"outrageously opinionated"
Thought that was pretty ridiculous to, especially considering how levelheaded he is compared to the other speakers. You have a woman calling for "mental health czars in every county" but the guy pleading the other speakers to reconsider blaming people with Asperger's for shooting is the outrageous one.
I always forget how much I respect him when I haven't heard or seen anything from him in awhile. I've been putting off buying his new book for awhile, partially because I've been busy and partially because I assumed it'd be a rehash of God, No!
For those who were unaware, Penn has a weekly podcast that's pretty great. Penn's Sunday School.
I'll have to check this out too.
His legs look ridiculous under that table.
I think Penn did his best, and I would MOSTLY agree with him - although I wonder what his opinion is on gun culture in general. I understand he is a libertarian so... probably not in line with my own opinion. He talks about how mass shootings are rare, but I would like to know if a campaign to marginalise gun culture would appeal to him - it's obvious that gun culture and everything that comes with it (idolizing them, owning them and using them) very much DOES have an effect on the rate of violent crime in a city, state or town. He speaks about priorities, but I wonder where that sits on his list.
When he talks about priorities he means that we should focus on things that actually kill people. More (many?) people die per year from preventable disease than mass shootings, so we should focus on that as a society. More kids drown per year than are murdered, so instead of making them scared a classmate is going to kill the, we should build fences around pools.
I would assume that Penn's reaction to your question would be to ask whether you have concrete evidence that gun culture effects an area's violence or whether the effect is "obvious" to you the way it's obvious to that legendary news anchor that CoD trains autistic kids to murder.
Even if there was, I doubt he'd show much interest in a marginalization campaign since there's the other more deadly concerns he brought up to tackle first.