Advocatus Diaboli
There's a Discord chat for this?
There's a Discord chat for this?
She told me as we got to her car, "I really like you."
What does that mean? Is that a good sign?
Anyway i went with the DK shoes. I think I looked pretty okay. And i actually outdressed her for once so that was nice.
At first I thought they were gonna be ugly as sin, but those shoes are pretty neat
Where get
(as an aside I really need to step my shoe game up. Guess I can work on that while waiting for the weight loss with the rest of my wardrobe)
Maybe I should splash out. What if I get too used to the opulence though? I have trouble enough going down from my cotton sheets to polyester or similar low quality sheets.
Once you go Egyptian silk you never go back?
I feel I've started to develop more feelings for her these past few weeks, but it honestly can't go anywhere.If you havent set boundaries after 2 months, do you think its going to last?
Will kiwi see the bites?
You made your choices dont regret them too much and just live your life. More fish in the sea, just dont maim the ones you end up throwing back.
I never used to date like this, so I guess I'm just not used to it.You're not a cunt. This can get normal as a guy gets older and people get used to dating more widely.
Sex or not, it gets annoying to plan dates and initial meetups with multiple women in the same week. I get why it is good and kind of necessary, and I do it, but it's hard when I have a bunch of other scheduled activities and events throughout my week.
I mean... yea? But not all cunts are bad.
A couple of months ago I was chatting to about 6 or so girls at any given time, but it was honestly far too much to handle.
kinda tipsy from a couple negronis.
I just decided I'm going to Mexico to catch up with a girl I met over there in 2012 and then caught up with her again in 2014.
The problem is
I doubt she's been sitting around pining for you, she has a life and its been 3 years. If either of you cared you'd have some way to contact each other directly. Big romantic gestures only work in fiction. Finally, you've been drinking, where all the best, worst ideas are formulated.
Last night, set up a date with a girl tomorrow (Sunday). She told me she's looking for something serious --unsolicited -- and I replied that I am too, because I genuinely am.
Since then, she's been telling me how excited she is to see me over and over, and even went so far as to say I'm the first date she's been excited about on tinder even though she's been on it for years. So far, this is really cool and I totally dug her enthusiasm. I replied that I can't wait until Sunday.
And then she started sending me sexy selfies --unsolicited -- in lingerie she bought. I mean, the pictures are hot and all, but the whole thing comes off as totally immature and desperate. We never even met. And none of my texts to her were sexual.
I hope she was just feeling horny last night and cleans up well. I don't mind going fast, but there's an order to things. And when you exploit yourself like that for a stranger you never met before, it's not classy or hot.
Just got to Episode 9 of master of none. Sitting at home alone on a satdy night, kinda tipsy from a couple negronis.
I just decided I'm going to Mexico to catch up with a girl I met over there in 2012 and then caught up with her again in 2014.
The problem is I only have her male friends number in my contacts as I've had a couple of phones since then.
I just sent him a message now,asking for her number. We will see how it goes.
Last night, set up a date with a girl tomorrow (Sunday). She told me she's looking for something serious --unsolicited -- and I replied that I am too, because I genuinely am.
Since then, she's been telling me how excited she is to see me over and over, and even went so far as to say I'm the first date she's been excited about on tinder even though she's been on it for years. So far, this is really cool and I totally dug her enthusiasm. I replied that I can't wait until Sunday.
And then she started sending me sexy selfies --unsolicited -- in lingerie she bought. I mean, the pictures are hot and all, but the whole thing comes off as totally immature and desperate. We never even met. And none of my texts to her were sexual.
I hope she was just feeling horny last night and cleans up well. I don't mind going fast, but there's an order to things. And when you exploit yourself like that for a stranger you never met before, it's not classy or hot.
Last night, set up a date with a girl tomorrow (Sunday). She told me she's looking for something serious --unsolicited -- and I replied that I am too, because I genuinely am.
Since then, she's been telling me how excited she is to see me over and over, and even went so far as to say I'm the first date she's been excited about on tinder even though she's been on it for years. So far, this is really cool and I totally dug her enthusiasm. I replied that I can't wait until Sunday.
And then she started sending me sexy selfies --unsolicited -- in lingerie she bought. I mean, the pictures are hot and all, but the whole thing comes off as totally immature and desperate. We never even met. And none of my texts to her were sexual.
I hope she was just feeling horny last night and cleans up well. I don't mind going fast, but there's an order to things. And when you exploit yourself like that for a stranger you never met before, it's not classy or hot.
No sex. Her cycle came early thus month...
We did other stuff though.
While checking into the hotel, I noticed her user name was sort of odd, so I asked her about it.
It was a mother fucking Lupin the 3rd reference
I think I'm in love.
1, You're not close to a relationship by 3rd date.
2, Don't beat yourself up too much about it. It sounds like circumstances made it not great, maybe should have improvised and planned to cook a meal at your place to avoid the rain, or at least order take out. Better yet have it already there as a surprise to cheer her up from shitty traffic.
But again, don't beat yourself up over it.
I should have done a lot of things, but I was frantically trying to make my place presentable by the time she got there, so I was woefully unprepared. Getting food delivered probably would have been a good idea though.
You're probably right that I wasn't that close to a relationship, but it felt like more than casual dating at least. We talked every day, and were pretty open with each other, so it's weird to me that it's just over without a word. I understand that's a thing that happens, but it's hard for me to process.
Why? Because your place wasn't clean enough, and you were a bit out of sorts because of it? If that somehow changed her mind about you, then any relationship you may have had wouldn't have worked out anyway. But what's more likely is that her heart wasn't in it from the start of the date, so it doesn't matter what you'd have done.[...]
I know I screwed up
Why are you living in such a filthy place and why aren't you cleaning more regularly?
Is your personal hygiene also as bad?
Why are you living in such a filthy place and why aren't you cleaning more regularly?
Is your personal hygiene also as bad?
What program sand goal oriented programs are out there for getting back into dating and making friends?
How much of a messy curly mess are you talking about 'cause naturally super curly hair can be sexy as fuck.
I don't have a cleaner because they won't clean as good as I do and they do unusual things to stuff they don't understand. I'm very houseproud and I always cleaned up before going out on the pull so everything was on point should I get lucky and bring a girl home. I looked at it as putting in as much effort in to how I dress when going out. I only needed to do living room, bedroom and bathroom those nights.
I do know several people that do have cleaners and they are reliable, professional and cheap. A good investment if your not naturally inclined to housework.
Third date in six days concluded. (I know.)
We walked around a museum, got Korean food, had fantastic adult time, then watched Fantastic Beasts, which I hadn't seen before.
Date 4 soon. And yeah, seeing the club girl tomorrow.
So, I guess this is the right place for this.
What's the best places to meet woman in real life?
Literally anywhere. They make up over half of the world's population.
So, I guess this is the right place for this.
What's the best places to meet woman in real life?
So I guess this isn't a dating question so much as a self esteem question.
I have a history of beating myself up; not just in relationships but generally. At work when I get feedback they say I'm way too self critical, I seem to really worry and stress about every single thing.
The thing is, that attitude is now destroying my relationship. Been seeing a girl about six months now, and it's by far the best relationship I've ever been in. We've connected really well, she is very caring and supportive, and until now the positives have meant that I've not really been worrying or stressing too much.
However, the last week a bunch of insecurities have reared their head (I was badly cheated on in a last relationship, and constantly put down/made to feel like shit for five years), and my SO has expressed some concerns with my "stress head" side, which she's only seen glimpses of before. She said if I kept acting like this I'd end up pushing her away, as she felt like she could only reassure or tell me so many times.
I feel like I'm making my relationship toxic through self-doubt and low self esteem, how do I stop this destructive cycle I've got myself in?![]()
Maybe not a monastery.
For stuff like that, all you can really do is go out and do it. Sounds cliche, but think of your social skills as a muscle like any other... if you don't train it, then it'll be weak, but using it again and again will eventually make it stronger. You won't know *how* to talk to people properly without... talking to them. You'll make mistakes, make a damn well fool of yourself, but eventually you'll learn how to socalize and be around human beings
I get it, it's tough... it's physically exhausting for me to be around most people, lol. But you gotta do it.
Download Meetup, find a group you're interested in, and go to it, even if your mind does everything possible to make you not want to go. Make yourself talk to people.
You can't really follow a program with this stuff, though a good therapist can hone in on your specific weaknesses and try to help you overcome them. There's not really a goal oriented way to go about something like this... life isn't a video game to tick off tasks and achievements, after all. But you can, of course, make your own goals to achieve... and that's way better than taking some stock 'to-dos' and going from there.