The internet always winsSo, is there still a way to watch all the leaked cutscenes/gameplay, or have they been taken down?
The internet always winsSo, is there still a way to watch all the leaked cutscenes/gameplay, or have they been taken down?
Some of the best moments in the Last of Us cannot be described in plot summary.
Ellie's interaction with Bill
Joel riding in the car with Bill
Ellie help Joel out of the hospital
Herny leaving Joel behind and Ellie going back to stay with Joel.
Joel's argument with his brother
Tess' death
And many more.
These are scenes that make you fall in love with these characters. In a 25+ hour game, you're bound to get at least 3 hours worth of cut-scenes and we only saw less than 20 minutes altogether?
I just can't wait for the reviews to drop.
Calling it “too obvious” is an understatement lol.I'm avoiding all spoilers but I'm picking up on something. A simple yes or no will do, so is the 'agenda' Neil spoke about a long time ago 'too obvious' in TLOU2? I really hope not but that's roughly what I'm picking up.
I'm avoiding all spoilers but I'm picking up on something. A simple yes or no will do, so is the 'agenda' Neil spoke about a long time ago 'too obvious' in TLOU2? I really hope not but that's roughly what I'm picking up.
I can't really get into it, but no. There's certainly progressive aspects that's enough for sensitive little bitches to be set off by, judging by the response.I'm avoiding all spoilers but I'm picking up on something. A simple yes or no will do, so is the 'agenda' Neil spoke about a long time ago 'too obvious' in TLOU2? I really hope not but that's roughly what I'm picking up.
Well, there’s a little difference.
First, Negan has charisma, Abby looks like a bunch of meat, a knucklehead. We have seen the scene in which she was happy to kill a pregnant teen, but when her asian trans boyfriend called her, she changed her mind in one second (amazing script).
I don't know if seeing Abby caring about her friends is going to be enough to be a likeable character.
I even doubt Nostrilina is even going to be a likeable character. And the asian dude who is going to be cuckolded and then murdered it's going to receive pity, for sure. But again, is he going to be a likeable character?
Some real doubts about it.
Truthfully though, how can you feel comfortable shit-canning an entire 30hr narrative on the basis of a couple of leaked scenes?
Reviews no longer mean shit. They will all be positive because if a critic gives a bad review it's bascailly career suicide in 2020. Any "progressive" movies/game/comic/etc. must be given praise otherwise you are labeled an "ist" and an "ism". Nevermind if the story and characters are actually written well or not.
I appreciate your thoughtful replies, but I think it's like talking to a brick wall at this point. Certain people have made up their mind that this entire game is a SJW agenda pushing conspiracy to make anyone who plays it an automatic gay frog and they've bought into this knee jerk mob mentality. Nothing will change that. If they're convinced the game will be terrible after barely 20 minutes of edited/out of context cut scenes and a bullet point list of story beats, then let them miss the game. Although I'd put money that if live-streams, gamers and reviews talk about how great the game is, they'll buy it. Full price, lol.
I pre-ordered it. I'm excited to play it! I'm excited to watch my husband play it! If it's garbage, well, there will always be another game. Pretty pumped for AC: Valhalla! My viking beard will be glorious.
I'm avoiding all spoilers but I'm picking up on something. A simple yes or no will do, so is the 'agenda' Neil spoke about a long time ago 'too obvious' in TLOU2? I really hope not but that's roughly what I'm picking up.
Probably Anita S, and Neil Druckmann complied. From Druckmann's wiki page.Look, I’m all for equality and shit, but who honestly asked to play as a vindictive, vengeful hormone rampaging Uruk Hai with moobs swinging a golf club?
Look, I’m all for equality and shit, but who honestly asked to play as a vindictive, vengeful hormone rampaging Uruk Hai with moobs swinging a golf club?
I can't really get into it, but no. There's certainly progressive aspects that's enough for sensitive little bitches to be set off by, judging by the response.
But there are also scenes where it's clear the game doesn't give a fuck who it pisses off. "SJWs" don't tell react well to certain level of violence. It's story comes first.
This game will be great for watching on YT.This clusterfuck doesn't affect my desire to play The Last of Us 2, because that was already zero. It does however make me less likely to buy a PS5 at launch if this bullshit is the sort of "MUST HAVE SONY EXCLUSIVE" that I've been hearing so much about.
Naughty Dog has been afforded far too much autonomy. Get your bitch back on its leash Sony.
No doubt. It was basically a handful of boring walking scenes, a bunch of Ellie and Abby dialogue scenes and Joel getting his ass beat.I think there are things for just about everyone to get angry at in what is leaked. But then again we have to consider that the leaker did it to hurt and damage nd/tlou2 so all the scenes are likely leaked to lack the context and hand-picked to cause maximum damage.
I don't think Niel is stupid so I am super excited to play it to see how he makes these leaked scenes make sense.
It is going to be a wild ride, that is for sure. I hope the story is good and engaging.
I can't really get into it, but no. There's certainly progressive aspects that's enough for sensitive little bitches to be set off by, judging by the response.
But there are also scenes where it's clear the game doesn't give a fuck who it pisses off. "SJWs" don't tell react well to certain level of violence. It's story comes first.
I don't think there is one. I think the main leaks are the following which have some conflicting info, and the video leaks are everyone's interpretation how they fit the puzzle.Is there a summary of the actual storyline somewhere? The early pages of the thread are still unsure, the later pages are all arguments and the middle has details that go back and forth on whether they were correct or not. The memes on reddit are fun but even there it's hard to find an actual summary.
Since the ending to the original game is cropping up again, I'll say again what I've said before.
Joel was right.
Yes, there are nuances. Yes, you can look at the wider picture & the consequences of his actions & debate it all until the cows come home. But the fact is Joel was right.
The entire story builds to the point of Joel doing what he does. The entire game prepared you for what happened & explained why Joel would do what he did. It gives you all the information you need. Joel was a good man. A loving, single father raising his daughter. They have a very good relationship. She is taken away from him forever in brutal, confusing circumstances by someone who thinks they are doing what is right. Joel becomes a bad man, haunted by his pain, driven to never allow the horrors of the world to beat him again. Then he meets Ellie. From that moment, his hard outer shell begins to crumble & his innate goodness begins to reappear. They go on a journey together. Physically, mentally, emotionally... Every way possible. Ellie is shown to be suffering from survivor's guilt. She struggles with the feeling that she must do something to make up for all of the pain, suffering & death that has surrounded her & she has lived through as a child. While this is happening, the game takes the time to slowly reveal how desperate & essentially hopeless Marlene & the Fireflies have become. It all builds perfectly, beautifully to that ending where Ellie is unconscious & has no say in the matter, leaving the responsible adults in her life to make the choices.
The cure is in no way guaranteed. It is a hope. A maybe. A possibility. That is a fact, there are no two ways about it. There is no guarantee that killing Ellie & cutting up her brain will save anybody. Marlene knows that. Joel knows it. The doctors & surgeons know it. Everybody knows it.
So the only question asked is what will a parent (Joel) do? Faced with the prospect of being forced to let another child die & hoping that it might mean something, that it could possibly lead to some good, maybe... This time. What will this guy, uniquely prepared through his history to make the choice in that hard moment, do?
What the fuck do you think he'll do. You can try & remove yourself from the hard reality that you're killing a child because maybe that'll lead to some good. You can try & justify it if you want. Joel knows. He's been there. He sees clean through you & has a simple answer, forged in the fires of a hard life spent fighting against that very thing having already happened. The senseless death of an innocent child who could do nothing to defend herself. He'll say, "Yeah. You keep telling yourself that bullshit" & then he'll do what needs to be done.
God damn... The Last of Us was so good.
Amy didnt write the first one. Amy keeps getting fired so...Can't say im disappointed. Expected them to ruin it with their sjw bs.
No mp for this garbage plot? Druckman should be canned and bring Amy and all the others who left, back.
The only thing we have to go with that fits that is the leaked image of a focus group agenda playlist Ellie as half the game and Abby as half the game. And that assumes the acts you play as both are of the same length.So is it confirmed that you actually play half the game as that mandroid?. Why would ND think gamers would actually want to do that?, especially after she kills the fan favorite and main character of the first game Joel.
horse pissSo we have Testosterone drugs in the apocalypse?
Because she's a wahmen! An ugly, butch, musculine looking wahmen... you know, the only kind that should exist in any videogame because sexism.So is it confirmed that you actually play half the game as that mandroid?. Why would ND think gamers would actually want to do that?, especially after she kills the fan favorite and main character of the first game Joel.
So is it confirmed that you actually play half the game as that mandroid?. Why would ND think gamers would actually want to do that?, especially after she kills the fan favorite and main character of the first game Joel.
A T is beating the shit out of 2 LsPeople still really think this game is about some SJW boogeyman, when there's literally a scene of a women brutally manhandling two LGBT characters in disgusting detail.
Christ give me strength, I just wanna see the reviews at this point, so I can read about the game without all the BS surrounding it.
A T is beating the shit out of 2 Ls
FAnyone else hyped for it still? GOTY 2022!
Joel was absolutely right.
And then the authoritarians who believe in 'the greater good' and kneel to the state/elites got in control and shit out this monstrosity, killing off Joel and replacing him as their ideology always dictates must be done.
They don't care what franchise they burn down.
I don't think there is one. I think the main leaks are the following which have some conflicting info, and the video leaks are everyone's interpretation how they fit the puzzle.
1. That 4chan/reddit leak which was two pages long of info. THis has all kinds of info but some info that seems to conflict like Dina dying before Joel
2. All the leaked videos
3. The key video of Joel getting golf clubbed shows he's still alive (barely), but another video has Dina saying he's dead. So the assumption is she is being literal about it and he is dead
4. Someone did another quick recap I think yesterday giving more story saying Ellie ditches family life with Dina and ventures off to avenge Joel (which leads to part 3)
5. That snapshot of a focus group agenda saying Ellie day 1 -3, Abby day 1-3, epilogue etc..... which reinforces Abby being a big part of the game (like Raiden in MGS2)
it is safe. You get a game with a dark plot, and you still interact with the world through killing, same gameplay as 2.
A genuine risk would be if they made it a society re-builder, or a post apocalyptic animal crossing kind of thing.
Yeah, it's to the point where half the people that got spoiled, will be like "wait that didn't happen in the leaks" all the way through the game. People have used the actual leaked cut-scenes (which most people only watched 1 or 2 of) to create many fake plot synopsis' with element's of truth to them.Ok, because I kept reading one thing, then reading the opposite, then reading that such and such wasn't confirmed, ect. So you've helped me realize that we really don't know as much as we think and lots of it is memes.
I'm not sure wtf to think about it at this point.
Here's my guess assuming all these leaks are true, with priority accuracy being videos vs. reddit posts.Ok, because I kept reading one thing, then reading the opposite, then reading that such and such wasn't confirmed, ect. So you've helped me realize that we really don't know as much as we think and lots of it is memes.
I'm not sure wtf to think about it at this point.
No thanks.Here's my guess assuming all these leaks are true, with priority accuracy being videos vs. reddit posts.
- That half Ellie/half Abby focus group agenda is true
- Abby is the daughter of the doctor going for revenge
First half of game
- Ellie meets Dina
- Dina breaks up with Chinese BF, but turns out is pregnant by him
- Ellie and Dina hook up
- Ellie, Dina and Joel venture off as a trio
- Thy get ambushed by Abby's team. Joel get's smacked*****, but Ellie and Dina somehow escape and Abby looks for them
- Screen fades to black
Second half of game
- Background story on Abby, including family, doctor dad etc...
- Joel is back, but as flashback how he killed the doctor, leaving Abby in ruins. Includes the young scene of Abby growing up and with Lev looking for them
- Abby levels showing how she got to power and figuring out a revenge plot and finding them
- As Abby, you find them which leads to ambush point I mentioned above. This is another possible point Joel gets smacked******, then you get around to Ellie and Dina who escape and you have to find them. Ellie is pinned down, but maybe Dina comes from behind and forces them to let her go and they are on the run
- Final showdown as Abby finds them
- Ellie and Dina live on as Lev says let them live. They have a falling out later in life where Ellie wants to ditch her and avenge Joel. Abby and her team are long gone
- Fades to black as this is the plot for Part 3. Ellie for sure looking for Abby. Who knows how much screen time Dina gets
- Rumours had Christian bigots roaming around. Based off the cut scenes, can't form a guess as there's zero info. Not sure if Abby is even related to the Christian thing or not, or a totally different plot than killer Christians. The game might have to main enemy plots. Abby and Christians
No thanks.
I will rather keep my $60 for another launch PS5 game.
This sounds horrible. WHAT THE HELL?????
Just a guess based off a few reddit/4chan posts and maybe 5-6 video clips.No thanks.
I will rather keep my $60 for another launch PS5 game.
This sounds horrible. WHAT THE HELL?????
Here's my guess assuming all these leaks are true, with priority accuracy being videos vs. reddit posts.
- That half Ellie/half Abby focus group agenda is true
- Abby is the daughter of the doctor going for revenge
First half of game
- Ellie meets Dina
- Dina breaks up with Chinese BF, but turns out is pregnant by him
- Ellie and Dina hook up
- Ellie, Dina and Joel venture off as a trio
- Thy get ambushed by Abby's team. Joel get's smacked*****, but Ellie and Dina somehow escape and Abby looks for them
- Screen fades to black
Second half of game
- Background story on Abby, including family, doctor dad etc...
- Joel is back, but as flashback how he killed the doctor, leaving Abby in ruins. Includes the young scene of Abby growing up and with Lev looking for them
- Abby levels showing how she got to power and figuring out a revenge plot and finding them
- As Abby, you find them which leads to ambush point I mentioned above. This is another possible point Joel gets smacked******, then you get around to Ellie and Dina who escape and you have to find them. Ellie is pinned down, but maybe Dina comes from behind and forces them to let her go and they are on the run
- Final showdown as Abby finds them
- Ellie and Dina live on as Lev says let them live. They have a falling out later in life where Ellie wants to ditch her and avenge Joel. Abby and her team are long gone
- Fades to black as this is the plot for Part 3. Ellie for sure looking for Abby. Who knows how much screen time Dina gets
- Rumours had Christian bigots roaming around. Based off the cut scenes, can't form a guess as there's zero info. Not sure if Abby is even related to the Christian thing or not, or a totally different plot than killer Christians. The game might have two main enemy plots. Abby and Christians, unless they make Abby a combo plot where she's out for revenge and also part of a Christian cult. Then again, the religious angle might be fake. If the game is already aimed at a two pronged Ellie/Abby angle, there might not be enough time to intertwine a religious plot in it
That is good speculation.
But I am not comfortable with Abby whacking Joel and then later we play as Abby.
That would be very weird. You start playing as Abby just after she did something unforgivable that makes you deeply hate her.
People would just put the game down in that case.
I would lean towards Abby whacking Joel happens AFTER we have finished playing as Abbey.
We start with Abbey, maybe she is even friendly towards Ellie and Joel. We play as her we bond with her we get emotionally invested in her and we have feelings for this character.
Then something happens, Abbey now realizes that it was Ellie and Joel that killed her father and in a rage she whacks Joel.
At this point we are finished with Abbey as the protagonist and we will not play as her anymore.
That would make much more sense to me.
Remember, the order that they focus test the segments might not be the same order as they occur in the game.
I'm avoiding all spoilers but I'm picking up on something. A simple yes or no will do, so is the 'agenda' Neil spoke about a long time ago 'too obvious' in TLOU2? I really hope not but that's roughly what I'm picking up.
agreed. It’s a risk but if the execution is on point, could be very cool.Playing as her afterwards is exactly done to be jarring and the more you play as her the more you're forced to empathize with her struggle despite your hatred for her actions, if done will it will be brilliant.
Hmmmm.... that whodunnit moment you mentioned can definitely work. Another plot twist, since these leaks make Abby look like an angry person day one.That is good speculation.
But I am not comfortable with Abby whacking Joel and then later we play as Abby.
That would be very weird. You start playing as Abby just after she did something unforgivable that makes you deeply hate her.
People would just put the game down in that case.
I would lean towards Abby whacking Joel happens AFTER we have finished playing as Abbey.
We start with Abbey, maybe she is even friendly towards Ellie and Joel. We play as her we bond with her we get emotionally invested in her and we have feelings for this character.
Then something happens, Abbey now realizes that it was Ellie and Joel that killed her father and in a rage she whacks Joel.
At this point we are finished with Abbey as the protagonist and we will not play as her anymore.
That would make much more sense to me.
Remember, the order that they focus test the segments might not be the same order as they occur in the game.
TBH these spoilers are making me much more excited about this game than I was before.