Talk to Sable every day for 8 days,you then get the machine in their store.
Talk to Sable every day for several days, untila giant sewing machine appears by her.
sweet thanks
Talk to Sable every day for 8 days,you then get the machine in their store.
Talk to Sable every day for several days, untila giant sewing machine appears by her.
Pretty sure it does, they just don't sparkle. It's been raining in my town for four days and I haven't watered my flowers and they're fine. (How long does it take them to dry out?)
Hey guys quick question.
I really enjoyed playing wild world but I had to give up on the game due to not having enough time to play it. Every time I left for a week the town would be covered in leaves/tall grass which would take ages to clear up. Got me frustrated so eventually a quit.
Does this still occur in New Leaf, will my town look terrible if I leave the game for a week or even a month?
It occurs, but you can diminish it by enacting the beautiful town ordinance once you become mayor. Weeds are less common then.
Also, even if you left the game a week or more without playing, pulling all the weeds doesn't take an extortionate amount of time.
You can buy multiples of the island items if you want.Played 43 hours already. As soon as I turn it off I want to jump back in again. This game has well and truly got me infected!
Having a blast on the Island, only just today tried out diving for the first time. Lots of fun and finding tons of cool new stuff! Also managed to save up enough medals to buy a diver dan, woo! Kinda wish I could get two and have one on either side of my door as guards!
Mine is right around 100 hours but I've fallen asleep quite a few times with my 3DS plugged in and the game running. :lolPlayed 43 hours already. As soon as I turn it off I want to jump back in again. This game has well and truly got me infected!
Having a blast on the Island, only just today tried out diving for the first time. Lots of fun and finding tons of cool new stuff! Also managed to save up enough medals to buy a diver dan, woo! Kinda wish I could get two and have one on either side of my door as guards!
I'm not really worried about catching up to you guys. Even if I got it Day 1 I'd fall behind eventually.
I probably just need to exhaust my other games first. I think it's the pressure of having a backlog.
IT's not really something you play instead of other games. It's like an ongoing project you play during your daily constitutional or something.
Though it's possible to sink a bunch of time into it if you want to.
Spent the last 2 hours customizing my first long-sleeve devoted to one of my favorite Sega Genesis games.
Though, in retrospect, I don't think I'll be doing this again.
So new guy moved in, Monty. Another monkey (3rd in a row). Going to see how fast he moves out if I NEVER talk to him.
Monty's in my village right now! I actually really like him and he always wants to visit my house.
I can understand if you don't want him due to a series of monkeys, though.
You can buy multiples of the island items if you want.
Mine ward off evil spirits.
Amazing. Bravo. LOLI'm so sorry
Muffy finally moved.
Thank god. She was the worst, totally didn't fit in with my town of hip cool kids.
What is the max size for a town? What's the maximum number of villagers a town can have?
Ugh. I have her too![]()
Has anyone built the fence public project? What does it do?
Also, has anyone worn out their grass?
1. Nothing. It's a fence. That's why I'm only going to do a project if it means something to me.
2. Not entirely, but in patches. That's why I built the Rainbow Road.
I just got the HH Showcase thing, but there's no houses to look at. What's the deal?
You know what? Let's just not speak about this again, shall we.
I just got the HH Showcase thing, but there's no houses to look at. What's the deal?
It's for StreetPasses.
I played with a Japanese person and made a complete fool out of myself. But hey! I got some Japanese exclusive items... at least I think they are. I got a sitar and a washer/dryer. Anybody know if those are exclusive to Japan?
I activated it, but to be honest, I've never used Streetpass on any of my other games. What do I need to do now?
I don't have the game yet, but GAF's community is so big that SOMEBODY is bound to get 200+ turnip price during the week.
The problem is managing to get into their game when that happens, because everybody wants in.
I still think a 10% courtesy fee should be left behind to whoever opens their city for turnip trading.
i streetpassed someone with a raccoon clock today, so now i can buy them, if eurogaf, or ausgaf wants let me know, i forgot exactly but its like 1600 bells or something
I played with a Japanese person and made a complete fool out of myself. But hey! I got some Japanese exclusive items... at least I think they are. I got a sitar and a washer/dryer. Anybody know if those are exclusive to Japan?
You guys all have such awesome villagers. That's the one thing so far that I'm lacking.