Haha pot calling kettle black huh. Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy. Most people know about your many disingenuous takes on what Jason Ronald said and you've been lying about me for months so it's not surprising you'd lie on Jason too.I literally provided many captions of what he actually says in the video. So where are the lies exactly?
Unless you're telling me I've faked these images? I'm struggling to see what I could have lied about.
A proven liar saying someone else has zero credibility.. that's an incredible lack of self awareness.
Next time you accuse someone of something whether it's lying or accusing half forum of doxxing someone.. can you provide some proof or facts?
That's how everyone unearthed your appalling dishonesty last time around.
I still don't see anything in your post or any other to support that the XSS won't survive the generation due to a technical limitation. You bring up the 2 generation old 360 to combat the recent X1 generation causing low interest in the Xbox brand in Europe which of course is ridiculous. You stick with sales, of which you have no hard numbers, like that will cause MS to pull the XSS off the market. Ok let's talk sales. This forum has tons of threads touting how the PS5 is out selling the XSX. I suppose that is due to technical limitations of the XSX too right? It couldn't be because one brand is more popular right? Nah! Try all you want to make this about sales it's about popularity.No - we just know that anyone can pick one up much more easily than any next-gen console. And you're making up excuses left, right and centre for why it isn't selling.
Yep the 360 was very popular, and so is the Series X which remain sold out. So how do you reconcile that when you keep banging on and on about the last generation. Xbox lost mindshare, but the Series X is in selling faster than they can make them. Just more drivel to fill space.
Your little attempt at a history lesson, and all the rubbish about why Europe doesn't like the Xbox brand is a bunch of mumbo jumbo you've just made up in your little mind. Most people simply don't agree with you that it's such great value otherwise it would be sold out - like all the other next-gen consoles lol.
Regardless of how much more popular the PS5 is over the Xbox it still won't change that the XSS is a better value and will receive support the entire generation. Developers will eventually use the hardware features and we'll see better and better games. No one thought that the XSS could run Flight Simulator and it remains a stunning title even on the XSS. The surface has only been scratched regarding its potential.
Don't do that bro. It's not worth it.I hope you get AIDS
I find that so hard to believe. I thought it was MS that lied.Yes. They've done it many times and they'll do it many more. Remember how they announced Uncharted 4 as 60fps and showed it running at 60fps in "real time"? How did that turn out? Turns out it was a pre-rendered trailer made on a "server farm" setup of PS4s using effects that they knew weren't possible on the PS4.