...I'm I wrong in thinking that Douche Peter fits perfectly well in that scene?
Well he surely is in the try hard phase. He fits perfectly.
...I'm I wrong in thinking that Douche Peter fits perfectly well in that scene?
I also had problems with that suit as well. I didn't realize until I watched the making of documentary that Routh actually bulked up a lot for that role but none of that comes across because the suit is strangely, intentionally slimming. Routh is tall and long and that would have worked well with his bulk for portraying Superman, but the suit hid all that away.
Well that's it.
RT is a garbage site. The Shadow is fucking awesome.
Fucking fraud ass site
I remember when Snyder made a good film.
That was back in 2004 though.
Well that's it.
RT is a garbage site. The Shadow is fucking awesome.
Fucking fraud ass site
Oh god, how many times do we need to explain how RT works for every 5 pages?
fraud reviewers
So BvS will end up being a jewel in the rough. misunderstood because of studio tampering, rough marketing and a goofy white guy director with some crazy ideas.The RT% is getting dangerously close to Pootie Tang.
Is there a link for that?
The main problem with Superman Returns was the plot and the script. Had those things been good Routh would have made a a good run at it imo.
It had problems but i still like returns more than MOS. The scene where he stops the airplane is one of my favorite superhero moments in movies ever.
It had problems but i still like returns more than MOS. The scene where he stops the airplane is one of my favorite superhero moments in movies ever.
It had problems but i still like returns more than MOS. The scene where he stops the airplane is one of my favorite superhero moments in movies ever.
Max Landis and RedLetterMedia are going to have a field day with this movie and I can't wait. WB/DC deserves every bit of criticism for their hubris.
OG Superman suits were weirdly slimming
Even Reeve was making gains thanks to David "Darth Vader" Prowse
So what phase are we at now? It's definitely not acceptance, that's for sure.
Like Hugh Jackman, Reeve's build grew larger in later films when he had time to pack on the muscle. He's buff in Superman 3 and 4.
So what phase are we at now? It's definitely not acceptance, that's for sure.
No worldly idea. I'm kind of still in disbelief. Granted I need to see it for myself and form an opinion but just going by reviews, how did they get it so wrong? I don't want to believe it's really that bad.So what phase are we at now? It's definitely not acceptance, that's for sure.
So what phase are we at now? It's definitely not acceptance, that's for sure.
The phase where we rewatch Iron man 3 and admit it's a great movie
It's a great movie
Hell you can see it through the different acts of the first film
At least we haven't reached the phase where we rewatch Iron Man 2 and think it's a great movie
Japan and the US are the only country who suffered massive attacks on their civilians?
Like what?
And even when talking strictly about cinema, post WWII European films dealt with those issues quite a lot, and at least in my opinion, waaaaaaaaaaay better than Japanese cinema (or post 9/11 American cinema, though I don't see as a whole lot of parallels between the two).
I'm not sure I'm seeing this post 9/11 rise of nihilism either, did he already forgot the 80s? I mean sheeeeit RoboCop is way more nihilist than anything Zack Snyder or Christopher Nolan can dream of.
And even if you we go by simplistic shallow nihilism, stuff like Fight Club have done it and done it on the fucking nose before the world trade center collapsed.
Yeah, Zack Snyder uses 9/11 imagery, I think he does mostly because it's an easy way to evoke fear, I don't like to call on the writer as someone who read too much into these things because I don't think you can really do that (also I generally love over-analyze that stuff) but I can't say his analysis really resonate with me, even though it's really well written.
I'm also not sure he really remembers Cassandra's story all that well, but that's a minor point.
Like Hugh Jackman, Reeve's build grew larger in later films when he had time to pack on the muscle. He's buff in Superman 3 and 4.
At least we haven't reached the phase where we rewatch Iron Man 2 and think it's a great movie
only $50 million?
I wish ironman 3 was good. It is a true shame what they did with the extremis since it made little sense and it was so pointless to include it in the film since they could have easily done better without having to force it into the movie
I wish ironman 3 was good. It is a true shame what they did with the extremis since it made little sense and it was so pointless to include it in the film since they could have easily done better without having to force it into the movie
I wish ironman 3 was good. It is a true shame what they did with the extremis since it made little sense and it was so pointless to include it in the film since they could have easily done better without having to force it into the movie
You just gotta go into with the mindset that it's a Shane Black comedy with Marvel product placement, then it's fantastic
It's funny that people complain Marvel movies are too cookie cutter, then get one that is absolutely the product of its director, and those same people don't like it.
You just gotta go into with the mindset that it's a Shane Black comedy with Marvel product placement, then it's fantastic
Iron Man 3 was a Shane Black buddy comedy which means it was fucking amazing, sir.