There is no concern over the Series S, that's just something you've thrown around as you've become more and more triggered by the logical analyses of the Series S's limitations and what bearing this might have on its future in this thread, and it's lack of sales in comparison to the other next-gen consoles.
You've even got people who have seen piles of them in Walmart and GameStop. When has that been the case for the other machines?
"the underpowered XSS can do things the PS5 cannot" - is this really how badly you're taking this? Still talking about features that hardly anybody cares about and could be added at any time? Still talking about the PS5 because console warring is your second nature?
Lots of people are rushing out to buy Series X consoles in Europe, but now you're making up crap about how they won't buy a 'casual console', after spending ages bragging about how amazing this console is, and what great value it represents

. After spending what seems like an age going on about GamePass and how the PS5 is bad value comparatively. After Microsoft has been so consumer friendly with its backwards compatibility program. After Microsoft bought Bethesda. Logic? Nah, why bother with that!
As we've seen in this thread, people have noted Series S consoles available in the US too. So aswell as gamers in Europe, the Middle East and Asia having less demand for the Series S, there's also some evidence of this being the case in parts of America too.
You're right about one thing though (finally) - popularity does play a part and compared to the other next-gen consoles the Series S simply isn't very popular
