Assassin's Creed: Shadows | Review Thread

What scores do you think Assassin's Creed: Shadows will get?

  • 65-69%

    Votes: 7 2.5%
  • 70-74%

    Votes: 14 4.9%
  • 75-79%

    Votes: 38 13.3%
  • 80-84%

    Votes: 133 46.7%
  • 85-89%

    Votes: 77 27.0%
  • 90-94%

    Votes: 12 4.2%
  • 95-100%

    Votes: 4 1.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just curious, what have your experiences been like as a black man moving to parts of the world where black people are not common, even to the extent that they are rarely seen in the media?

Please, tell me more about how people timid about something they’ve never seen before, don’t get more acclimated to it the more they see it. I look forward to the grifter videos upset because the townsfolk aren’t running away scared from the big black guy who has been protecting them for months.


Gold Member
Please, tell me more about how people timid about something they’ve never seen before, don’t get more acclimated to it the more they see it. I look forward to the grifter videos upset because the townsfolk aren’t running away scared from the big black guy who has been protecting them for months.

So you're not a black person who has ever had a lived experience of moving to a foreign country where black people are rarely encountered? Got it.

I can tell you from first hand experience on multiple occasions that you're wrong. Outright rejection is a more frequent experience than "acclimation" or whatever other scenario you've dreamed up here.

What's funny about this is that you think you are helping by being a "ally" or whatever goofy shit people of your ilk call it, but nah, you're really not.
So you're not a black person who has ever had a lived experience of moving to a foreign country where black people are rarely encountered? Got it.

I can tell you from first hand experience on multiple occasions that you're wrong. Outright rejection is a more frequent experience than "acclimation" or whatever other scenario you've dreamed up here.

What's funny about this is that you think you are helping by being a "ally" or whatever goofy shit people of your ilk call it, but nah, you're really not.

Please tell me more about your experience in sixteenth century Japan.

It’s not the same as the experience you have right now, which is mostly just good old fashioned racism.

lol @ ally. Stop being so dramatic.


Gold Member
Please tell me more about your experience in sixteenth century Japan.

It’s not the same as the experience you have right now, which is mostly just good old fashioned racism.

lol @ ally. Stop being so dramatic.

So let me get this straight, your assertion is that racism didn't happen in 16th century Japan and that things were different (or even, better) then?

In all honesty, laughable. Off the charts levels of naivety.
Please tell me more about your experience in sixteenth century Japan.

It’s not the same as the experience you have right now, which is mostly just good old fashioned racism.

lol @ ally. Stop being so dramatic.

Dude, before typing in stuff like this, get a little bit educated on the matter. It just takes a 30-second Google search and a couple of minutes of reading.

Xenophobia has always been rampant everywhere in the world. That's the way we humans are, like it or not.
So let me get this straight, your assertion is that racism didn't happen in 16th century Japan and that things were different (or even, better) then?

In all honesty, laughable. Off the charts levels of naivety.

Never said racism didn’t exist in sixteenth century Japan, of course it did, and things were certainly different then. Read a history book or two.

Either way, the conversation you’re quoting was because a dude took issue with NPC’s not gawking at the sight of a black dude in the game. All I said was they would have been accustomed to seeing him because of time jumps, and he was the right hand man of their lord. Not going to respond to your race baiting nonsense anymore ✌️


Gold Member
Never said racism didn’t exist in sixteenth century Japan, of course it did, and things were certainly different then. Read a history book or two.

You first. You'll read about stonings, you'll read about how the local people would congregate to see black people, you'll read about them viewing black people as circus acts, you'll read about the things they did to figure out of black people had their skin painted on or not.

But let's ignore all that, and more. Let's just pretend that a black man would have been able to walk through the streets in 16th century Japan without so much as an ounce of curiosity being thrown his way by anyone.

Either way, the conversation you’re quoting was because a dude took issue with NPC’s not gawking at the sight of a black dude in the game. All I said was they would have been accustomed to seeing him because of time jumps, and he was the right hand man of their lord. Not going to respond to your race baiting nonsense anymore ✌️

Ah yes, you're being "race baited" by a black guy who is flat out telling you that you're talking out of your arse on this topic. Please tell me more.

Being accustomed to being seen doesn't make racism or overt/unwelcome curiosity suddenly dissolve in to thin air. That's not how it works.
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There's a lot of comparisons in the here and now to Tsushima but i'm more interested in how Shadows will measure up against Yotei later this year.

Visually speaking, I think Shadows looks better than what's been shown so far of Yotei, and that's basing a released game we can play right now with carefully curated Yotei trailer footage (which typically looks worse when we actually get our hands on it).

Shadows has been raked over the coals for Yasuke, historical accuracy, wokeness etc etc. I don't think Yotei will repeat some of the same mistakes, such as muh shrines controversy, given how well respected Tsushima was even within Japan when it came to accuracy. However there are already brewings of controversy with many people skeptical about Yotei's girl boss protagonist, the woman playing her being a certified nutter, as well as some of the new writing team coming from BioWare hot off the release of Dragon Age Veilguard.

I'm calling it now: it's a woke off!


Which Shadows might even come out of on top.

There is also the issue of people simply reaching Japan fatigue. The setting has been done quite a lot now with Tsushima, Rise of the Ronin, Shadows and the upcoming Onimusha. There's only so much saturation the genre can take before it becomes the new military shooter or bald space marine game.


Can’t Git Gud
Man what an embarrassing industry this is.
Because it is expected to, influencers are so dismissive about the game.
The general consensus from those who can see past the idiotic controversy, is that the game is beautiful and surprisingly good.

Meanwhile asmongold and Cohn both are like “it’s…. Fine. Maybe a 6-7, same tier as starfield”. Seriously? Really?
I mean I might be for a rude awakening because I’ve not started the game yet but by all accounts it seems to have better opinion. Are they afraid of their chats that expect them to grift on it?!
And he say it’s not as good as black flag… I don’t think he played the same black flaw I did. Slow, over tutorialized, constant trailing missions. I dropped that game back then.



Gold Member
I agree with AC being spammy and requiring no skill, but the combat has weight. Some of the executions have a nice feedback and you feel the brutality and power behind them, especially in Origins. Geralt's in constrast swords feel like styrofoam sticks and I'm not even sure whether I hit my target or not sometimes.

Not that the combat is good in either game, but I favor the melee approach of AC. However, I prefer the enemy variety in TW and it's nice how different monsters have different strengths and weaknesses and you can employ tactics to make the fights easier.
I don't know how can anyone think that w3 combat has more weight than origins, like you said, half the time you are not even sure if you are hitting something.


Gold Member
Contrasting this review against his Ghost of Tsushima one or AC Odyssey one, and it's abundantly clear how agenda driven this 'review' is. My god, he even gave AC Valhalla a 7/10 while calling this one of the worst games of all time. He completes it by complaining that Naoe (or as he refers to her, a little tart) can kill samurai.
Exactly. Like I said, dude cannot be trusted anyone and is a huge hypocrite.


Meanwhile asmongold and Cohn both are like “it’s…. Fine. Maybe a 6-7, same tier as starfield”. Seriously? Really?
I mean I might be for a rude awakening because I’ve not started the game yet but by all accounts it seems to have better opinion. Are they afraid of their chats that expect them to grift on it?!
And he say it’s not as good as black flag… I don’t think he played the same black flaw I did. Slow, over tutorialized, constant trailing missions. I dropped that game back then.
Cohh is usually exremely lenient and polite with most games. (too much imho) Killing his char in the middle of the game and saying he is done with the not something you see often from him. Guess he has his reasons. 🤷‍♂️
And who plays like this? Crawling everywhere?

You can make this type of video for every third person action game in the last 20 years.

Actual retarded hate crusade.
Why can't they crawl? If you add prone in the game, of course, someone is going to try it. If they can use it as an advantage while playing, then why tf not?

Try this in Tlou p2 and see if the enemy would beat the crap out of you?

Can't believe people still defend this awful AI lmao.
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Gold Member
Why can't they crawl? If you add prone in the game, of course, someone is going to try it. If they can use it as an advantage while playing, then why tf not?

Try this in Tlou p2 and see if the enemy would beat the crap out of you?

Can't believe people still defend this awful AI lmao.
Im sure you've played it for yourself

The crawling is meant for stealth, not combat. Lmao

You can make any game looks goofy if you try hard enough.

Its just so retarded man. You're gonna go and crawl in the city, have fun.
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Why can't they crawl? If you add prone in the game, of course, someone is going to try it. If they can use it as an advantage while playing, then why tf not?

Try this in Tlou p2 and see if the enemy would beat the crap out of you?

Can't believe people still defend this awful AI lmao.
Can enemies not attack players at all while they are crawling?
Im sure you've played it for yourself

The crawling is meant for stealth, not combat. Lmao

You can make any game looks goofy if you try hard enough.

Its just so retarded man. You're gonna go and crawl in the city, have fun.
So just because it belong to stealth gameplay, the enemy can't punish you for false action? What tf is this logic?

You're right. This is so retards. I don't even want to argue with you. It seems like you've made up your mind to defend this game at all cost.
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Gold Member
So just because it belong to stealth gameplay, the enemy can't punish you for false action? What tf is this logic?

You're right. This is so retards. I don't even want to argue with you. It seems like you've made up your mind to defend this game at all cost.
Its probably on the easiest setting but whatever you've surely not made up your mind right
About this game?

Im fine from defending it from retarded videos and baseless accusations.

That doesnt mean there's nothing wrong with the game


Gold Member
Having played the game for 15 hours, its biggest flaw by far is the combat. It is just an extremely barebones experience, inexcusable really.

I just don't understand why didn't at least try and adopt Ghost of Tsushima's or Rise of Ronin's rock-paper-scissors mechanic. Or anything to give the combat some flavor. I'd take literally anything that gives the combat some depth and have it require some actual skill.

The flow of combat is not fun either. The camera often doesn't zoom out enough so you get mogged by an off-screen enemy who suddenly jumps at you. When you're locked on to one enemy but another enemy attacks and you block/parry, the lock doesn't automatically transfer to this enemy so you're constantly at war with the camera and controls. The whole thing feels super unintuitive and extremely unrewarding. Parrying in Sekiro, Tsushima, Rise of Ronin all feels great and gives you that small dopamine hit, and defeating an enemy gives you that feeling of satisfaction. But here it's just meh. Meh meh meh.

And there are three weapons, all following the exact same controle scheme: light attack, charged light, heavy attack, charged heavy. Extremely limited move set, makes no difference which weapon you use against which enemy, enemy archetypes are basically meaningless so far.

I don't get how you work on what is fundamentally a sword fighting game for god knows how long and this is the best you can do.
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I don't know how can anyone think that w3 combat has more weight than origins, like you said, half the time you are not even sure if you are hitting something.
Witcher 3 combat is legitimately bad. I love the game in spite of it's combat, if you put ACs combat into W3 it would be even better.
Cohh is usually exremely lenient and polite with most games. (too much imho) Killing his char in the middle of the game and saying he is done with the not something you see often from him. Guess he has his reasons. 🤷‍♂️
The fact that people would go so hard for this game as to call Cohh a grifter or say he has an agenda is some laughable bullshit. This dude is the most level headed, fair and balanced reviewer in the game. Most of the time, as you say, to a fault. If he says something negative about a game it's because that's what he truly believes.
gonna have to assume people are playing on the lowest difficulty and intentionally editing the clips to make the game look bad.
This has been disproven over again. The AI in this game is just terrible, and maybe it's because it's buggy and needs patched, but it's still terrible. I laugh my ass off at the constant dumb shit the game lets me get away with. I have been playing on Expert since day 1 because reviewers told me that that the AI was incredible and that was the only way to play. If there are three dudes standing around, I don't even bother with the stealth anymore, because you can literally run up to them, assassinate one, assassinate the next one and then run around a stack of wood and assassinate the third from behind.

Again, on EXPERT, I was in a castle yesterday, got up to the top and there was a dude sleeping. I assassinated him. So he's dead, right? No! The motherfucker got back up, walked around me, and started talking. I tried to assassinate him while he was standing and it queued the cut scene where the enemy blocks your attempt. So I thought, "cool, now we're going to fight". But then he completely ignored me went back to where he was sleeping before and feel asleep. I shit you not, this repeated 10 times before he was really dead. I've never had it happen that many times before, but I literally cannot count the number of times I've killed something and they stand back up and I have to kill them again.

To be fair, that's probably something that they fix, it's probably a bug. But what's not a bug is walking down the streets and assassinating everyone you come across right in the faces, standing up. Even better is when you are 2 feet from an enemy and you walk behind an obstruction that they just saw you walk behind you get "where did he go". Or when you walk up to a crowd of enemies and kill one and one of them says, "did anybody see anything" as if they weren't just standing there watching you kill their friend. The going prone avoiding attacks is just one of many things the AI just doesn't handle well. I could fill up an hour long video of just things that have happened to me personally.

I think people who think the AI in this game is good haven't played other games like this. Before this released I played through both GoT and RotR and those games shit on this games AI and combat and no one ever accused these games of having amazing AI. Hell, other than the increased roof awareness I'm not even sure if the AI is as good as previous AC games.

Let's just be honest, this games graphical beauty is doing the heavy lifting here. If it weren't for just how incredible it looks and the fact that it's one of my favorite settings of all time, I've have dropped it hours ago.


Gold Member
Witcher 3 combat is legitimately bad. I love the game in spite of it's combat, if you put ACs combat into W3 it would be even better.

The fact that people would go so hard for this game as to call Cohh a grifter or say he has an agenda is some laughable bullshit. This dude is the most level headed, fair and balanced reviewer in the game. Most of the time, as you say, to a fault. If he says something negative about a game it's because that's what he truly believes.

This has been disproven over again. The AI in this game is just terrible, and maybe it's because it's buggy and needs patched, but it's still terrible. I laugh my ass off at the constant dumb shit the game lets me get away with. I have been playing on Expert since day 1 because reviewers told me that that the AI was incredible and that was the only way to play. If there are three dudes standing around, I don't even bother with the stealth anymore, because you can literally run up to them, assassinate one, assassinate the next one and then run around a stack of wood and assassinate the third from behind.

Again, on EXPERT, I was in a castle yesterday, got up to the top and there was a dude sleeping. I assassinated him. So he's dead, right? No! The motherfucker got back up, walked around me, and started talking. I tried to assassinate him while he was standing and it queued the cut scene where the enemy blocks your attempt. So I thought, "cool, now we're going to fight". But then he completely ignored me went back to where he was sleeping before and feel asleep. I shit you not, this repeated 10 times before he was really dead. I've never had it happen that many times before, but I literally cannot count the number of times I've killed something and they stand back up and I have to kill them again.

To be fair, that's probably something that they fix, it's probably a bug. But what's not a bug is walking down the streets and assassinating everyone you come across right in the faces, standing up. Even better is when you are 2 feet from an enemy and you walk behind an obstruction that they just saw you walk behind you get "where did he go". Or when you walk up to a crowd of enemies and kill one and one of them says, "did anybody see anything" as if they weren't just standing there watching you kill their friend. The going prone avoiding attacks is just one of many things the AI just doesn't handle well. I could fill up an hour long video of just things that have happened to me personally.

I think people who think the AI in this game is good haven't played other games like this. Before this released I played through both GoT and RotR and those games shit on this games AI and combat and no one ever accused these games of having amazing AI. Hell, other than the increased roof awareness I'm not even sure if the AI is as good as previous AC games.

Let's just be honest, this games graphical beauty is doing the heavy lifting here. If it weren't for just how incredible it looks and the fact that it's one of my favorite settings of all time, I've have dropped it hours ago.
Can you show us some awesome stealth from Rise of Ronin and GoT because I didnt get any of that in those games.

Granted I didnt get very far in Rise yet.


Having played the game for 15 hours, its biggest flaw by far is the combat. It is just an extremely barebones experience, inexcusable really.

I just don't understand why didn't at least try and adopt Ghost of Tsushima's or Rise of Ronin's rock-paper-scissors mechanic. Or anything to give the combat some flavor. I'd take literally anything that gives the combat some depth and have it require some actual skill.

The flow of combat is not fun either. The camera often doesn't zoom out enough so you get mogged by an off-screen enemy who suddenly jumps at you. When you're locked on to one enemy but another enemy attacks and you block/parry, the lock doesn't automatically transfer to this enemy so you're constantly at war with the camera and controls. The whole thing feels super unintuitive and extremely unrewarding. Parrying in Sekiro, Tsushima, Rise of Ronin all feels great and gives you that small dopamine hit, and defeating an enemy gives you that feeling of satisfaction. But here it's just meh. Meh meh meh.

And there are three weapons, all following the exact same controle scheme: light attack, charged light, heavy attack, charged heavy. Extremely limited move set, makes no difference which weapon you use against which enemy, enemy archetypes are basically meaningless so far.

I don't get how you work on what is fundamentally a sword fighting game for god knows how long and this is the best you can do.
But that's every assassin's creed game isn't it? And gamers have been ignoring these problems in all of them. Unless i'm missing something. What's different with this one?


Gold Member
Witcher 3 combat is legitimately bad. I love the game in spite of it's combat, if you put ACs combat into W3 it would be even better.

The fact that people would go so hard for this game as to call Cohh a grifter or say he has an agenda is some laughable bullshit. This dude is the most level headed, fair and balanced reviewer in the game. Most of the time, as you say, to a fault. If he says something negative about a game it's because that's what he truly believes.

This has been disproven over again. The AI in this game is just terrible, and maybe it's because it's buggy and needs patched, but it's still terrible. I laugh my ass off at the constant dumb shit the game lets me get away with. I have been playing on Expert since day 1 because reviewers told me that that the AI was incredible and that was the only way to play. If there are three dudes standing around, I don't even bother with the stealth anymore, because you can literally run up to them, assassinate one, assassinate the next one and then run around a stack of wood and assassinate the third from behind.

Again, on EXPERT, I was in a castle yesterday, got up to the top and there was a dude sleeping. I assassinated him. So he's dead, right? No! The motherfucker got back up, walked around me, and started talking. I tried to assassinate him while he was standing and it queued the cut scene where the enemy blocks your attempt. So I thought, "cool, now we're going to fight". But then he completely ignored me went back to where he was sleeping before and feel asleep. I shit you not, this repeated 10 times before he was really dead. I've never had it happen that many times before, but I literally cannot count the number of times I've killed something and they stand back up and I have to kill them again.

To be fair, that's probably something that they fix, it's probably a bug. But what's not a bug is walking down the streets and assassinating everyone you come across right in the faces, standing up. Even better is when you are 2 feet from an enemy and you walk behind an obstruction that they just saw you walk behind you get "where did he go". Or when you walk up to a crowd of enemies and kill one and one of them says, "did anybody see anything" as if they weren't just standing there watching you kill their friend. The going prone avoiding attacks is just one of many things the AI just doesn't handle well. I could fill up an hour long video of just things that have happened to me personally.

I think people who think the AI in this game is good haven't played other games like this. Before this released I played through both GoT and RotR and those games shit on this games AI and combat and no one ever accused these games of having amazing AI. Hell, other than the increased roof awareness I'm not even sure if the AI is as good as previous AC games.

Let's just be honest, this games graphical beauty is doing the heavy lifting here. If it weren't for just how incredible it looks and the fact that it's one of my favorite settings of all time, I've have dropped it hours ago.

Some of the great AI in Ghost of Tsushima

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Can you show us some awesome stealth from Rise of Ronin and GoT because I didnt get any of that in those games.

Granted I didnt get very far in Rise yet.
No, because they don't have it...that's the point. They are barebones as hell, GoT is much better than RotR at stealth, but even though they have less tools than Shadows and even though the are less stealth orientated, the AI for this gameplay is BETTER. That's the entire problem.

What's different with this one?
Good question. Probably the fact that not one of these other AC games had anything to compare it to on the market. Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, if you a vast open world with that setting that all you have. We have dozens of Japanese sword fighting games to compare to, and in recent history we have 2 open world games that ape the AC format but do it much better. You can get away with a lot of shit when other developers aren't making games like you do, just ask Bethesda.


Gold Member
No, because they don't have it...that's the point. They are barebones as hell, GoT is much better than RotR at stealth, but even though they have less tools than Shadows and even though the are less stealth orientated, the AI for this gameplay is BETTER. That's the entire problem.

Good question. Probably the fact that not one of these other AC games had anything to compare it to on the market. Origins, Odyssey, Valhalla, if you a vast open world with that setting that all you have. We have dozens of Japanese sword fighting games to compare to, and in recent history we have 2 open world games that ape the AC format but do it much better. You can get away with a lot of shit when other developers aren't making games like you do, just ask Bethesda.
As you can see from the video posted above, its not 'better'


As you can see from the video posted above, its not 'better'
Oh no, a bugged NPC. Did you skip this:
Again, on EXPERT, I was in a castle yesterday, got up to the top and there was a dude sleeping. I assassinated him. So he's dead, right? No! The motherfucker got back up, walked around me, and started talking. I tried to assassinate him while he was standing and it queued the cut scene where the enemy blocks your attempt. So I thought, "cool, now we're going to fight". But then he completely ignored me went back to where he was sleeping before and feel asleep. I shit you not, this repeated 10 times before he was really dead. I've never had it happen that many times before, but I literally cannot count the number of times I've killed something and they stand back up and I have to kill them again.
There is literally an enemy in front of Osaka Castle that is permanently broken and never attacks you and doesn't lose health when you hit him, but he will trigger an alarm if you walk into the castle and back out. This shit is everywhere in Shadows. Are you honestly claiming that this stuff is more prevalent in GoT?


Gold Member
There is literally an enemy in front of Osaka Castle that is permanently broken and never attacks you and doesn't lose health when you hit him, but he will trigger an alarm if you walk into the castle and back out. This shit is everywhere in Shadows. Are you honestly claiming that this stuff is more prevalent in GoT?

Oh no, a bugged npc


Oh no, a bugged npc
The point is I didn't have to dig up an old video to prove something I experienced just yesterday. And the guy I had to kill 10 times, also yesterday. This shit is everywhere in Shadows and its just not in GoT. To claim they are the same is asinine.


Gold Member
The point is I didn't have to dig up an old video to prove something I experienced just yesterday. And the guy I had to kill 10 times, also yesterday. This shit is everywhere in Shadows and its just not in GoT. To claim they are the same is asinine.
Its both a bug is it not?

In 10 hours on pc I have not experienced a zombie npc. So its not "everywhere"
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In 10 hours on pc I have not experienced a zombie npc. So its not "everywhere"
Not that you would tell us if you had. You wouldn't be the first person to lie over this game. Your boy who endlessly slurps this game and changed his avatar to Shadows has been lying for a week because of his need to defend this game.


Gold Member
Not that you would tell us if you had. You wouldn't be the first person to lie over this game. Your boy who endlessly slurps this game and changed his avatar to Shadows has been lying for a week because of his need to defend this game.
You people are pathetic

Everything positive is a lie, got it.

Whats the point of even discussing something if you dont believe anything anyone says thats positive about the game.

Fucking retarded
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Man what an embarrassing industry this is.
Because it is expected to, influencers are so dismissive about the game.
The general consensus from those who can see past the idiotic controversy, is that the game is beautiful and surprisingly good.

Meanwhile asmongold and Cohn both are like “it’s…. Fine. Maybe a 6-7, same tier as starfield”. Seriously? Really?
I mean I might be for a rude awakening because I’ve not started the game yet but by all accounts it seems to have better opinion. Are they afraid of their chats that expect them to grift on it?!
And he say it’s not as good as black flag… I don’t think he played the same black flaw I did. Slow, over tutorialized, constant trailing missions. I dropped that game back then.

Black Flag was amazing at launch, last good console AC entry, since unity was solid but not at launch and only on high end pc.
Close to 90 metascore, and actual new gameplay aka seabattles/having a ship, that thing was actually bringing new features/gameplay to the series, unlike AC:S that just brings black protag samurai in feudal japan :D
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Its probably on the easiest setting but whatever you've surely not made up your mind right
About this game?

Im fine from defending it from retarded videos and baseless accusations.

That doesnt mean there's nothing wrong with the game

You really think that 'easy mode disables dedicated attacks to the floor' ?That's not difficult setting, the enemies just don't have dedicated attacks to the floor, Ubisoft didn't program them to do that.

Also this is 'hardest' setting, sure you can say they try to make the game looks stupid or anything that fit your narrative. I'm not gonna reply after this, just put those here:



Gold Member
Footage made to make the game looks bad
Yes from the same person who made the same videos for SW Outlaws. Totally no agenda there. Not at all three clickbait videos.

I can make a video like that for literally EVERY game that comes out.

You have already made up your mind about the game.

The rest of us will have a good time playing while you rage on the web.

AI is stupid in 99% of videogames , so you thinking this is some kinda Gotcha is hilarious.
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You people are pathetic

Everything positive is a lie, got it.

Whats the point of even discussing something if you dont believe anything anyone says thats positive about the game.

Fucking retarded
Fucking retarded is claiming that one of the most polished games in recent memory is equally buggy to Shadows...that's fucking retarded.

And everything positive isn't a lie, but when there is tons of evidence of this exact same thing is happening over and over again, and it literally happens every time we boot the game, it's a little suspect that you've never seen it. You're literally the dude with the magic computer that never had the problem and then two weeks later the company admits it was a problem, it gets patched, and you pretend it never happened.


Gold Member
Fucking retarded is claiming that one of the most polished games in recent memory is equally buggy to Shadows...that's fucking retarded.

And everything positive isn't a lie, but when there is tons of evidence of this exact same thing is happening over and over again, and it literally happens every time we boot the game, it's a little suspect that you've never seen it. You're literally the dude with the magic computer that never had the problem and then two weeks later the company admits it was a problem, it gets patched, and you pretend it never happened.
Hey smartass, not every bug happens to everybody at the same time. Who's to say it wont hit me later? Thats not 'suspect" at all, its how games work.

Jesus Christ its like im discussing with actual children.

And AC Shadows to me seems the most polished AC game Ive played in well ever maybe? Didnt play Valhalla so cant comment on that one.
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Hey smartass, not every bug happens to everybody at the same time. Who's to say it wont hit me later? Thats not 'suspect" at all, its how games work.

Jesus Christ its like im discussing with actual children.

And AC Shadows to me seems the most polished AC game Ive played in well ever maybe? Didnt play Valhalla so cant comment on that one.
You knows what is fucking hilarious, is that a 9:35 am I logged into Shadows. And because of this conversation, I was like, I'll record my gameplay and see how long it takes the AI to shit the bed. Not ONE minute into the game it shit the bed. What are the odds that 30 seconds after our conversation this happens? And I could make dozens of these each play session.

Video quality is dogshit because I'm not trying to make it pretty I'm just showing the shit AI. Expert, btw. And this clip starts the second I load into the game. Less than 45 seconds and already the AI is braindead.

And considering you claim you can show this in a video with any game, feel free to load up GoT and show it shitting the bed, and hell I'll give you 10 minutes, not the 1 minute with Shadows. Go ahead.


Gold Member
You knows what is fucking hilarious, is that a 9:35 am I logged into Shadows. And because of this conversation, I was like, I'll record my gameplay and see how long it takes the AI to shit the bed. Not ONE minute into the game it shit the bed. What are the odds that 30 seconds after our conversation this happens? And I could make dozens of these each play session.

Video quality is dogshit because I'm not trying to make it pretty I'm just showing the shit AI. Expert, btw. And this clip starts the second I load into the game. Less than 45 seconds and already the AI is braindead.

And considering you claim you can show this in a video with any game, feel free to load up GoT and show it shitting the bed, and hell I'll give you 10 minutes, not the 1 minute with Shadows. Go ahead.

My claim about the AI videos the other guy made is still true. I can record some shit like that in every game with NPC's.

Star Wars Fallen Order, Star Wars Survivor, Indiana Jones Great Circle.. the list goes on and on.

Clearly what is happening on your end is a bug. The AI is not supposed to be that way.

I have not had THAT bug, or the zombie assassination bug in the game yet. That doesnt mean it wont happen for me at a later point.

AI is trash in 99% of videogames and I stand behind that opinion. And thats always for the players benefit, because most people absolutely suck at videogames.

Im not saying the AI is good or that AC Shadows has some great AI systems going on, but when you are clearing a castle and staying in stealth it can be pretty damn fun.

The AI in Ghost of Tsushima literally cannot hit you if you're standing on a pile of trees. See the timestamp at 2:21

Look at 2:46. They stop attacking as soon as you climb on a ladder.

You have to admit, that the AI is not that great in Ghost either. That's clear from this video.
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My claim about the AI videos the other guy made is still true. I can record some shit like that in every game with NPC's.

Star Wars Fallen Order, Star Wars Survivor, Indiana Jones Great Circle.. the list goes on and on.

Clearly what is happening on your end is a bug. The AI is not supposed to be that way.

I have not had THAT bug, or the zombie assassination bug in the game yet. That doesnt mean it wont happen for me at a later point.

AI is trash in 99% of videogames and I stand behind that opinion. And thats always for the players benefit, because most people absolutely suck at videogames.

Im not saying the AI is good or that AC Shadows has some great AI systems going on, but when you are clearing a castle and staying in stealth it can be pretty damn fun.
Fair enough, and I apologize for inferring you'd be a liar. And, yes, there is fun to be had. If it were all shit I wouldn't be playing it. At the same time I'm seeing people talking about this new improved AI stuff and it's just not playing out that way in game. And the bugs on top of that make it even worse. At this point what people are claiming (I'm talking in general, not you) about the AI and what the AI actually is are two separate things. Now maybe it gets patched to where they are the same things, god knows everything needs a dozen patches these days, but they just aren't atm.


The problem with AC Shadows is the same problem with AC Odyssey and Origins and Valhalla and Syndicate.
It's not innovating. I get that from Origins onwards they branched more into an RPG style but the core gameplay is still the same. The combat is just 'fine' and that's not good enough when there's been half a dozen of them before it that were just 'fine'.

I've never been a big fan of AC games. I like them but they're nothing incredible. I played from release of AC1 and for its time, AC1 stood out on its own as a great game. The sequel just took that and improved which is fine, it's the first sequel. But as with the games from I'd say Black Flag onwards, they're really not doing anything that stands out to me and when it's the same lack of innovation in succession, it really shows.
They added more RPG elements from Origins onwards but they aren't very good at all.
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