Why? He hated all AC in the past, why on heavens green earth would he like this one.
He liked Odyssey and he didn't mind Valhalla.
Why would I listen to him?
Because the AC series is a bloated pile of shit with Xray vision, spam combat, micro transactions galore, dated way point icon splattered maps, some of the worst AI in games today which doesn't say much tbh as AI is a problem with all games, Very unlikeable characters varies on the player I guess.
It's a very tired rinse and repeat formula and is so easy that is an insult to anyone who has even a below average skill level.
I'm sick of being lied to by gaming journalists (lol) who will never call a spade a spade when it comes to Ubisoft and AC even when it's a clearly tired old IP that has been abused and as ran out of ideas.
I also listen to him and not always agree because he hates how easy and hand holdy a lot of games are now, dumb as fuck AI, Insufferable characters, Xray vision in games, spam 1 button to win, non stop chatter and cutscenes in games which he has a point with and people agree with him.
If you don't agree with him or anyone else's opinions cool have a good day and you do you, Peace dude.