always crazy bacon
Noted...yeah...considering I've said some sketchy ass shit in here it makes sense.
Yeah, you're welcome...
Noted...yeah...considering I've said some sketchy ass shit in here it makes sense.
Tell me about it. Makes me regret how I got to this point. Where I'd be most comfortable and confident are the places where girls are in unbalanced numbers. Obviously I'm looking at putting myself out there, but it's not exactly attractive to be completely fresh to typical social things.
Yes, I asked if she wanted to go on the same date we planned for last week before she got sick, and she said yes. Tomorrow night![]()
That's awesome! While I've gotten rid of 3 trash bags worth of clothes the past couple weekends I could do with getting rid of more shit.I'm glad I have a fashion conscious wife who tells me what looks good and what doesn't. The amount of crap clothing that was either ill fitting or just didn't look good she demanded I throw away when she moved in...
I need to force myself to do this. Just pick a bunch of places I like going to already and try. I agree it is the preferred method.I still prefer this method. While everyone will say stuff about "dating apps" yada yada...(they aren't necessarily wrong), the ability to hunt in the wild should not be understated.
If you are a decent enough looking dude that can carry a conversation it will work out fine.
The joke I had when I started taking photography was that we're all here because we like taking the pictures not being in them. Most everyone I knew hated self portraits.My thing is I love taking pictures, but never of myself. I personally enjoy taking pictures of scenery, or food, or other people, lol... of course the lack of pictures of myself stems from self confidence issues, but at the same time I can never make a damn selfie look good. Screw you lighting ;p
So I mentioned earlier that my dad gave my number to some rando who's ad he got out of the matrimonial section of a Punjabi newspaper.
Well, I've been chatting with her, and she's actually... interesting. And cute as fuck. But definitely a bit weird. I asked her to coffee, but she's busy this weekend, so... eh, let's see if we click in person.
You guys should watch Meet The Patels togetherSo I mentioned earlier that my dad gave my number to some rando who's ad he got out of the matrimonial section of a Punjabi newspaper.
Well, I've been chatting with her, and she's actually... interesting. And cute as fuck. But definitely a bit weird. I asked her to coffee, but she's busy this weekend, so... eh, let's see if we click in person.
It isn't that bad. Just try to find and culture hobbies and interests that are typically skewed more women. Dance classes or any kind of art class (pottery, painting, whatever) are good communities that are ballpark 3:1 women:men. Theater is about 1:1-ish. Poetry is, like, 5:1?
Through work, look into Young Professional Groups, which are just generally good ways to expand a balanced network.
Is it even possible to have no matches after I've swiped LITERALLY at least a thousand times (I counted) on Bumble?
I've been on bumble for about 2 1/2 weeks and have about 50 matches but even then only like a third will bother to message you, and even then the messages are basically "HeyIs it even possible to have no matches after I've swiped LITERALLY at least a thousand times (I counted) on Bumble?
I've been on bumble for about 2 1/2 weeks and have about 50 matches but even then only like a third will bother to message you, and even then the messages are basically "Hey". Women on bumble seem a bit pickier because they have to send the first message, at least from my experience. Also I heard the algorithm puts the best looking people to show up the most frequently while others get put back of people's rotations.
I've been on bumble for about 2 1/2 weeks and have about 50 matches but even then only like a third will bother to message you, and even then the messages are basically "Hey". Women on bumble seem a bit pickier because they have to send the first message, at least from my experience. Also I heard the algorithm puts the best looking people to show up the most frequently while others get put in the back of people's rotations.
Talked with this awesome girl on Tinder, she's exactly my type (especially because she has short hair), we share a lot of interests and turns out she's bisexual. Funny thing, I have dated a bi girl before and I thought it was great. I just want to know, what are your thoughts on dating a bisexual girl?
Bumble ain't great. Even when I get a match I don't get a message. I've only had one contact me and that was a woman that was in NYC for the week from California so nothing was able to happen any way.Bad-looking confirmed. Actually now that I remember, I matched with one girl. She never messaged me but I wasn't attracted to her anyway. One match after over a thousand swipes is ridiculous though.
They seem more attractive overall and it's a nice change of pace to not make the first move all the time. Bumble a decent app to use alongside tinder. Just make sure your profile is strong or you probably won't get shit for matchesI've heard that from people as well. They prefer Bumble ladies as you say.
Talked with this awesome girl on Tinder, she's exactly my type (especially because she has short hair), we share a lot of interests and turns out she's bisexual. Funny thing, I have dated a bi girl before and I thought it was great. I just want to know, what are your thoughts on dating a bisexual girl?
you're not swiping approve just all the time, are you? liking/approving everyone just makes it pure RNG if the algo/ranking can even find someone for you
But there's not that much data there, is the problem. Almost 100% of the bumble women i saw were attractive to me, and few had any information that really told me much about them in their profile. Left swipes were mostly people who lived too far away, with a handful being people with disparaging information in their profile and a negligible amount of unattractive women.
OKC i don't just like everyone with a pretty face, but that's because it's got the match rating right there, the broad strokes of stuff (like the eternal red flag that is "More Conservative") when you hover, and at least a bit of written info.
The one thing I hate seeing on Bumble profiles is "just message me if you have any questions!"
It's like, girl, that's not how this works!
We have orange dog twins. How is your shiba in the snow?
Sent 12:29pm
She actually just passed, I haven't had the heart to take down pictures of her...
Sent 1:01pm Block them Report
... ohhh nooo. I'm so sorry. My condolences.
Sent just now!
I have questions - would you like to go out tonight?
Just skip the bullshit.
You know, I've only ever had maybe 1 or 2 bad date in my life. Most of them are perfectly fine but afterwards I feel ambivalent about a second one, like last night's. I think it just takes me a long time to warm to people as a romantic prospect, probably longer than most people have the patience for.
I'm sort of in the same boat. I've had some really bad dates, but at the same time it takes me a bit to get comfortable around a person and I can see a lot of people not really having the patience for that.You know, I've only ever had maybe 1 or 2 bad date in my life. Most of them are perfectly fine but afterwards I feel ambivalent about a second one, like last night's. I think it just takes me a long time to warm to people as a romantic prospect, probably longer than most people have the patience for.
I'm similar. 1 or 2 dates that were bad. Many that were 'perfectly fine' to use your words and a nice chunk that were great. As I've gotten older and busier, my willingness to follow up with dates that were just 'perfectly fine' has declined quite a bit. I want to be excited about a second date and many times when I describe a first date as 'perfectly fine' deep down I'm thinking it was boring. Nothing wrong with the person, just didn't have that personality compatibility that makes great dates so memorable and fun.
I think part of it with the getting older and more experienced part is that you tend to have had those 1 or 2 people that you had crazy chemistry with, couldn't stop thinking about, etc, so you end up constantly comparing everyone else to how that felt.
Got a date tonight with a lawyer. I never successfully dated one before because I find lawyers so annoying.
I'm a lawyer.
Didn't realize there were so many lawyers in DatingGaF. Peltz, AD, ZackieChan. Am I missing anyone?
Krauser Kat Creative Art Director
Haloid1177 IT
Gotdatmoney Medical Pharmaceuticals
Peltz Lawyer
AD Lawyer
ZackieChan Lawyer
Got a date tonight with a lawyer. I never successfully dated one before because I find lawyers so annoying.
I'm a lawyer.
We should do a career breakdown, between IT people, Lawyers, Creatives or whatever.
We should do a career breakdown, between IT people, Lawyers, Creatives or whatever.
I sell drugs. Is that under Creatives?
I don't sell drugs
Or do I? 🤔
We should do a career breakdown, between IT people, Lawyers, Creatives or whatever.
Last nights first date with the Romanian girl was interesting to say the least.
I could tell from the get go that she was DTF, so it wasn't long after making out that I suggested going back to hers.
I honestly feel pretty bad considering I'm seeing the Kiwi again tomorrow night (I've been seeing her for 2 months), but we never discussed where we're going so maybe I shouldn't? She's going back home in August anyway.
The Romanian girl also gave me two love bites, so I'm trying to work out how the fuck to minimise them before tomorrow's date...
Am I a cunt?