Death Prophet
Are there benefits of filling up the museum other than satisfying OCD? I'm doing it, but it would be better to know I'm not just giving away bells.
You guys thinks it's a good idea to save up all my money until Sunday and blow every bell on turnips?
You guys thinks it's a good idea to save up all my money until Sunday and blow every bell on turnips?
You guys thinks it's a good idea to save up all my money until Sunday and blow every bell on turnips?
Is that a doughnut stool?
You guys thinks it's a good idea to save up all my money until Sunday and blow every bell on turnips?
forever working on tiles
you know how pro designs let you save like 4 sides of a shirt?
why not do that with path tiles and let you save all 9 angles into 1
Also, I just found a lost item. I don't remember lost items in previous Animal Crossings.
It's been raining for 3 days in my town and I still haven't caught that fish I can't spell the name of.
Also, I just found a lost item. I don't remember lost items in previous Animal Crossings.
Where do I get aquariums?
I've got all these sharks just sitting in my dressers.
just display the shark and they come with an aquarium
When do I get aquariums?
I've got all these sharks just sitting in my dressers.
i streetpassed someone with a raccoon clock today, so now i can buy them, if eurogaf, or ausgaf wants let me know, i forgot exactly but its like 1600 bells or something
I don't have the game yet, but GAF's community is so big that SOMEBODY is bound to get 200+ turnip price during the week.
The problem is managing to get into their game when that happens, because everybody wants in.
I still think a 10% courtesy fee should be left behind to whoever opens their city for turnip trading.
Uh, not EVERY bell, leave yourself at least 20,000 for emergencies (whatever they may be)
But if you're confident you got them at a good price and you can make easy Bells at the Island, I suppose it's okay. Just remember to sell them before the week's over!
You can count on a 500+ bell price sometime during the week, so I think it's a good investment. Just in the past two days I've seen quite a few 500+ prices.
I'll be your turnip buddy as well. I will go virtually all in this Sunday and suffer with you as we'll during the nailbiter of a week where we wait for high prices from someone in the community.
You can get items from streetpassing with people?
I could go for one of those man! Couldn't get back to you before since I was at Uni with crummy internet, should be on for awhile now though.i streetpassed someone with a raccoon clock today, so now i can buy them, if eurogaf, or ausgaf wants let me know, i forgot exactly but its like 1600 bells or something
I could go for one of those man! Couldn't get back to you before since I was at Uni with crummy internet, should be on for awhile now though.
Awesome, no worries. Come over whenever you want, I'll leave some stuff outside my train station for you.just ordered one for you, its 1920 bells my bad, they're mailing it to me so i guess i'll have it tomorrow
just ordered one for you, its 1920 bells my bad, they're mailing it to me so i guess i'll have it tomorrow
I changed my ordinances from Early Bird to A Beautiful Town
been taking flowers from the island like crazy so I need the animals to help me plant and water them
anyway Isabelle says flowers will never die?
Timmy/Tommy's upgraded store has a machine.wait how do you look at your catalog?
wait how do you look at your catalog?
So I went to Gamestop to look for another copy since stores in and around San Fran got some stock in. They were all sold out, every single one, after work.![]()
Uk Gaffer here, any chance you could order me one. Will pay you double for it
(Note i won't be able to pick it up until tomorrow night (after 10PM GMT due to work however)
Timmy/Tommy's upgraded store has a machine.
Once you upgrade to the Convenience Store, there's a machine in the top right corner.
My life is complete!!!
I spent an hour drawing the moon, and my town song is the Song of Healing
Also, my house for anyone who hasn't seen.
Off topic as hell (sorry) but are there any recommendations for a digital 3ds game? I just bought the Oracle Zelda games as well as Pushmo.
I have around 18.00 of credit left.
I can't wait to get that megaphone. There seem to be one or two villagers that I can never seem to find in my town. I really wonder where they disappear to.
That's annoying. I guess it kind of eliminates the possibilities of where they could be though.Just wait until those two are hiding in the museum and the megaphone can't reach them, thus eliminating the usefulness.
It's fun for a bit and when you need to deliver something but other than that it's just another item to lug around.
Otherwise, it's pretty fun to call out to Kapp'n or Nat or someone because they respond too.
Off topic as hell (sorry) but are there any recommendations for a digital 3ds game? I just bought the Oracle Zelda games as well as Pushmo.
I have around 18.00 of credit left.
So what exactly do I do with gyroids? I keep digging 'em up and storing them in my house. Do they have any use at all?
So what exactly do I do with gyroids? I keep digging 'em up and storing them in my house. Do they have any use at all?
My life is complete!!!
I spent an hour drawing the moon, and my town song is the Song of Healing
Also, my house for anyone who hasn't seen.