Right, the XBox Series X doesn't have any games for the next 7 years and therefore the whole next generation!
What a stupid argument! Why are PlayStation Fanboys always saying that Microsoft will not have any games everytime they find out that their favorite Toy has less features or is less powerful than an XBox Series X?
And this is no Console Warrior stuff, these are facts, the XBox Series X is the superior product in every way besides the SSD especially at the same price. And that does not mean that XBox Series X has long loading times because of the Velocity Architecture either!
BTW, I thought Microsoft bought Bethesda?
People say it because:
Xbox doesnt have any* games?
Lets look at current gen:
Xbox havent offered that many great exclusives. I hate gears(fucking boring macho cover shooters), forza isnt my thing, halo is meh(not fan of fps games usually), fable could be ok but did they even make new one? Quantum break would be cool I guess. (And these arent even real exclusives if they are on PC too, if I would own gaming PC)
Based on this:
Next gen xbox have no games, if same continues.*
After bethesda:
Fallout is ok, but still one game. Maybe some more interesting games in distant future are xbox exclusives?
If PS5 would be 10x more powerful, please explain how this would change how I dont see any great exclusives on xbox?
How would PS5 being stronger now make me not to say "xbox doesnt have interesting games"? How that makes sense to you?
Either you can explain it logically, or you did just pull consolewarring out from somewhere.
Like, how the heck console being weaker or stronger would change personal preferences? That is weird to be honest. Maybe some people work like that(have to have approved somehow by masses) but dont assume others think like that too
I bet you just cant comprehend the idea that people honestly dont like xbox exclusives, so you find excuses to go around it, right?
And calling either superior is just lame, both have good specs for next gen, PS5 is much more next-gen in features(controller,ssd+i/o, only one system, no dragging slow systems along, highly engineered 3D audio) and xbox have little faster cpu+gpu+some of ram, and xbox also have much slower gpu on S.
*Games that interest person that plays those games, dont read it literally "no games"