is a male, a female or a pokemon? Maybe someone want to play this fun game and be able to choose their gender and have fun demolishing demons as a girl, is this so difficult to understand or we have to label everything that has an optional female character as sjw.
Those that like to say “you’re bringing politics into my games” have to make a cringe thread giving us their political opinions. It’s just a part of GAF. I’m happy we can all speak our mind but sometimes you just roll your eyes and scroll past the junk.
What would be the big deal about having an option? Not like the Doom slayer is some talkative character anyway. It would mostly just be a character skin. One you hardly even see.

If a woman or anyone wants to play Doom and select a female slayer I don’t know what the big deal is.
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Why can't there be a female slayer? I mean why would I care? I enjoy playing as both badass male and badass female characters. I'm always up for expanding the worlds that our games are in. I don't appreciate TV shows or movies that try to force woke culture bullshit, but why are female characters suddenly "woke"? Should games only have male protagonists? Should women be relegated to side characters or love interests only? Sorry, but I'm just not seeing anything crazy about this at all...


If it's an optional character, sure, but if they replace the Doom Slayer with a woman that's just ridiculous. I absolutely hate when they change established characters just to be woke.


There's a lot of bickering in this thread, as expected.

But let's say they release the next Doom with a female protagonist. Don't like it? Don't support it. They'll get the picture.
Yep, are female gamers now going to buy this game because they see a vag on the cover? How did that work out for Battlefield?

Those kind of games are mostly played by males so this pandering is useless. Ubisoft wasted tons of ressources to create female characters and according to their stats barely anyone played them. I bet they were still played by males anyway.
Yeah but in cases with Ac Odyssey, Kassandra is like a planet size difference in quality than Alexious and is the reason why i drop 150 hours into the game.


Can’t Git Gud
There's a lot of bickering in this thread, as expected.

But let's say they release the next Doom with a female protagonist. Don't like it? Don't support it. They'll get the picture.
I don't think they will.
They took the worst parts from 2016 game and built eternal... And added ton of platforming on that. I don't expect them to make good decisions anymore


Doom is Doom because of how it does things. It has one character of legend, and that’s all it needs. You start adding to that, and it’s ruined. I don’t want Doom Girl, I don’t want Doom Boy, and I don’t want Doom Dog. It’s Doom Guy the one man being feared alone, and that’s it. You do a game where he has an assist and that’s it, it fucks the Lone Ranger angle. Next thing you know there’s the Doom Family and Doom Corps.

Same applies to Metroid. I don’t want a self-insert there, she’s another Lone Ranger and that’s how it’s supposed to be. You don’t start fucking with the formula just to satisfy fantasy.

Don’t forget that they would need to justify Doom sidekick’s existence, so you’d probably have a “Doom Guy needs saving” angle, and you know how these things go so if there’s a second character, one of them is going to talk.

Too many reasons not to do it.

Doom Guy is a silent reason to play a fun game, and they managed to build a tongue in cheek lore around it without breaking the core of what the series is.
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An Absolute Desaster
I am also get tired of this whole gender equality matter. Men are in general stronger than women, meaning the strongest woman will never be stronger than the strongest man. It’s just the way humans are. Women are better at other things instead. Otherwise there wouldn’t be any reason to separate men and women in sports. So if you’re only hope is one person to fight tons of demons, I am sure everyone would want this person to be a man.

It is the same push like “more women should play video games”. That will never happen because women and men just have different interests or does someone really think in some years more men also love shopping.
Sure men and women should be threaded equally, but they will never be the same. They are different and that’s a good thing and a big reason why I love my wife.


Im not a vested Doom player, so for me I don't care.

I'm surprised more games don't simply have a 1-2 default. One man, one woman. Especially for games which have the character covered and the story can have anyone as the main character.

Now if it's a game where the character's gender is really important for story, voice acting (you got to double the costs with two voice actors) etc.... then ya. Probably better to leave the gender alone.

But for many kinds of games with negligible story and in this case, has Doom Dude ever been revealed as a beastly meathead?
Having two traditional genders in unacceptable in 2021. They shouldn't be named to avoid confusion and you should get an option to pick your favorite pronouns.
If woke means making the game cool with stuff like that wake me up! It would be sweet if they did a slight balance like that.

You’re more agile but worse at reloading fast or something. Some give and take and there is more doom then. It could even be a hard mode where you have like 80% health and ammo. Badge of honor. Being the chick and kicking ass. A universal hard mode for fun. Lots of potential.
I know you're making a joke but don't get me wrong, I don't want a woke Doomgal either. I simply trust that if Hugo is going to add a female Doom Slayer to battle alongside the male, then he'd want her to be leveraging the strengths of a fictional female character, which have typically centered around mobility.

I don't know about it being a new hard mode, just a new, second character that plays differently enough from Doom Slayer to make it an interesting experience.


I don't know about it being a new hard mode, just a new, second character that plays differently enough from Doom Slayer to make it an interesting experience.

The problem here is that no one's going to create a separate campaign to show different strengths of a female character. The people behind these decisions want them to be equally strong as effective in combat as men even though it doesn't work that in real life (unless you're hard on steroids like Abby ;)).


I mean if there's already like 60+ supposed genders....

why not go full woke and make "Doom Slayer" an own gender that anyone can identify with?

Stop being bigots by forcing them into those old fashioned male/female categories. Let's be more inclusive to the "Doom Slayer" gender people.
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