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Avengers Endgame (SPOILER THREAD)


Didn't the Avengers shrink the Benetar? Ant-Man and Wasp shrunk vehicles with themselves inside too, so shrinking down the Sanctuary II should be doable, I would think (also remember that Pym also went into the Q realm with a vehicle). I don't think this part, of all things in Endgame is that wonky (except maybe the size of Sanctuary II)

The vehicles in Ant-Man and the Wasp were specifically designed to shrink though. I suppose you could argue that Scott and Tony outfitted the Benatar for the mission but it makes zero sense for the Sanctuary to be able to shrink.


Useless? Punished Hawkeye is important character development setting up the Hawkeye-Black Widow sacrifice.

Yep. I think their history was mentioned in the cinematic universe but for someone familiar with their stories in the comics, their entire part in the movie was really good.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I thought it was terrible. Both Infinity War and Endgame have tons of pacing issues, huge stretches of boring content. Thor and Hulk are neutered losers. The battles are so sterilized now they are clearly only made for children. Way too many rehashed scenes just for nostalgia. The whole first 2 hours of the movie move incredibly slowly, and I can't imagine ever rewatching it.

Winter Soldier and Civil War were the only ones that felt a little adult. Russo's clearly have been told to turn it into a Disney magic film.

Even Cap's ending, while interesting, had pretty shitty dialogue and acting. Spiderman had to remove his mask every 3 seconds so everyone knows it's Tom Holland, even in the middle of a giant battle. The Wakandan troops looked stupid like they did last time.

That scene where they all show up on the battlefield was just a little too convenient. Dr. Strange just happens to know where every single person is and they all warp on screen for a cameo shot. It couldn't have been cheesier.

Watching robot lady double cross people was not a fun or intelligent twist. And it's funny that this is basically the only reason Stark dies, or they fight at all.

The only genuinely neat moment in the whole thing was Cap getting the hammer, and his shield getting beat up. Ant Man was still a joke. Can't be serious for 5 seconds. These movies are very overrated. And Captain Marvel being gone for most of the movie doesn't even make sense honestly, because they can't even write around her character in any logical way, because she's invincible.
Saw it.

I'd put it below the GotG movies and Infinity Wars. Think I liked he Cap America films better as well. The RLM review mentioned how good Cap America was in this one. Overall, I've liked him more in film than I did in comics. A credit to the actor for pulling off the True Good Guy personality. Fat Thor is great as well.

Issues with the movie were length, pacing and focus. By focus, I mean that there's several types of movies in this and it might have been better to narrow down to one or two types of movies.

Cap Marvel is just awkward and cringe throughout the movie. She just didn't fit with any of the other personalities of the MCU. Conceptually, she'd fit in the GotG side, but the Thor/GotG side of the movies are fun loving and charming. She's just a super space bitch. I don't have a better way of putting it.
We had a great time. Props to Cap, fat Thor and Stark. Really satisfying conclusion.
Also, lol at the movie not wanting Captain Marvel in it. Disappears 10 min in because "reasons", and then comes back at the end to save the day, quality Mary Sue entertainment.


I strongly believe that if they were going for a "time travel" angle then they should have prevented the "snap" from ever happening or, at worst, undone the snap within mere minutes.

Doing the 5 years later thing and then bringing everyone back 5 years later is kind of thoughtless writing as it just raises a whole ton of questions and issues. Imagine a world where 3.5 billion people disappear and then we have 5 years to figure things out and start moving on and then suddenly those 3.5 billion are just brought back like "oh, hi".

Surely it makes more sense to cut back to that huge battle in Wakanda and instead of Thanos doing the snap there is some sequence of events that ends with him being defeated and imprisoned by the original Avengers.

Don't get me wrong, I think the movie was great and very satisfying but I do not think time will be kind to this one as people start to realize that a lot of it was complete nonsense.

I wonder how long it takes to create one of these scripts and how much time and care they really put into making sure that things "make sense".

So, 5 years after the snap humanity would probably be in a weird spot since maybe things like the environment would be in a better state. There might even be more peace in the world as people realize that mass extinction events can literally happen at any given moment. All they really chose to show us was that the Earth was kind of in a post apocalypse state 5 years after the snap.

I think there would be a genuine argument on whether or not just bringing everyone back would be a good thing or a total disaster.
If they had been particularly selective about who got snapped and who didn't you could actually have a few "heel turns" with heroes who think that actually Thanos did the right thing or at least who think the snap should not be undone.

In any case, I think that the story should have been "let's use the quantum realm and/or dark dimension stuff to stop the snap from ever happening".


I liked it. I prefer infinity war though.

We needed more scarlett witch and less captain marvel.

I hated every scene captain marvel was in. OP boring character.

I think Infinity War did a better job of understanding each characters "power level" and keeping them within set limits.
At times in Endgame they are just very careless about keeping the story straight.

Thor gets Stormbreaker, which can summon the Bifrost Bridge, and transports himself, Rocket and Groot to Wakanda BUUUT after the battle they never think to go to Titan to check on the other Guardians, Dr Strange Iron Man and Spider-Man? Rocket never says "hey maybe we could go and check on our other team mates?" Nah, we need Captain Marvel to fly into space and push the ship all the way back to Earth.

Thanos with the power stone can potentially kill Thor and can beat Hulk head to head.
With the space, reality and soul stones added he is too much for GotG, Iron Man, Spider-man and Doctor Strange.
Yet, it's pretty close between him and Iron Man it seems even when Thanos has 4 gems. Thanos literally NEEDS at least one of the gems to beat Iron Man one on one.
Once he has the time stone he is unbeatable by anyone we've seen so far and obviously when he gets the mind stone it's all over.

Yet, when Thanos comes to Earth with no Infinity Stones, and kind of no plan, he is able to go head to head with Iron Man, Thor and Captain America only armed with his sword and armor. This guy was previously needing to pull moons out of orbit to beat Iron Man in a fight but here he's holding his own no worries.

Basically Infinity War sets Thanos up as unbeatable once he's picked up a few stones. Endgame turns round and says "nah he was virtually unbeatable even WITHOUT any stones".


The movie also contradicts even that when Captain Marvel comes in.

First of all she singlehandedly takes down Thanos main invasion ship. It's one of those "wait, you could have done that all along" moments.
It always seemed like EVERYONE out there in the galaxy knew who Thanos is and what he was up to.
Certainly the events of Infinity War would have been different if Captain Marvel had just decided to cripple Thanos' fleet at the earliest opportunity.

Then she's able to go toe to toe with Thanos where Iron Man, Cap and Thor had failed. She no sells a full force Thanos headbutt that would have floored the other dudes who just fought him. He only beats her by using the power stone.

So he would have been easily beatable without any Infinity Stones if Capr Marvel had shown up 10 minutes earlier she would have just easily subdued Thanos? Too bad she didn't show up to the first battle in Infinity War.

The one person who is all over the galaxy protecting worlds, and keeping up to date with goings on, and could have stopped all this from happening sat back and let Thanos collect all the stones and let him do the snap before deciding to get involved? Or she just didn't know who Thanos was, what infinity stones are and what was happening?

However, when Thanos from the past shows up on Earth with a surprise attack and she's there immediately to wipe out his ship and slap him around the battlefield a bit?

A similar thing is done with the Infinity Gauntlet.

So Thanos needs to get this special gauntlet custom made and even then it can barely contain the power of all 6 stones.
There's a bit deal made of it to the extent that it's even a side plot in Infinity War and the guy who made the Gauntlet helps Thor to make a "Thanos' killing weapon".

Fast forward to Endgame and Tony Stark is making an gauntlet of his own that ONLY the Hulk can use but then a couple of hours later Tony is just using his Iron Man suit to hold the gems, no worries. I suppose it does kill him but haven't we been shown that the time stone can be used to bring someone (Vision) back?

It's kind of funny because there are 6 gems and we had 6 original Avengers (Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Hulk, Widow and Hawkeye) so isn't the more logical conclusion that the 6 show up with a gem each and use their teamwork to beat 6 Gem Thanos and stop the original snap from happening?

So Thanos needs a special gauntlet, forged using the power of a sun, to contain the gems.
Then he narrowly beats some of the Avengers using a few of the stones.
He gets badly injured by Thor with all of the stones but he is basically unbeatable at that point.
But then he still can beat up Thor, Iron Man and Cap with no stones.
But then Captain Marvel can take a full Thanos headbutt no problem, she can hold her own against him where others can't.
And then Tony can just use his Iron Man suit to hold the stones anyway so... wtf?

Oh and the stones can't be used to bring Tony back. Definitely not.

Side Note:
It sure would have been unfortunate if they had sent Nebula and War Machine to get the soul stone instead of the power stone.
Imagine they show up on Vormir and are like "ha, we don't even know each other".
So did the team know "one of those two won't come back" when they sent Black Widow and Hawkeye out there?
How come Hawkeye doesn't come back like "what the fuck you guys the only way to get that stone is to sacrifice a loved one!"
They acted like it was a big shock but then that just means that their plan was "get the stones" but they didn't actually know HOW to get all of them.

Boss Mog

So I just saw it. I was underwhelmed to say the least, especially with how awesome the critics say it is. I know you can't trust critics these days but I really liked Infinity War so my expectations were high.

It's just too long, with not much going on for most of it, a ton of inconsistencies and things that make no sense, and then a bunch of unnecessary SJW moments at the end to boot.
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I might be forgetting but did Thor, Groot, and Rocket know Peter and co. were on Titan? I remember them splitting off and the plan was for Peter's team to deal with Thanos on the Collector's planet (forget its name) but I don't remember them saying anything about heading for Titan. And obviously none of the Avengers still on Earth knew Tony's team was there since they decided to head to Titan after defeating Maw, I remember that much.

The power level thing has always been inconsistent but I think you're exaggerating a bit. First of all, Tony only accomplishes giving Thanos a slight cut in IW, not exactly a big accomplishment. Strange was a far bigger threat to him compared to Tony in that fight and in Endgame Strange had to divert his attention away from Thanos for the fight. Magic is generally more of a threat to Thanos and we see this in Endgame as well as Wanda gives him some trouble as well.

Thanos with no Infinity Stones we knew from the start is no joke, we saw how he owned Hulk. Cap and Tony are never going to beat him, even Cap with the hammer probably gets a major strength increase but Thor probably still wields it even more effectively due to their difference in strength. Carol is stronger than any of the heroes so far so naturally Thanos isn't taking her down with one normal attack plus this was after already fighting the other three so his stamina is probably going down a bit.

Thanos gathered all the stones in like 1-2 days. Carol might only have been notified about any of his planetary attacks by the end of them (since space is kinda BIG). She may not have simply been able to find him, I mean Gamora and Drax wanted him dead by the end of Guardians 1 but still hadn't run into him in the few years after that. Again, space is BIG, and Thanos probably doesn't stick around in one spot.

I don't think the Infinity Stones can resurrect anyone who died unless they died specifically due to the Infinity Stones themselves. Since Tony's sacrifice allowed them to defeat Thanos I can understand why they would consider it too risky to use the Time Stone to try to go back in time and try another outcome, especially since Strange said this was the only path that led to their victory compared to all the other outcomes so that pretty much guarantees stopping Tony from using the glove would lead to Thanos winning. Besides, you get into the issue of the heroes playing god themselves, where do they stop with the resurrections, etc. Better to return the stones and not face that temptation.

I don't think they knew what the Soul Stone required. IIRC Thanos simply said he had no choice but to kill Gamora when Peter called him out but I don't think he clarified beyond that.


Watched the film today. What a complete letdown. So many things done wrongly. Infinity war felt way more better and well executed.

Main grips with the movie are:

85% of the film is useless.

the final batle feels like a rugby game with all the glove/gauntlet passing involve

Thanos felt stronger without the glove than with the glove

Captain america using Thor's hammer was pulled from the ass

While funny, Thor felt pretty useless and stupid in the whole movie

Hulk is completely useless also

Captain america enjoying the good life, while Tony dies

Despite not liking the person who plays Captain Marvel, I actually think the character needed more screen time

Female power scene in the main battle felt way to forced down

Poots is Iron man material, enough to enter the greatest battle of all since when exactly?

Natashas death felt like a "after you please" "no, no, after you" "no no, I must insist" scene
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I enjoyed the film. Lots of plot holes and head scratchers sure, but I still laughed, cheered and cried at different moments. Maybe it was because of feelings/experiences of the last 10 years worth of movies, but those sentiments were earned by the MCU. It felt like a good sendoff to this era of heroes, and like most of you I am skeptical that the MCU will recapture that same magic in the next era. Despite that, I enjoyed the movie for what it was and am happy I got to experience it.

The biggest sham in all of this is that Black Panther got nominated for Best Picture last year and not Infinity War. IW was definitely the best of this era of MCU movies and I think I'll be on the right side of history with that comment in the future.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
  • Stark can figure out time travel, but not Pym particles?
  • I thought the fat Thor joke went on too long, he should have transfigured at the end.
  • Thor seems to get his ass kicked pretty easy to a stone-less Thanos.
  • Thanos' sword seemed like the most powerful weapon in the universe.
  • Why does everyone get into melee range with Thanos? Even Scarlet Witch walks up to him despite having ranged powers.
  • Why can they steal stuff from the past yet have to return the stones? They took the hammer (did Cap return it?), but then Cap takes the shield?
  • Why did Sam Wilson walk up to old Cap when Bucky was his lifelong friend? Why did Cap pick SAm despite Bucky being a super soldier?
  • Where was Hulk's fight with Thanos? After getting owned in the last movie, he never got a second shot?
  • Hulk is suppoesd to have Wolverine like healing, why was his arm still injured at the end?
  • Why did Hawkeye run the stones into the middle of the battlefield in full view of the bad guys?
  • Did anyone get into the quantum realm at the end? It happened so fast it looked like the gauntlet just got bounced out, but I think the whole thing got destroyed...
  • Everyone who was snapped never aged right? So Hawkeye's kids, Spider-man, etc. I guess Peter's chubby buddy and MJ were snapped, they are still in high school in the next movie, but I would expect half of their friends to be 5 years older.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
So, 5 years after the snap humanity would probably be in a weird spot since maybe things like the environment would be in a better state. There might even be more peace in the world as people realize that mass extinction events can literally happen at any given moment. All they really chose to show us was that the Earth was kind of in a post apocalypse state 5 years after the snap.

I think there would be a genuine argument on whether or not just bringing everyone back would be a good thing or a total disaster.
If they had been particularly selective about who got snapped and who didn't you could actually have a few "heel turns" with heroes who think that actually Thanos did the right thing or at least who think the snap should not be undone.

In any case, I think that the story should have been "let's use the quantum realm and/or dark dimension stuff to stop the snap from ever happening".
I'm still 100% convinced that Thanos did nothing wrong. If he would have just sterilized a large portion of the population (same end result but might take 30-40 years to achieve) then nobody would have been pissed off to the point of wanting revenge. Or if we would have just gone with his backup plan of re-making the entire universe so that people didn't remember the ones that were snapped, problem solved.

This world (and presumably most other post-industrial civilizations in the universe) would easily absorb a loss of half their population. In fact, I would venture to guess that it would take humanity less than 50 years to return to "pre-snap" population levels.


I'm excited to see the next Avengers movie. It will be interesting to see what they do without Iron Man and Captain America. They were great but I'm glad that the future movies will be different. I wonder how Falcon will become a new Cap? He doesn't have any super powers.
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  • Stark can figure out time travel, but not Pym particles?
  • I thought the fat Thor joke went on too long, he should have transfigured at the end.
  • Thor seems to get his ass kicked pretty easy to a stone-less Thanos.
  • Thanos' sword seemed like the most powerful weapon in the universe.
  • Why does everyone get into melee range with Thanos? Even Scarlet Witch walks up to him despite having ranged powers.
  • Why can they steal stuff from the past yet have to return the stones? They took the hammer (did Cap return it?), but then Cap takes the shield?
  • Why did Sam Wilson walk up to old Cap when Bucky was his lifelong friend? Why did Cap pick SAm despite Bucky being a super soldier?
  • Where was Hulk's fight with Thanos? After getting owned in the last movie, he never got a second shot?
  • Hulk is suppoesd to have Wolverine like healing, why was his arm still injured at the end?
  • Why did Hawkeye run the stones into the middle of the battlefield in full view of the bad guys?
  • Did anyone get into the quantum realm at the end? It happened so fast it looked like the gauntlet just got bounced out, but I think the whole thing got destroyed...
  • Everyone who was snapped never aged right? So Hawkeye's kids, Spider-man, etc. I guess Peter's chubby buddy and MJ were snapped, they are still in high school in the next movie, but I would expect half of their friends to be 5 years older.

- I think Pym particles have a secret manufacturing method that requires knowledge only Pym knows. It's been awhile since I've read the comics and it might be a detail in the Antman movies but I recall that being the case.
- Thor got his ass beat at the start of Infinity War pretty easily. He didn't have Mjollnir or Stormbreaker but it didn't look like Thanos was hurt at all.
- That weapon he has probably was made of vibranium or something because he uses it to basically fuck up Cap's shield.
- Most of the other characters are melee kind of folks. There are a couple of characters that use ranged attacks but most have been rather ineffective like Iron Man. Scarlet Witch was magical and is absurdly powerful at that. She's the only on the film that straight up kicks Thanos' ass in a 1 on 1 until the Orbital Bombardment gets called in.
- They return things to the past and the hammer to prevent more branching timelines from being created as stated in the conversation with The Ancient One and Banner Hulk. Cap's shield is probably one from the past or recovered at some point.
- It looked like Bucky and Cap were in on Sam being passed the mantle of Captain America. If I had to guess the in-universe reasoning, it's because Sam best represents what Captain America is all about. He's a regular soldier that pushed himself hard to fight for the greater good. That was Steve's original intent when he took on the tests and then stepped onto the battlefields in WW2. Sam was also Cap's closest ally after he awoke from the ice and really believed in him.
- Hulk has that healing in the comics but I don't think he has it to that extent in the cinematic universe. He'll probably be fully healed for his next appearance though.
- Don't think anyone got in at the end. It looked like Thanos disrupted it by tossing his blade in there blowing everyone back.
- As far as we know, yeah. No one's aged if they were snapped and then brought back. Everyone else will be 5 years older but thanks to movie magic, all of their friends were probably in that 50%. =P


Is she powered by it like a battery, or is it that she gained her powers by siphoning off some of its power? That character is such a train wreck. Does anyone know exactly what her power set is? Does SHE even know? Outside of superhuman levels of condescension, a vast insecurity that manifests as a superiority complex, the ability to stay stone faced in any conceivable situation, flight, and blowing shit up real good by hurling her body through it, of course.

Don’t forget, she also has the ability to stand there with her hands curled up in fists 95% of the time. She may not have palms.


I strongly believe that if they were going for a "time travel" angle then they should have prevented the "snap" from ever happening or, at worst, undone the snap within mere minutes.

They establish back to the future is a lie. Plus that type of time travel story is a bit too predictable and easy. Also killing baby thanos wouldn't be a very good plot.
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They establish back to the future is a lie. Plus that type of time travel story is a bit too predictable and easy. Also killing baby thanos wouldn't be a very good plot.
I thought that was hilarious. And if they had undone the snap or changed the past 5 years I would have been dismayed. What about all the people who were born in those five years? Why should they get wiped out? That's why I really liked how they fixed everything.


I thought that was hilarious. And if they had undone the snap or changed the past 5 years I would have been dismayed. What about all the people who were born in those five years? Why should they get wiped out? That's why I really liked how they fixed everything.

This is actually a fair point. :)


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I thought that was hilarious. And if they had undone the snap or changed the past 5 years I would have been dismayed. What about all the people who were born in those five years? Why should they get wiped out? That's why I really liked how they fixed everything.
That was the reason that was given in the movie though, Tony Stark's daughter was born in that time frame and he didn't want that being undone.


Gold Member
The clanging at the end of the movie?.... that was Thor and Starlord putting together a Bowflex on the Benetar
  • LOL
Reactions: 888


That was the reason that was given in the movie though, Tony Stark's daughter was born in that time frame and he didn't want that being undone.
I missed that. I got the impression that he was more concerned with getting involved and not being there as a father to her. I had little ones with me though, so probably missed quite a bit of the small details.
I thought that was hilarious. And if they had undone the snap or changed the past 5 years I would have been dismayed. What about all the people who were born in those five years? Why should they get wiped out? That's why I really liked how they fixed everything.

No one was.
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I enjoyed it overall. Too much to cover so basic thoughts. Definitely had clear flaws and although necessary, the first hour is clearly "skip" material on rewatch. Not as good as IW but as a fanservice sendoff for the original crew I think it did it's job, and the nature of the movie puts a lot of it beyond normal objective criticism for me. Fun experience overall though come bluray I'll probably just skip to the end battle. =P

Also a bit uncertain about the MCU following this. Kinda wanted them to just end it outright. Have to see what they come up with going forward.


That was the reason that was given in the movie though, Tony Stark's daughter was born in that time frame and he didn't want that being undone.

Except it couldn't be undone anyway since they make a point that going back in time doesnt actually change the future.


Watched the film today. What a complete letdown. So many things done wrongly. Infinity war felt way more better and well executed.

Main grips with the movie are:

85% of the film is useless.

the final batle feels like a rugby game with all the gloove passing involve

Thanos felt stronger without the gloove than with the gloove

Captain america using Thor's hammer was pulled from the ass

While funny, Thor felt pretty useless and stupid in the whole movie

Hulk is completely useless also

Captain america enjoying the good life, while Tony dies

Despite not liking the person who plays Captain America, I actually think the character needed more time screen

Female power acene felt way to forced down

Poots is Iron man material, enough to enter the greatest battle of all since when exactly?

Natashas death felt like a "after you please" "no, no, after you" "no no, I must insist" scene

What's a "Gloove"?


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Except it couldn't be undone anyway since they make a point that going back in time doesnt actually change the future.
True of the Pym particle time machine. But they, at the same time, heavily implied that using the Infinity stones and snapping could basically do whatever the hell you want.


Perpetually Offended
Is she powered by it like a battery, or is it that she gained her powers by siphoning off some of its power? That character is such a train wreck. Does anyone know exactly what her power set is? Does SHE even know? Outside of superhuman levels of condescension, a vast insecurity that manifests as a superiority complex, the ability to stay stone faced in any conceivable situation, flight, and blowing shit up real good by hurling her body through it, of course.

Her and Wanda had that power already... The stones just activated them. Kinda like how stress activates the mutant Gene to express itself. The Russos explained this already.


I strongly believe that if they were going for a "time travel" angle then they should have prevented the "snap" from ever happening or, at worst, undone the snap within mere minutes.

Doing the 5 years later thing and then bringing everyone back 5 years later is kind of thoughtless writing as it just raises a whole ton of questions and issues. Imagine a world where 3.5 billion people disappear and then we have 5 years to figure things out and start moving on and then suddenly those 3.5 billion are just brought back like "oh, hi".

Surely it makes more sense to cut back to that huge battle in Wakanda and instead of Thanos doing the snap there is some sequence of events that ends with him being defeated and imprisoned by the original Avengers.

Don't get me wrong, I think the movie was great and very satisfying but I do not think time will be kind to this one as people start to realize that a lot of it was complete nonsense.

I wonder how long it takes to create one of these scripts and how much time and care they really put into making sure that things "make sense".

So, 5 years after the snap humanity would probably be in a weird spot since maybe things like the environment would be in a better state. There might even be more peace in the world as people realize that mass extinction events can literally happen at any given moment. All they really chose to show us was that the Earth was kind of in a post apocalypse state 5 years after the snap.

I think there would be a genuine argument on whether or not just bringing everyone back would be a good thing or a total disaster.
If they had been particularly selective about who got snapped and who didn't you could actually have a few "heel turns" with heroes who think that actually Thanos did the right thing or at least who think the snap should not be undone.

In any case, I think that the story should have been "let's use the quantum realm and/or dark dimension stuff to stop the snap from ever happening".

The 5 year time jump IMO was inserted specifically to give weight to Tony's sacrifice. Basically Tony needed a kid and it wouldn't be the same if the kid was a 1 year old baby. So they gave him a 5 year old, so they had to have a time jump.

The 5 years just messed everything up. 5 years is a long time, people move on. It should of been 1 year max. But then Tony wouldn't have a present that was more important to him than what he lost in the snap.

Also I think the plan is to make Tony's daughter the new Iron Man in a few years when they reboot the series.


As much as I like RDJ and Tony, and as important as Iron Man 1 was to the MCU, I think Cap steals the universe IMO.

First off Cap:First Avenger is one of the best comic book movies and def origin movies. I know its not a popular opinion, but I loved that it was a period piece and Chris Evans totally sells the movie on his charisma alone Christopher Reeves style. Not to mention it sets up Hydra, Shield, acts as a Winter Soldier origin story as well. And people hate on Hugo but I thought he was great as Red Skull one of the best MCU villians. Oh and the ending with him waking up in present day New York, you knew shit was going down and the MCU was no joke.

Where Cap really shines is Winter Soldier and Civil War. These 2 are def top 5 MCU movies and are way better than Iron Man 2 and 3. Winter Soldier was also the Russo's first movie and proved that a hero outside of Iron Man can have big box office. This changed the MCU as the Russo's got IW+Endgame, imagine having a Whedon IW+Endgame.

Winter Soldier essentially changed the MCU by having Shield be infilitrated with Hydra which of course was a big story. The movie was more adult and a different take on the super hero genre.

Which then leads to Civil War, which was almost an Avengers 2.5. Another good movie from the Russo's, that brought us Black Panther and Spiderman. Civil War was also a catalyst for events that would play out in IW.

Though some might like Iron Man 1 as the best MCU movie, the Cap Triology is 100% stronger than the Iron Man one and had many more events that played out in the MCU until Endgame. And if neither Cap 2 and 3 made bank I am not sure if the MCU would of made 22 films because at that time it was more like Iron Man and Avengers are money makers but maybe the rest aren't. Cap showed that its not just Iron Man.

Which leads into Endgame where I think Cap had the best moments. Getting Thors Hammer, going toe to toe with Thanos, saying Avengers Assemble, cap just had some great moments. One of Evans best scenes is probably the one where he sees Peggy in 1970. No words just a stare but it really conveyed so much emotion. And then Cap gets a great send off that is different than Tony's but fits with his character. Its what we all wanted, Cap to get the love his life, to end his war and to go home like so many did in 1945.

RDJ was killer as Tony Stark and was the big star for the MCU. I can't understate his importance without IM1 there probably is no MCU. But to me Evans and Cap were more impactful, better, and important to the MCU.

Raise my flame shield against RDJ and Stark fans LOL


As much as I like RDJ and Tony, and as important as Iron Man 1 was to the MCU, I think Cap steals the universe IMO.

First off Cap:First Avenger is one of the best comic book movies and def origin movies. I know its not a popular opinion, but I loved that it was a period piece and Chris Evans totally sells the movie on his charisma alone Christopher Reeves style. Not to mention it sets up Hydra, Shield, acts as a Winter Soldier origin story as well. And people hate on Hugo but I thought he was great as Red Skull one of the best MCU villians. Oh and the ending with him waking up in present day New York, you knew shit was going down and the MCU was no joke.

Where Cap really shines is Winter Soldier and Civil War. These 2 are def top 5 MCU movies and are way better than Iron Man 2 and 3. Winter Soldier was also the Russo's first movie and proved that a hero outside of Iron Man can have big box office. This changed the MCU as the Russo's got IW+Endgame, imagine having a Whedon IW+Endgame.

Winter Soldier essentially changed the MCU by having Shield be infilitrated with Hydra which of course was a big story. The movie was more adult and a different take on the super hero genre.

Which then leads to Civil War, which was almost an Avengers 2.5. Another good movie from the Russo's, that brought us Black Panther and Spiderman. Civil War was also a catalyst for events that would play out in IW.

Though some might like Iron Man 1 as the best MCU movie, the Cap Triology is 100% stronger than the Iron Man one and had many more events that played out in the MCU until Endgame. And if neither Cap 2 and 3 made bank I am not sure if the MCU would of made 22 films because at that time it was more like Iron Man and Avengers are money makers but maybe the rest aren't. Cap showed that its not just Iron Man.

Which leads into Endgame where I think Cap had the best moments. Getting Thors Hammer, going toe to toe with Thanos, saying Avengers Assemble, cap just had some great moments. One of Evans best scenes is probably the one where he sees Peggy in 1970. No words just a stare but it really conveyed so much emotion. And then Cap gets a great send off that is different than Tony's but fits with his character. Its what we all wanted, Cap to get the love his life, to end his war and to go home like so many did in 1945.

RDJ was killer as Tony Stark and was the big star for the MCU. I can't understate his importance without IM1 there probably is no MCU. But to me Evans and Cap were more impactful, better, and important to the MCU.

Raise my flame shield against RDJ and Stark fans LOL

I've been on this page for a long time.
Sure Iron Man was the first movie and set the quality bar high for the MCU but Cap has had the best movies/moments and steals the universe for sure.

I'm with you re Cap 1, it's one of my favourite Marvel origin stories for sure and a little bit underrated. Winter Solider also took the Marvel movies to another level of quality and is arguably Marvels best sequel.

The crazy thing about it all is that I had no interest in Cap prior to the MCU and you hear that a lot from other people too.
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True of the Pym particle time machine. But they, at the same time, heavily implied that using the Infinity stones and snapping could basically do whatever the hell you want.
Her and Wanda had that power already... The stones just activated them. Kinda like how stress activates the mutant Gene to express itself. The Russos explained this already.

I remember that with Wanda but I don't recall any clarification for Carol.


Wait...i just had a thought...

With the Time Stone being one of the stones that Thanos destroyed in the true timeline reality, and the fact that Cap returned all the stones to their proper reality, does this now mean Dr. Strange is stoneless? Doesnt he need the stone for a lot of his magic / time manipulation?


Gold Member
I remember that with Wanda but I don't recall any clarification for Carol.

I think the MCU version is, she somehow absorbed some of the power without it killing her, so the Kree did some Kree genetic mumbo jumbo to weaponize her, kind of like what they did to the inhumans.
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What's a "Gloove"?


What Thanos said when he arrived at the Shrek swamp.
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Gold Member
I strongly believe that if they were going for a "time travel" angle then they should have prevented the "snap" from ever happening or, at worst, undone the snap within mere minutes.

Hulk specifically explains why this doesn't work when Rhodey suggest killing baby Thanos.

Funny enough, Fitz explained the time branching stuff over a year ago on AoS, and they even stuck with the 'changing the past doesn't change the present' angle, only branches off a new time line.

There were 2 Fitz's on that show that the same as there are 2 Caps in the timeline Cap created when he married Peggy
They even brought their grandson from another timeline back to this timeline.

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The time travel stuff just requires you to turn your brain off. If you think about it it pokes to many holes.

The movie even tells you that when they bring up all the other time travel movies and Hulk is like it doesn't work like that just shut your brain up and enjoy the giant fight at the end of the movie.

I mean Nebula killed her past self shouldn't she be dead? But then again according to Hulk that wasn't nebula's past self but actually her futureself since that past was actually Nebula's future.

I think the Russo's knew it was nonsense but they just hand waved it away and wanted the audience to go along with the ride. The whole movie can be nitpicked. 5 year time jump, army out of nowhere to fight Thanos, surviving most likely the equivalent of a nuke blast in Avengers tower and on and on.

Endgame is a movie you have to 100% turn your brain off. The minute you start to question things the whole film falls apart. Its not really about the plot anyways. The movie is about the final battle, Cap looking total badass with Thors hammer and saying Avengers assemble, and Tony finally getting to sacrifice himself to save the world. Everything else in the movie is there to support those things and because the Russo's wrote themselves into a corner by having a shocking ending to IW where 50% of our heros were dusted.
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Gold Member
The time travel stuff just requires you to turn your brain off. If you think about it it pokes to many holes.

The movie even tells you that when they bring up all the other time travel movies and Hulk is like it doesn't work like that just shut your brain up and enjoy the giant fight at the end of the movie.

I mean Nebula killed her past self shouldn't she be dead? But then again according to Hulk that wasn't nebula's past self but actually her futureself since that past was actually Nebula's future.

I think the Russo's knew it was nonsense but they just hand waved it away and wanted the audience to go along with the ride. The whole movie can be nitpicked. 5 year time jump, army out of nowhere to fight Thanos, surviving most likely the equivalent of a nuke blast in Avengers tower and on and on.

Endgame is a movie you have to 100% turn your brain off. The minute you start to question things the whole film falls apart. Its not really about the plot anyways. The movie is about the final battle, Cap looking total badass with Thors hammer and saying Avengers assemble, and Tony finally getting to sacrifice himself to save the world. Everything else in the movie is there to support those things and because the Russo's wrote themselves into a corner by having a shocking ending to IW where 50% of our heros were dusted.

They actually used some real theories, this is the one that was actually on stark's computer when he said 'Shit, I figured it out', I read about this one before because it actually self corrects for paradox's like the Nebula thing.

Mobius Time Loop
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I enjoyed it overall. Too much to cover so basic thoughts. Definitely had clear flaws and although necessary, the first hour is clearly "skip" material on rewatch. Not as good as IW but as a fanservice sendoff for the original crew I think it did it's job, and the nature of the movie puts a lot of it beyond normal objective criticism for me. Fun experience overall though come bluray I'll probably just skip to the end battle. =P

Also a bit uncertain about the MCU following this. Kinda wanted them to just end it outright. Have to see what they come up with going forward.

I'm not even sure how they can continue to make interesting movies without keep raising the stakes. They already dealt with a wipe-out-all-life-in-universe threat with Thanos, where do they go from there? And add in the time travel stuff as well, what can they even do as a follow up? Even someone like Dr. Doom or Galactus will seem like a downgrade compared to Thanos+Infinity Stones. Seems to me it would be a lot easier to wipe the slate clean and start over.

Fox Mulder

I don't think they have to keep raising the stakes. Thanos threatened to wipe the entire universe. There's plenty of material for stand alone films to scale down. Fantastic Four and Xmen will be coming eventually too.
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