Right now there are NO games that are using SFS so to declare it won't be useful is way premature. Optimization never meant that the XSS would use every graphical feature. The ratio of fast to slower memory on the XSS is different because its an 80:20 split over the 60:40 split on the XSX. It has more of the faster memory so again for the resolution the system is targeting it won't be a problem for it to run games with less graphical detail.
You'd also be shocked to hear that Far Cry 6 won't have raytracing on the PS5 or any current gen console. I suppose that proves that developers will ultimately decide what features they will incorporate in their games on the hardware they have available. Just because the XSS is capable of using raytracing doesn't mean that ALL games on the XSS will have it just like ALL PS5 and XSX games won't have it either. In addition when did raytracing become a core feature that all games need? Returnal, a PS5 only game that isn't being 'held back' by the XSS, doesn't have raytracing and renders internally at 1080p. Does this mean the PS5 won't make it to the end of the generation? I'd suspect you'd disagree.
Your concern about the XSS doesn't strike me as genuine. Let me know when an XSS version of a game is missing characters, levels, or has worse enemy AI. These are the core tenants of a game not graphical features MS ALWAYS said the XSS would have less of. This is just another case of you holding the XSS to a standard you don't hold more expensive consoles to. It's pretty odd.
Nope. Your whole comparison is flawed because the PS4 and PS5 are NOT from the same generation AT ALL. The PS4 lacks features the PS5 has entirely and it has nothing to do with it's hard drive or loading a game. People here keep comparing the XSS to the Switch and PS4 and it's clear they have no idea what the XSS is capable of or even what generation it belongs to. People also call MS liars when not every game on the XSS has raytracing which was never claimed. Raytracing isn't a core gameplay feature it is a graphical feature. The same features that would be compromised on a device with lower graphical capabilities.
Quick resume, FPS boost, SFS are core features of the current generation Xbox. My point about features is that if someone is going to accuse MS of being misleading it should be very easy to show the missing features the XSS has when compared to the XSX. Just like I can show the missing features the PS4 has compared to the PS5. No one has been able to point out ONE missing feature outside of the optical drive which I'm certain MS clearly stated was NOT there. Again people are more interested in inventing issues with the XSS that do not exist.
PS5 was marketed as a 4K console. Returnal renders internally at 1080p.

The 1440p did not imply ALL games would run at that resolution and you know it. More disingenuous nonsense.
If the concern is sincere about the XSS and it's longevity then the same issues could be applied to the PS5 or even the Switch. In a world where the Switch and even the poorly designed X1 can get support an entire generation the idea of the XSS not making it is laughable. No matter how you slice it the underpowered XSS can do things the PS5 cannot. It has MORE 120 fps titles and features. The XSS remains a superior value and your feelings won't change that. I remain grateful that MS doesn't base it's decisions on what smaller markets do.
The PS is a bigger brand globally and people in Europe are not going to rush out to buy a casual console from the company that just came off of the X1. Your nonsense about the 360 is just that. That was TWO generations ago and in business you are only as good as your last product. Well MS last product was the X1 and it didn't set the world on fire so there is no wonder the Series consoles aren't selling as well. Enthusiasts are going to grab the XSX when it is available because they are enthusiasts. Casuals won't grab the XSS in Europe because they aren't going to care about the company who last delivered the X1. Again your commentary doesn't apply to the N. America, the biggest market, so again your reasoning that the power of the XSS is the why it doesn't sell as in Europe is completely flawed. It is a pure popularity contest. You do seem quite proud to point out that PS is more popular globally and if that makes you sleep better at night I'm happy for you. It still has no baring on the topic on whether or not the XSS will make it to the end of the generation. It will but your concern is noted.
Of course there are devs that say the XSS isn't a problem at all. Do you believe THOSE devs? Seems like some cherry picking is going on.
There isn't a game out that runs better on the X1X over the XSS. Most games on the X1X are locked at 30fps. The XSS even has FPS boost which takes games X1X never ran at 60 and improves the framerate. Look at a game like Cyberpunk 2077 which ran considerably better on the XSS than the X1X. If you think there isn't enough games to play that's your opinion but the power of the XSS isn't the issue. As I've told other people the storage space isn't a concern for casual gamers who only play a few games. Hard core gamers wouldn't usually go for the XSS in the first place and if they did they have options to save their games for an affordable cost.
Dammit Riky you have been dropping nothing but knowledge over and over again! I want people to complain that Psychonauts 2 isn't running at 1440p like MS said! They lied again!