Gold Member

The full message is as follows:
Happy New Year to you all.
Final Fantasy XVI is set to release this year, which means Yoshi-P needs your support now more than ever. Cheer him on as he gives it his all down the stretch!
Also! Development is picking up speed on the title I’m producing, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth I’m sure many of your collective imaginations are running wild trying to picture how we’ll recreate some of the game’s most iconic scenes, and we’ll have more to share about that when the time is right.
There’s also another big announcement unrelated to Final Fantasy VII that I can’t say anything about just yet.
Rest assured we’re working hard to make sure 2023 is the most exciting year yet.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Producer
Yoshinori Kitase
A remake of Final Fantasy IX and a remastered version of Final Fantasy Tactics appeared on a list of games leaked by NVIDIA back in September 2021. Many of those games have since been announced, including Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamer Edition, Kingdom Hearts IV, and Tactics Ogre: Reborn.