Pawn Inclinations. It seems you need to pay rift crystals in order to change inclinations? First DD, you could sit them down(via Knowledge chair) or buy different pots to change them. The fact that you can buy RC and buy pots with irl money, but it assigns a random inclination seems sorta shitty tbh. Changing vocations for your pawn could require a change of inclination as well, you don't want your sorcerer trying to hang off large enemies. Pawns will tend to develop their own inclinations based on other things as well, causing you to set them back to your preferred inclination. Seems like you have less inclinations in general as well, but that's not really here or there I suppose.
DD1 Inclinations
Battles large or giant foes first.
Prioritizes healing and pre-battle preparations
Attacks the weaker enemies first
Prioritizes ranged attackers and magic-using foes above others
Pawn stays near the Arisen and only attacks foes that enter their close quarters.
Pawns with Nexus as 1º or 2º will carry unconscious pawns to the Arisen. Pawns with 1º are more likely to carry. Without Nexus or Medicant, they are more likely to be left to return to the rift unless "
help" is requested
With Pioneer as 1º the pawn will travel much further away than with any other inclination (out of battle). 2º makes the pawn stand at a short distance but doesn't cause wandering.
Only pawns with Acquisitor will interrupt battle actions to collect loot from foes.
Pawns use 3 inclinations in DD

A (one is hidden)
DD2 Inclinations
“Compassionate, devoted, and dutiful. The most obedient sort of Pawn. Favors a balanced approach with an emphasis on support. Quick to aid allies in need.”
“Rational, shrewd, and strategizing. A Pawn characterized by caution. Favours defense and evasion, employing clever tactics to survive at all costs.”
“Curious, earnest, and adventurous. A Pawn with their heart on their sleeve. Enjoys exploring and gathering items, and is always up for a challenge.”
“Candid, flippant, and impulsive. A Pawn unbound by precepts. Enjoys the thrill of combat, tackling fierce foes head-on with daring assaults.”
The camping kit stuff is shifty as hell. Selling camping gear is whatever to me, but the fact that it's lighter gives me F2P MMO vibes. Your weight will affect your combat, speed and stamina drain, and you usually want to keep as light as possible playing as certain classes, so selling light weight camping gear is kinda sus.
The port crystal thing is just funny. So many people arguing that it's actually good that DD keeps that 'hardcore ethos' of making us travel and the Capcom devs spoke up about it and how they aim to make travelling fun and all that, meanwhile they just had MTX lined for it the whole time.
Overall, you don't HAVE TO buy any of this MTX, but the fact that it's there in a $70 game, revealed after the review period is just...yeah.
Oh and it seems some reviewers did know about the MTX...but in all the reviews I've seen I've never seen it mentioned..yeahh...
Just another day in the videogame industry I guess.