Chuds are winning, wokes are losing. Do game developers still not get the message?

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Gold Member
I am really enjoying 'woke' being so non-precise they fuck off japanese audiences too:

It gets to a point when a company keeps messing up (like the Torii gate) it might be purposely done.

It's obvious all the numbnuts there dont know anything about Japan, so maybe some people are trying to sabotage the game. And two things (Torii game and March 20 date) snuck through. There might had been other issues too we dont know about which were caught and corrected.
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Gold Member
It gets to a point when a company keeps messing up (like the Torii gate) it might be purposely done.

It's obvious all the numbnuts there dont know anything about Japan, so maybe some people are trying to sabotage the game. And two things (Torii game and March 20 date) snuck through. There might had been other issues too we dont know about which were caught and corrected.
i'm not accusing them of anything but it doesnt seem like the market they are selling to anyways. I do remember some early backlash as to the historical accuracy - which they don't have to address, ofc, it's a game.
But they are inviting the same criticism other games get from non-buyers, but now with a proper background in facts (if that is true, i am not japanese).
What would make a game "conservative"?
Same thing that would make a games politics liberal except replace liberal with conservative politics. From an American perspective an outright support for the 2nd amendment (right to bear arms) by the writers as well as the 1st amendment would be a big giveaway. Fiscal responsibility, a focus on the American dream, limited government, individualism, limited regulations, private property and personal liberties(bill of rights). Stuff like that, any of those would piss off devs that normally push left wing politics like wokeness, DEI and ESG.


Nick Young Wtf GIF


There is 0 evidence that DEI grip on the management is weakening.

I wish it was, but it isn't.
My spouse told me he did back off from DEI hiring.
ZDF reported it. (in, well, German)

The most relevant citation: "We will have no teams that concentrate on DEI". (from "leaked" internal communication at Zuckerburger Empire Inc)
DEI and woke culture in general is doomed to fail because it attempted to rewrite reality. They attempted to:

1) brainwash you into thinking that you do not need to look at beautiful people (you do)
2) brainwash you into thinking that women can do everything that men can and better (they can't - not *every* thing)
3) brainwash you into thinking that you should be ashamed for being white, male and straight (you shouldn't)
4) brainwash you into thinking that all people belonging to minority groups are always better and smarter than you and you are holding them back (they aren't *always* and you don't)
5) brainwash you into thinking that you are a horrible person for calling them out on their practices (you are not)
6) brainwash you into thinking that people getting hired based on skin color and sexuality has no effect on merit and quality (it has)

You can trick some people forever. You can trick all people for some time. But you cannot trick all people forever.

They can hide their work and their intentions all they like. They can hide SBI, black gamers inc. and whatnot - it doesn't matter. The moment you see a game having butt ugly women in it, the moment you see all white male characters being emasculated and lectured, the moment you see the protagonist being a butch black lesbian who looks like a dude ... you immediately know where this is going. You don't need to see an SBI logo to be sure.

Just. Trust. Your. Gut.

Meh, what misfire.

For starters, DEI doesn't spread via convincing anyone, it spreads by fear and punishment.
As, you know, certain, very popular religions.

No "convincing" is needed at all.

1) The fuck is "the need" to look at "anything"
2) You have worded it terribly (even worse if you really mean it). Women and men are different. But saying that you should deny anything to a person from that group, purely based on groups AVERAGE traits is why "stereotypes" is a bad word.

Women are weaker in general, but female champion in most martial arts can easily knock out 80% of men in the same weight category walking this planet. (for instance)

You can trick some people forever.
You can subdue people indefinitely just fine.


Perpetually Offended
Same thing that would make a games politics liberal except replace liberal with conservative politics. From an American perspective an outright support for the 2nd amendment (right to bear arms) by the writers as well as the 1st amendment would be a big giveaway. Fiscal responsibility, a focus on the American dream, limited government, individualism, limited regulations, private property and personal liberties(bill of rights). Stuff like that, any of those would piss off devs that normally push left wing politics like wokeness, DEI and ESG.

That sounds like a boring game


Speaking of, this is the girl Aloy is based on:


So yes, shes uglified. But its not like Hannah is a supermodel. Why tho?
Nah, she isn't, unless you cherry pick looks. (also, a lot of "fat" pics of Aloy are fakes, eh?)

The same lady on Rotten Ts

Or here:



If uglifying was the goal here, one could have started with a worse model to begin with. Real model's nose looks worse.

Look, at, cough, at majority of the ladies in "Silo". (somewhat applies to males too though)
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Nah, she isn't, unless you cherry pick looks. (also, a lot of "fat" pics of Aloy are fakes, eh?)

The same lady on Rotten Ts

Or here:



If uglifying was the goal here, one could have started with a worse model to begin with. Real model's nose looks worse.

Look, at, cough, at majority of the ladies in "Silo". (somewhat applies to males too though)
Yup when she gets older/uglier/fatter she looks worse, duh.

For contrast thats how she looked in her prime back when they scanned her face for H:ZD, much more attractive vs aloy so we know aloy got uglified like most western devs do to female protags.


Gold Member
I enjoyed the latest one.

Sorry this news upsets you, or whatever triggered you enough to single my post out to tell me you don't like their games.

Certainly not triggered lmao, I am just responding to your post. Not everybody who quotes you is triggered. Cmon man.

Might be allright game but the first one was horrible, the second one only has a 7.5 on Meta, doesnt really push me to try it
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Yeah it’s not just games either. Movies and even woke beer have been rejected.

Anyone paying attention knew which way the US election was going to go after the dominos started falling around 2023/2024. America was rejecting projects labeled as “woke” across the board.

The final push is indeed coming now that the election has confirmed that. Overwhelmingly.

Doesn’t mean America is bigoted or sexist at or racist by any stretch of the imagination. It only means they are rational.

A stubborn few will remain and become examples of relics from the past by the time they release. There are always exceptions and I am curious to see how the Naughty Dog game does. I’m tired of heavy handed politics but their games play really well and I am mildly interested myself. I certainly think it will suffer compared to The Last of Us.
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There are differences between (a) "woke games" and (b) "shitty games with woke elements". Suicide Squad is an example of the latter. If it was a much better game with the same woke elements, it would have been a much better performing game.

Let's not confalte shitty games with woke elements with woke games, that could imply that those games bombed because of wokeness rather than being shitty.
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Gold Member
Certainly not triggered lmao, I am just responding to your post. Not everybody who quotes you is triggered. Cmon man.

Might be allright game but the first one was horrible, the second one only has a 7.5 on Meta, doesnt really push me to try it
Cool. Thanks for letting me know I guess.


Let's agree to disagree here.
In her youngest form, more attractive? Possibly (depends on angle and stuff)
Much more attractive? I don't see that.

And that's just my opinion, man.
Aloy is at most a 5 in first game, so average for a woman, definitely below avg in 2nd game since she got older and fatter(especially fat face is unatractive for a woman coz it suggest either obesity or hormonal problems), so 4 at max, the model/actress is at the very least above avg, so 6 even if she isnt some1s type we can objectively say she is more attractive than avg girl, visibly more attractive. Depending on the taste of a man, some could give her 7 or 8 even, there is a reason she is paid for being a model, actual model, not fake "IG model" but actual model.
There are differences between (a) "woke games" and (b) "shitty games with woke elements". Suicide Squad is an example of the latter. If it was a much better game with the same woke elements, it would have been a much better performing game.

Let's not confalte shitty games with woke elements with woke games, that could imply that those games bombed because of wokeness rather than being shitty.
Hiring wokehead people who can contribute nothing besides retarded propaganda or hiring based on DEI instead of merit will result in shitty games, easy.
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The best thing about woke going down in flames is the endless entertainment of watching all the woke people on this forum, and elsewhere, now pretend they aren't woke. It's always the same "yea, woke people can be irritating occasionally, but it's those anti-woke people who are the real problem, amiright?" Like we don't see through that shit. Or the "those game didn't fail because they were woke, it's because they were bad." Yea, those things are 100% not mutually exclusive.


I see a lot of you confused as to why they uglify women.

1. Traditionally men are ugly, women are pretty, they seek to change that aspect of the patriarchy.
2. Humans are naturally jealous creatures. It's built into our DNA as a survivability mechanism. Seeing a more conventionally attractive woman on a videogame makes them jealous. Imagine walking in on your grandad ogling an old playboy. Disgusting, no? That is similar to the disgusts they feel when they see us drooling over Eve. Now imagine it's your boyfriend instead of your grandad. 10 fold disgust and anger over just a sexy videogame.
3. Point number 2 can turn off the appeal to women which loses the company money in sales to women, and today everything is trying to appeal to the more people. The idea that every game should appeal as broadly as possible to maximize revenue, ie no more flavors, all games have all flavors. Remember, ugly women in the game = more women who might consider a purchase(see number 2)
4. Ugly or dumb people are very relatable

So they hire these hot actors and actresses who got their jobs because of their beauty, but if they just use their face all games will only have beautiful women. See the issues with the 4 points above. So there is a natural inclination to make the character less beautiful in order to broaden the appeal of the game and make the characters more relatable.

The issue is that women aren't really a big enough piece of the pie yet in AAA and the men who liked the pretty women are having a fit over it. So they really need to reverse course, maybe go a little slower if this is their dumbass plan. I'm glad they are rushing it because honestly it has already failed, they just haven't' accepted it yet. The ugly woman main character ground has been salted. No fruit will bloom there. Just imagine what kind of cynical asshole it takes to actively make your models uglier to try to scrap profit from a social trend. Nintendo has their faults and yall like to complain about their money grubbing, but Nintendo will never go full Black Mirror like these people have.
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Look, at, cough, at majority of the ladies in "Silo". (somewhat applies to males too though)
Silo TV show?

Bro, Rebecca Ferguson is one of the hottest women alive.

Oh shit, double post. Fuck. Anyway, I don't know why, but I like this thread. Some crazy shit has been discussed up in here, damn.
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Mister Wolf

Silo TV show?

Bro, Rebecca Ferguson is one of the hottest women alive.

Oh shit, double post. Fuck. Anyway, I don't know why, but I like this thread. Some crazy shit has been discussed up in here, damn.

Yeah, we pretending like Rebecca Ferguson not fine as hell now?


Golden Boy
The more money they lose the more they will roll back on DEI, hopefully for good.
I think the worst idea was that people started listening to those GenZ people with useless woke University degrees.


Seeing a more conventionally attractive woman on a videogame makes them jealous.
The issue is that women aren't really a big enough piece of the pie yet in AAA and the men who liked the pretty women are having a fit over it.

I don't know if I would lump all women together that this is what they want and it failed just because they comprise too little of the market. I prefer to believe it's just what batty people want and there's not nearly enough of them.

Good looking actresses don't appear to keep women from watching movies, and you'd think that would be seen a larger threat than a digital game girl.


DEI people can go infest music and movie all industry for all i care, just leave gaming alone, gaming being look down by these folk for decades, and suddenly they think we need to be re-educated to fit their view
There was a recent Court case out of the Northern District of Texas federal court that sued (I believe it was the American Airline pension) for investing in “ESG” as that is a big push of Blackrock (and May have managed the fund).

Either way, the point is that there is growing case law that says if you don’t maximize profits as consistent with your fiduciary duty and instead do things that are not as profitable (ESG) then you can be sued.

This is serious tide Turning
Esg exists to counter china and the rise of Asia. Aka no one wants to depend on oil and the geopolitics it brings.
Same thing that would make a games politics liberal except replace liberal with conservative politics. From an American perspective an outright support for the 2nd amendment (right to bear arms) by the writers as well as the 1st amendment would be a big giveaway. Fiscal responsibility, a focus on the American dream, limited government, individualism, limited regulations, private property and personal liberties(bill of rights). Stuff like that, any of those would piss off devs that normally push left wing politics like wokeness, DEI and ESG.

DEI = dev cost keep going up and we need new blood. People invest for growth and if your base ain’t growing then you got a big problem.

Personally I want them cut to watch the chaos as east Asia takes over and the economic illiterate ask why.


I love how all the leftists are now like "I'm tried all of the culture war stuff". Like they didn't start it. LMFAO.

Yeah, we know. It's not fun anymore.

I'll live the rest of my life differently aware that I'm walking amongst these context sensitive opportunistic chameleon mofos.
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