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Star Wars Outlaws Wants to Be Your Dream "Open Galaxy" - IGN First



He is the best of the game
I feel the complete opposite. Him alone makes me not want to play it. Im sick of these mandatory "cute" companions. Where as unlike the films there "never not" on camera. Uggghhhh...
Its already hitting a lot of those notes for me.

  • Large open world
  • Traveling from land with the speeder bikes to space with the ships
  • smuggling outpost, like black market to sell your stolen goods
  • interesting narrative where you can betray factions

    I can already see the loop here and it sounds really fun.






Some nice visuals there.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
For it to be my "dream open galaxy", it would need to have a full scale explorable galaxy with tens of billions of unique star systems.

Each of those star systems need to have planets with at least one explorable planet per system.

Each planet needs to be a real life size planet as well. I don't want invisible walls. I want to travel and explore every inch of the planets forest, desert, ocean floor etc.

Is that what I can expect from this game?


Bought Starfield day 1, only issue I had with the loading was not hiding it with some video or something.

Buying this day 1 and don't really care lol

I just don't buy that going to space in real time was going to change anything for most on here tbh
Yeah the loading was such a nothing burger, those who never played it complained I guess. At least on PC loading can take like 1 second through doors, 3 seconds fast traveling within systems and maybe 5-7 to another system. Maybe it takes longer on Xbox idk haven’t played it there.

Btw you can mod in some Star Wars-like warp speed flight effect when you fast travel between systems now if you want.

Regarding Outlaws I like what I hear about AC Odyssey, it’s my favorite AC, loved it.

But the main character here is so incredibly boring. I don’t understand why they made a female Han Solo when they could’ve had the real one. Why??
Star Wars: Han Solo with Chewie as the side kick would sell 10x more.
These devs clearly don’t know their audience. Would’ve probably had some flat trouser lady with a hat if they made an Indiana Jones game too.
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if it’s an open world Assassins Creed type Star Wars game - I would’ve personally preferred to be some type of force user


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
"Open galaxy" makes me think of something like Freelancer or Star Sector, and I doubt this game offers that kind of freedom.

Still looks kinda cool I guess, even if too simple with a gameplay loop of stealth/climb/shoot that reminds me a lot of Uncharted.
Might try it on a deep sale, or if it lands on GP.
AC Odyssey had the best world building of all the AC. The game wasn't perfect but I've never had so much fun exploring ancient greece.
So a Star wars game with the same team I'm totally ok with it. Also I'm puzzled at the hate against the main character? She's not ugly at all maybe a bit conventional. The red head in SW survivor was so much more bland though.
Anyway I'm cautiously optimistic.

We get it has to be an eighties cut to fit the period, but we want to play as Han and Chewie in a scoundrels game - not Aunt Behru and a fucking furby.

They’ll do an Indy game next - where you play as his daughter’s blue haired fat mate, with a diverse supporting cast nb no white men, robbing museums and putting the treasures back in third world hellholes.
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Yeah the loading was such a nothing burger, those who never played it complained I guess.

A “nothing burger”?

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

Land on Neon.
Exit ship - load screen.
Get on elevator - load screen.
Enter shop - load screen.
Leave shop - load screen.
Walk across hallway, enter door to go to Ebbside - load screen.

Stop with the damage control. The load screens in Starfield are absolute ass and there’s no excuse for them in 2023. Doing a single fetch quest on a compact place like Neon or with a city like New Atlantis would take a dozen or more load screens just to complete.


Geez I'm starting to get sick of female protagonists, and that sucks because I genuinely used to LOVE when new and interesting female characters were introduced...but now it just feels like it's just a lazy political quota/checkbox for damn near every single game, especially Western games.

I might check this out later on sale but I'm just burnt out on playing as strong empowered mary sues right now.



It looks great, but the gameplay seems very bland. If this was set in any other setting than Star Wars, the hype would probably be non-existing.


A “nothing burger”?

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

Land on Neon.
Exit ship - load screen.
Get on elevator - load screen.
Enter shop - load screen.
Leave shop - load screen.
Walk across hallway, enter door to go to Ebbside - load screen.

Stop with the damage control. The load screens in Starfield are absolute ass and there’s no excuse for them in 2023. Doing a single fetch quest on a compact place like Neon or with a city like New Atlantis would take a dozen or more load screens just to complete.
No I won’t stop. The ”loading screens” you’re talking about in those same city scenarios is literally a fade to black animation… For how many seconds? 2? 3?
”absolute ass”… Pick your nose or something it’s not worth complaining about.

The actual ”long” loading times where you get a loading screen watching your photo mode screens of Sarahs ass or whatever comes when you go between planets and systems. Iirc I timed those to 7 seconds near launch on my PC with a standard 980 Pro. If they’ve become longer after patches then I haven’t noticed so can’t be by much.

And watching the ship take off into space takes what? Maybe 10 seconds? with another fade to black animation of a second or two to see the cockpit. Big deal.

Some day when I have some time off to waste on modern gamer concerns I’ll make a zero bs uncut video. But I’ll never ever stop thinking this is anything more than a nothing burger. There is literally mods now that makes some scenes longer now because people want less abrupt switches going from planet to planet. Could’ve had animations for when you open a door or entering the cockpit etc as well.

Dr. Claus

I hate Ubisoft as much as anyone else here, but this is false lmao. Odyssey is also used as a tool for education when it comes to its locations/environments. That game is one of their best games ever made. The DLC locations are insane.

An insulting, slacktivist driven mess that cared not one iota of replicating or honestly portraying the Peloponnesian war and its era, its myriad cultures, or educating people on them. The devs cared more to ham fist their world views down players throats, portray Greece as some highly progressive Haven when it never was, and constantly censor historical facts in its education mode while referencing how sexist, racist, and bigoted it was.

Please rewatch the video, then go read actual Greek philosophers and Greek historians. That is by no means a fact. Women did not have free reign and they were treated *very* differently in Sparta vs Athens.
  • The Aspasia was known as a "hataera", an ancient Greek courtesan or concubine, especially one of a special class of cultivated female companions. They were also a metic, a foreign resident of Athens, one who did not have citizen rights in their Greek city-state of residence.
    • Being what she was, she was free of the legal constraints that normally bound women to their homes in Ancient Athens. Therefore she was able to interact in social gatherings that were normally forbidden for most Athenian women.
  • The vast majority of women were not frontline fighters, rarely would there ever be a women in a skirmish situation. Their roles were to raise children and tend to the household.
  • The Greek World was not as "diverse" as is portrayed in the game. Indo-europeans brought in the language. The Greek people were and still are a mix of those indo-european migrations and older indigenous groups (that were still fair of skin). The Pelasgians were most likely the original indigenous group in the area. They didn't have darker skin tone like Dravidian people found in the southern and eastern ends of Africa.
    • Due to climatological sciences, we know that since the end of the ice age the Mediterraneans did not have high UV levels that would introduce evolutionary pressure to increase melanin levels within the Pelasgians. (A Eruopean Population in Minoan Bronze Age Crete, look it up via Scholar.Google).
  • Spartans were ancient Eugensists who killed any who they thought were "weak". They made clear demarcations between themselves and the other greeks. They did not give them citizenship or equal rights.
  • Ancient Greece had clear issues with race.
    • Xenophanes - "Our gods have flat noses and black skins, say the ethiopians. The Thracians say our gods have red hair and hazel eyes."
    • Aethiopia literally means "The Land of Burnt Faces"
    • Greece once had a huge Empire and ruled over multiple other groups. This lead to those groups speaking Greek - however that does not mean that they were anymore ethnically greek just as Japanese who speak English are British.
    • Hippocrates himself had believed that climate, geography, and location lead to the physical and mental characteristics of people:
      • "Concerning the listlessness and the cowardice of peoples, the seasons are especially the cause why asians are less martial than the europeans and more tame in their character, for making no dramatic shift either to the hot nor to the cold, their seasons are temperate." | "For there are no mental disturbances nor strong change of the body, from which it is more likely that the passion is roused and indulges the senseless and high-spirited rather than when it is in a steady state." | "For it is change of everything which wakes the disposition of men and does not allow it to rest." | " For these aforesaid reasons it seems to me that the asian race is weak and yet further so because of their customs. For much of asia is ruled by a king." | "And where men do not rule themselves nor are autonomous but are ruled by a despot, there is no reason for them to concern themselves over this. So when they do not practice the military disciplines, but they work to seem pacifistic."
    • Sparta had the Xenelasia - expelling foreigners who were deemed injurious to the city-state.
  • Homosexuality and Pederasty *DID* exist, but it is greatly debated by the extent of which it occured.
    • Pederasty was the relationship between an Erastes (Adult Male) and an Eromenos (Younger Male), usually in their teens. However, this was believed to be more of a Mentor/Mentee relationship, not one that was inherently sexual. It also was only allowed for Citizens as any non-citizens could not engage in pederastic relationships. All surviving artwork involving pederasty does not show any sexual relationships between the Erastes and Eromenos.
    • Aristophanes wrote the famous Greek play: Lysistrata. This involves a ploy by Athenian women to stop having sex with their men so they would stop waging war with Sparta. If most greek men could gain sexual release through other means, this ploy would not have worked, but it did.
    • Greek Homosexuality by K.J. Dover explains better than I can in his book. He notes that there are 600 "homosexual" relations depicted out of nearly 80,000 known Greek vases. That is not great evidence to show a prevalent homosexual nature within Greek culture.
    • Xenophon: "Lycurgus adopted a system opposed to all of these alike. Given that someone, himself being all that a man ought to be, should in admiration off a boy's soul endeavor to discover in him a true friend without reproach, and to consort with him - this was a relationship which Lycurgus commended, and indeed regarded as the noblest type of bringing up." | "But if, as was evident, it was not an attachment to the soul, but a yearning merely towards the body, he stamped this thing as foul and horrible; And with this result, to the credit of Lycurgus be it said, that in lacedaemon the relationship of lover and beloved is like that of parent and child or brother and brother where carnal appetite is in abeyance."
    • Sparta also had very different words for Erastes and Eromenos.
      • Eispnelas, meaning inspirer.
      • Aites, meaning listener.
    • Grown men would not have had engaged in open homosexual relationships. One character: Alkibiades is shown as an unrelenting figure in the game's homosexual relationships. While history does show he was an active bisexual, it is suggested that he suffers from psychopathy. He was a self-serving and treacherous individual.
  • Greek Men and Women (Promiscuity) is not at all as it is portrayed in the game.
    • There were laws that prevented men from seducing noble women who were under the protection of a kyrios. However, men were able to sleep with slaves and prostitutes despite being married - but noble women were not one of those. If caught, they would be executed by the Kyrios without trial.
    • Women were able to have sex with specific men as designated by the Kyrios in order to produce a stronger offspring, however they were *not* allowed to sleep with whomever they wanted.
The Greek world was consumed by gender and race. This is shown through the various accounts of ancient Greeks and the physical history we have of that ancient civilization.

Referring to gameplay, it was so poorly balanced and done so on purpose to either have the player do every little thing to maintain a level where you aren't beating against sandbags for hours or to get the player to spend money on its EXP MTX microtransaction to get a properly paced experience.

Color me unsurprised that this looks exactly like the same level of trash, only with a Star Wars skin.
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The average looking (let's be honest here ugly is a bit too far aside from cherry piked shots) femsolo is the female equivalent of the male Piranha Bytes hero. Either way she's the least of this game's problems. It's the braindead gameplay that's a turnoff. I read a gameplay preview where the journalist who played it had to go on a stealth mission but they broke stealth and had zero consequence doing so, guards having horse blinder line of sight, dumb AI and weak weaponry allowing her to easily overpower all of them going rambo with just the basic blaster. That unsold me on the game.
For it to be my "dream open galaxy", it would need to have a full scale explorable galaxy with tens of billions of unique star systems.

Each of those star systems need to have planets with at least one explorable planet per system.

Each planet needs to be a real life size planet as well. I don't want invisible walls. I want to travel and explore every inch of the planets forest, desert, ocean floor etc.

Is that what I can expect from this game?
This is unfeasible for any scale of development. No Man's Sky proves that unless you have meaningful content crafted by hand each of those planets will get old fast.


My dream open "galaxy" would be a small but seamlessly open world solar system (sort of like Outer Wilds, but considerably bigger). Fly anywhere and land almost anywhere (except maybe cities, and you could have places protected by shield or defense systems) with no loading screen

Cool physics and interactivity (again, like Outer Wilds)

Exploration inspired by the likes of BOTW and Elden Ring, encouraging you to really go explore instead of following way points, with cool stuff to find and non linear progression allowing you to accomplish main tasks as you encounter them instead of a specific order.

A fun Sci Fi story with a memorable cast of characters in the style of Mass Effect. With similar although improved gameplay and deeper RPG mechanics


I really want to believe it.

But with "modern" gaming and "modern" star wars I fail to get excited for this.

It just doesn't seem to be bringing anything more than your average open world checkbook list.

However jedi survivor was fantastic so I'm willing to be wrong. (Just when I buy it on a heavy discount)


Moderated wildly
I can't express how hyped I was when this got announced and I want this to be true but I know deep down im probably going to have some dull Ubisoft open world.

It would be awesome to get a really, really good star wars game.

Outside of Jedi Survivor, I really like those but Respawn are amazing outside of Tech. :/
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Just wrapped up all the achievements in Jedi Survivor, buggyness aside, it was a great SW game.

I highly doubt Ubi has done anything unique here, just a SW skin on the same old tired Ubi formula.


Well, Ubisoft Toronto is helping out, the studio behind Starlink, so 'Open Galaxy' claims check out to me.

Not much interested in heavily narrative focused open world games though.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
The average looking (let's be honest here ugly is a bit too far aside from cherry piked shots) femsolo is the female equivalent of the male Piranha Bytes hero. Either way she's the least of this game's problems. It's the braindead gameplay that's a turnoff. I read a gameplay preview where the journalist who played it had to go on a stealth mission but they broke stealth and had zero consequence doing so, guards having horse blinder line of sight, dumb AI and weak weaponry allowing her to easily overpower all of them going rambo with just the basic blaster. That unsold me on the game.

This is unfeasible for any scale of development. No Man's Sky proves that unless you have meaningful content crafted by hand each of those planets will get old fast.

I know.

Ubisoft are claiming this will be my dream open galaxy game. Clearly it won't be because the technology doesn't exist to make my dream game! Maybe in about 50 years!


Lets wait to see te he Game once it lauch. UBI is so addicted to it's Open world settings that it's hard to Believe they Will do something different.

Massive has done good games , but an Open world Game is different from a city map (División) , specially on the fights Moments. If Massive did their own Open world development instead of just copy AC Original/Odyssey/Valhalla or Breakpoint ones the Game could be good. But I am afraid it Will be just AC Odyssey with SW skin.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
This looks fantastic. The pedigree of the director and writers are proven. It pleases me to hear that they're taking inspiration from Mass Effect 2 - even a reputation system, nice. Setting it between Empire and RotJ sounds good to me.

I am glad they're going truly open world and not some highly instanced system akin to those used in the The Division games.
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