The thing with marvel is that you actually don't need all the films before Avengers. The avengers first half is just introduction for each character then end climax. Many people I know didn't bother with rest of marvel films til the avengers came out
I've said this in like 100 threads now. I'm shocked by how wrapped up people are by the Avengers and as if it is the only way to ever make a movie with multiple characters. Which is even dumber when you look only into the recent past to see movies like LOTR and XMen1 succeed.
More than anything you need a competent director and a well done script. I don't think Avengers is amazing, and certainly not my fav superhero movie by a mile, but its well made, paced, and presented in a way that works. None of which has anything to do with the each individual origins movies before it.
Did those movies help build up hype? Yes! Excitement? Yes! Awareness? Of course!
But those factors help the box office return more than anything else. They didn't help make the Avengers into a good movie. If the script was bad or the direction complete shit, guess what? All those origin movies wouldn't mean shit and the reviews would have been bad.
So when people keep bringing up DC is going to fail because they do it 100% like Marvel, I am shocked. If BvS is bad, its cause the script, direction, and acting all add up to it being bad. Not because it didn't have origin stories. Audiences aren't dumb. They can be introduced to new characters and multiple new characters in one sitting without years and years of build up.
And what is DC going to fail at? Making money? I am pretty sure even with the bad reviews, the movie is going to make tons (especially with international gross factored in) and cross the all validating $B mark. Does that make it a good movie? How is success measured?
We have seen other bad movies, Transformers for example, make so much money they keep making more sequels while the reviews kill it. So BvS is as bad as the reviews claim, it will still make enough money, that for now DC and its extended plans aren't in peril.
Green Lantern was different. That movie bombed financially and critically. This won't bomb at the box office. And they still have time to fix the direction of the rest of the movies if they care for the movies to be critical darlings.