You seem to think every game that comes out is Call of Duty in size. You do realize there are a ton games that are only a few GB in size or even less. Casual gamers aren't running around complaining that don't have enough space to store their game libraries especially if they only play one or two franchises. It is a non issue and there is a cheap and easy to add more space that doesn't require the Seagate drive. There is enough storage to save Fortnite, Call of Duty, and Madden at the same time.
Why ignore the primary reason the XSS isn't popular outside of N. America? PS is more popular and well known brand. I don't have to live in Europe to know that. You ignore that the XSS is selling quite well in N. America so your point that the XSS isn't popular is simply wrong. The Xbox as a brand is simply not as popular outside of N. America and that has been true for two out of the three previous generations MS has made consoles. This is not a deflection. A deflection would be trying to form some sort of twisted logic that it isn't that the Xbox brand is less popular in Europe and had a less than stellar previous generation, its because MS made an affordable console is the REAL problem! Yeah that sense whatsoever. But I think deep down you know that.
You are the one who got triggered when it was brought to your attention the console you claim to be 'gimped' can do things your preferred box cannot. I actually can't understand why that would upset you anyway. Perhaps if you thought it all the way through you'd have realized the glasshouse you were standing in when you started tossing stones. The things I mentioned were all FACTS. I know they are FACT because I personally experienced them. You have just bought, whole cloth, the marketing behind the PS and feel that if Sony doesn't offer a feature it isn't worth having. LOL Smart delivery hur hur hur. It's a sad state to be in actually. Just because Sony doesn't offer Game pass or charges you for cloud saves doesn't' make Game pass or free cloud storage bad things. Sony charging you $10 extra to play their games doesn't make their games better either.
You comments about the market are pretty much total nonsense. This generation has just started and to declare a 'winner' at this point is totally premature. What determines success is also different. MS would be happy with 100+ million Game pass subs. Sony doesn't care about PS Now subs at all. You've written up just as much as I have and have yet to make one substantive point proving that MS was going to drop the XSS before the end of the generation, you know, the actual topic of this thread. You talk about diversionary tactics yet spend time talking about how powerful the PS5 is, how great the controller is, and how the European market matters the most. All you've shown is that you can hold a device that is cheaper and has more features to a higher standard that your preferred console. Congratulations. XSS still isn't going anywhere and MS was right to focus on markets bigger than the core gaming audience.
I'm not deluded enough to pretend 364GB is fine, or that constantly moving games back and forth between the SSD and HDD isnt a pain in the arse. The real problem is that you're in your feelings about this and you're defending the Series S purely on the basis that it's Xbox. Pretending that every 'casual' just has three games over a generation, and/or that's it's a non-issue because you declare it so is a nonsense.
Again just repeating the same point. Xbox was massive here in the 360 era.
Demand for the Series X is high here and it's constantly sold out. You know what isn't sold out and hasnt been for ages? I can write this down and post it to you if it will help you get it through that thick skull of yours. This really isn't complicated at all

. You just don't know anything about the European market - that's clear every time you post something in this thread.
You're still running with this? 1440p support, and cloud saves outside of subscription? About 10 people in the world give a damn about this. 99.9% of gamers play on a TV. A lot of PC players hook their PCs to a TV too. How desperate are you to cling to this and talk about triggered when you've been getting emotional bringing a lot of additional nonsense into a thread
specifically about the Series S, and being unable to accept that the hardware is unwanted in what is a big Xbox market, and vastly inferior to the Digital Edition PS5 despite being a mere £100 less. Smart delivery 'hur hur hur'?! Wtf is wrong with you, are you having an aneurysm while you post your console war bait lol. More talk about PS5 upgrades when it's not related to the thread topic. More deflection rubbish.
No idea why you're talking about who's winning what. I've just stated what's obvious to anybody who doesn't have their head buried in the sand regarding the Series S. You're obsessed about Xbox Vs Playstation and can't make a logical analysis of the console because you feel the need to 'protect' your favourite brand. Let me give you a clue - your emotive defence isn't going to help sales of the Series S no matter how hard you try
