I liked it. I prefer infinity war though.
We needed more scarlett witch and less captain marvel.
I hated every scene captain marvel was in. OP boring character.
I think Infinity War did a better job of understanding each characters "power level" and keeping them within set limits.
At times in Endgame they are just very careless about keeping the story straight.
Thor gets Stormbreaker, which can summon the Bifrost Bridge, and transports himself, Rocket and Groot to Wakanda BUUUT after the battle they never think to go to Titan to check on the other Guardians, Dr Strange Iron Man and Spider-Man? Rocket never says "hey maybe we could go and check on our other team mates?" Nah, we need Captain Marvel to fly into space and push the ship all the way back to Earth.
Thanos with the power stone can potentially kill Thor and can beat Hulk head to head.
With the space, reality and soul stones added he is too much for GotG, Iron Man, Spider-man and Doctor Strange.
Yet, it's pretty close between him and Iron Man it seems even when Thanos has 4 gems. Thanos literally NEEDS at least one of the gems to beat Iron Man one on one.
Once he has the time stone he is unbeatable by anyone we've seen so far and obviously when he gets the mind stone it's all over.
Yet, when Thanos comes to Earth with no Infinity Stones, and kind of no plan, he is able to go head to head with Iron Man, Thor and Captain America only armed with his sword and armor. This guy was previously needing to pull moons out of orbit to beat Iron Man in a fight but here he's holding his own no worries.
Basically Infinity War sets Thanos up as unbeatable once he's picked up a few stones. Endgame turns round and says "nah he was virtually unbeatable even WITHOUT any stones".
The movie also contradicts even that when Captain Marvel comes in.
First of all she singlehandedly takes down Thanos main invasion ship. It's one of those "wait, you could have done that all along" moments.
It always seemed like EVERYONE out there in the galaxy knew who Thanos is and what he was up to.
Certainly the events of Infinity War would have been different if Captain Marvel had just decided to cripple Thanos' fleet at the earliest opportunity.
Then she's able to go toe to toe with Thanos where Iron Man, Cap and Thor had failed. She no sells a full force Thanos headbutt that would have floored the other dudes who just fought him. He only beats her by using the power stone.
So he would have been easily beatable without any Infinity Stones if Capr Marvel had shown up 10 minutes earlier she would have just easily subdued Thanos? Too bad she didn't show up to the first battle in Infinity War.
The one person who is all over the galaxy protecting worlds, and keeping up to date with goings on, and could have stopped all this from happening sat back and let Thanos collect all the stones and let him do the snap before deciding to get involved? Or she just didn't know who Thanos was, what infinity stones are and what was happening?
However, when Thanos from the past shows up on Earth with a surprise attack and she's there immediately to wipe out his ship and slap him around the battlefield a bit?
A similar thing is done with the Infinity Gauntlet.
So Thanos needs to get this special gauntlet custom made and even then it can barely contain the power of all 6 stones.
There's a bit deal made of it to the extent that it's even a side plot in Infinity War and the guy who made the Gauntlet helps Thor to make a "Thanos' killing weapon".
Fast forward to Endgame and Tony Stark is making an gauntlet of his own that ONLY the Hulk can use but then a couple of hours later Tony is just using his Iron Man suit to hold the gems, no worries. I suppose it does kill him but haven't we been shown that the time stone can be used to bring someone (Vision) back?
It's kind of funny because there are 6 gems and we had 6 original Avengers (Iron Man, Cap, Thor, Hulk, Widow and Hawkeye) so isn't the more logical conclusion that the 6 show up with a gem each and use their teamwork to beat 6 Gem Thanos and stop the original snap from happening?
So Thanos needs a special gauntlet, forged using the power of a sun, to contain the gems.
Then he narrowly beats some of the Avengers using a few of the stones.
He gets badly injured by Thor with all of the stones but he is basically unbeatable at that point.
But then he still can beat up Thor, Iron Man and Cap with no stones.
But then Captain Marvel can take a full Thanos headbutt no problem, she can hold her own against him where others can't.
And then Tony can just use his Iron Man suit to hold the stones anyway so... wtf?
Oh and the stones can't be used to bring Tony back. Definitely not.
Side Note:
It sure would have been unfortunate if they had sent Nebula and War Machine to get the soul stone instead of the power stone.
Imagine they show up on Vormir and are like "ha, we don't even know each other".
So did the team know "one of those two won't come back" when they sent Black Widow and Hawkeye out there?
How come Hawkeye doesn't come back like "what the fuck you guys the only way to get that stone is to sacrifice a loved one!"
They acted like it was a big shock but then that just means that their plan was "get the stones" but they didn't actually know HOW to get all of them.