What's the nerdiest thing you guys in full view of any dates coming over?
I have a life size replica of a portal gun on top of my bookshelf and I'm never getting rid of it.
The only things that give away signs of me being a nerd in my room are an Xbox 360 Elite box on top of an two door closet with clothes inside and this
Dark Souls II CE statue (except that the right sword broke on my statue) in front of it:
A bunch of retired badges from cons that I've worked/attended/volunteered at hanging on my closet's door with different lanyards on it, a Star Wars Sphero BB8 on one of my windowsills (I had no intention of keeping it and still want to sell it), and a bunch of boxes stacked with old con badges.
If one were to look behind my bed, there's a bunch of giant swag bags full stuff from prior cons; graphic novels, all sorts of books, and other stuff beneath the table where my TV and 360 rest at.
All the games are either in my brother's room, in my drawers, the living room entertainment center, or in my closet. Otherwise, girls would be charmed off by a bunch of paintings that I did in undergrad that hang along my bedroom walls and art supplies. I've only brought one girl over and that was a one and done thing because I never saw her again. In general, I'm much more proud to display my own art work in my room than I am to display nerdy stuff. I don't buy CE's at because it takes up too much space.