Having played the game for 15 hours, its biggest flaw by far is the combat. It is just an extremely barebones experience, inexcusable really.
I just don't understand why didn't at least try and adopt Ghost of Tsushima's or Rise of Ronin's rock-paper-scissors mechanic. Or anything to give the combat some flavor. I'd take literally anything that gives the combat some depth and have it require some actual skill.
The flow of combat is not fun either. The camera often doesn't zoom out enough so you get mogged by an off-screen enemy who suddenly jumps at you. When you're locked on to one enemy but another enemy attacks and you block/parry, the lock doesn't automatically transfer to this enemy so you're constantly at war with the camera and controls. The whole thing feels super unintuitive and extremely unrewarding. Parrying in Sekiro, Tsushima, Rise of Ronin all feels great and gives you that small dopamine hit, and defeating an enemy gives you that feeling of satisfaction. But here it's just meh. Meh meh meh.
And there are three weapons, all following the exact same controle scheme: light attack, charged light, heavy attack, charged heavy. Extremely limited move set, makes no difference which weapon you use against which enemy, enemy archetypes are basically meaningless so far.
I don't get how you work on what is fundamentally a sword fighting game for god knows how long and this is the best you can do.