Advocatus Diaboli
Idk how much is jumping the gun, but the last date I got took less than 20 messages back n forth combined. You don't want to drag it on either, ya know?
Mine took like... 5? 8? Then again, it's about knowing the indirect rules.
I'm getting physically exhausted from this though.
Just out of curiosity, what do you guys do about sweating on a date?
Popped into my head because it's a hot day out today and even in just jeans and a shirt it's really rolling off me. I can only imagine if you're taking efforts to look nice (plus any date related nervousness) and you're anything like me you'll be sweating like nobody's business.
I guess douse yourself in antiperspirant, but anything else? That stuff only goes so far. (obviously don't be fat is another answer but eh)
Show up 15 minutes early and cool down. Alternatively, make a pit stop at someplace like Starbucks, have an iced tea, and cool down before meeting her.