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EDGE: "Power struggle: the real differences between PS4 and Xbox One performance"

Keep dribbling more spin.
Again games that I want at launch on X B O X O N E interest me more then P S 4.
Do U get it or you want me to simplify it more?

So first you say you are getting the XB because it is a better value with free Fifa.
I contest that and now its because it has better launch Titles ????

I would have given you credit if you stuck to your guns but seems you went to standard fallback position #2..


A lot of bombshells dropped in that Edge article.

As well as confirming the performance gulf between the two consoles, the big one for me was the confirmation MS will be pissed at publishers if they don't gimp the PS4 versions so they're the same as the Xbone. Something that has long been suggested on GAF, but without actual sources confirming it.

Isn't it illegal for MS to force parity on multiplatform titles, anyway?

Sony has dealt with 3 generations of inferior multiplats on PS1, PS2, & PS3, why can't Microsoft deal with one generation of bad multiplats on Xbox One?


We also get royally screwed money wise (the PS4 costs $549 AUD, and the XBONE costs $599 AUD) so im planning on buying from overseas.

We don't get screwed. The Aussie PS4 prices are a bit cheaper than the UK and Euro. It just seems expensive compared to the US price, but even then there isn't much in it. And the Xbone is loads cheaper.

The PS4 is £349 in the UK, which is AU$593 ($44 cheaper in Aus)
The PS4 is €399 in EU, which is AU$570 ($21 cheaper in Aus)

The Xbox is £429 in the UK, which is AU$729 here ($130 cheaper in Aus)
The Xbox is €499 in EU, which is AU$713 here ($114 cheaper in Aus)

For once, Australia is coming out well. We're getting the consoles at launch and the price is a cheaper than than all but one market. The dreaded days of late arriving Xboxes and $1000 PS3s are over.


So first you say you are getting the XB because it is a better value with free Fifa.
I contest that and now its because it has better launch Titles ????

I would have given you credit if you stuck to your guns but seems you went to standard fallback position #2..
Calm down, he said he wanted one because of the launch titles in his first post. He's not falling back to anything.

and that "standard fallback #2" is easily one of the main reasons to pick a console. The main reason I'm abandoning Xbox is due to the power and price difference. But imo, I agree with who you are quoting. Ms has shown more games that I like so far. And the Xb1 games will probably cause me to cave some time next year.

I honestly just hope naughty dog isn't too far out.
Isn't it illegal for MS to force parity on multiplatform titles, anyway?

Sony has dealt with 3 generations of inferior multiplats on PS1, PS2, & PS3, why can't Microsoft deal with one generation of bad multiplats on Xbox One?

Did N64 really have superior multiplats? i cant remember.


Comics, serious business!
I like to rustle jimmies
I like to grind those GAFies
The Xbone has no powers
Look out for NSA intruders
PS4 games suck like Hoover
Killzone ain't no Halo killer

I like to rustle jimmies
I like to grind those GAFies
Drive by comments
Rockin five alt accounts
Infuriate the mods
Raise the ban count

I like to rustle jimmies
I like to grind those GAFies

I like to rustle jimmies
I like to grind those GAFies
A lot of bombshells dropped in that Edge article.

As well as confirming the performance gulf between the two consoles, the big one for me was the confirmation MS will be pissed at publishers if they don't gimp the PS4 versions so they're the same as the Xbone. Something that has long been suggested on GAF, but without actual sources confirming it.

Crippled PS4 version to not piss off Microsoft will be common practice


Neo Member
So first you say you are getting the XB because it is a better value with free Fifa.
I contest that and now its because it has better launch Titles ????

I would have given you credit if you stuck to your guns but seems you went to standard fallback position #2..

No i said its only $50 difference, to me that's not a game changer. Only said it made it better value with Fifa 14 as that is $100 game.
that's why games decided which one i choose 1st.

Im just going to leave it at that. otherwise we will go round in circles and get no where.
I like to rustle jimmies
I like to grind those GAFies



I don't know; I thought it was usually either the N64 or Sega Saturn that winds up getting better multiplats than PS1.

Sorry if I'm wrong about it.

You're wrong, because that would suggest the N64 got multi platform games on it, or that the Saturn was in any way capable of 3D games.


So Edge hinted about 900p before it happen... their sources seems reliable.

To be fair there were gaffers guessing that some devs would settle for that resolution also. Not to take anything away from the Edge article because I believe there is some truth there. One console will be stronger than the other. I don't understand the atomic fallout behind this...

edit: That's not true, I understand why. 180 fans are all "so what, just let me enjoy my games. They'll probably be close anyway" and the other side is like "best console ever! In your fucking face!". So I dig it, I really do.


I was about to say something similar

I thought you'd get a kick out of this bish. I'm not a snitch or anything but this guy PMed me and it was so dumb I just had to post it here.

Jimmy Rustle said:
The "smug" i was referring to was for the guys who were criticising the guy for preferring X1 launch exclusives over the PS4's. If you felt like i rustled YOUR jimmies, then that's on YOU.

I would appreciate it if you stopped getting junior members who take pokes at biased posters banned. Now THAT is snark.

I mean seriously. lol


extra source of jiggaflops
At least you attacked the content of his posts.

If I had my way then junior members that don't write out "you" instead of "u" and use lots of exclamation points unironically would also be banned. :p

Edit: I just had a flashback to TheKayle, that was double-jeopardy.


I thought you'd get a kick out of this bish. I'm not a snitch or anything but this guy PMed me and it was so dumb I just had to post it here.

I mean seriously. lol

Damn Ami. Considering there was nothing for him to lose at that point I guess it wasn't snitching. But it was borderline as fuck, lol!
At least you attacked the content of his posts.

If I had my way then junior members that don't write out "you" instead of "u" and use lots of exclamation points unironically would also be banned. :p

Edit: I just had a flashback to TheKayle, that was double-jeopardy.

Don't bring up TheKayle

I'm sorry if his first language wasn't english and I'm not being sensitive enough but reading his posts made my head hurt more from the way he wrote then the content


Crippled PS4 version to not piss off Microsoft will be common practice

Publishers are not beholden to manufacturers; quite the opposite really. Or do you really believe MS has any intentions of pushing the guys who pump out Call of Duty, Madden, Fifa, Grand Theft Auto, etc. around?

They won't "cripple" PS4 versions, they'll make games to a general target spec and tweak them until they're getting as much out of each system as they can within their allotted time/financial budget. That can mean almost no difference, or it can mean quite a bit, really depends on the publisher, developer, plenty of factors.

EDIT: I found RDJ's posts a bit ironic given his post history and how often he seemed to, well, have his own jimmies rustled over things.


Junior Member
We don't get screwed. The Aussie PS4 prices are a bit cheaper than the UK and Euro. It just seems expensive compared to the US price, but even then there isn't much in it. And the Xbone is loads cheaper.

The PS4 is £349 in the UK, which is AU$593 ($44 cheaper in Aus)
The PS4 is €399 in EU, which is AU$570 ($21 cheaper in Aus)

The Xbox is £429 in the UK, which is AU$729 here ($130 cheaper in Aus)
The Xbox is €499 in EU, which is AU$713 here ($114 cheaper in Aus)

For once, Australia is coming out well. We're getting the consoles at launch and the price is a cheaper than than all but one market. The dreaded days of late arriving Xboxes and $1000 PS3s are over.

Well its cheap compared to them sure, but look at it comparison to the America pricing.

The PS4 is $399 USD in the US, which is AU$426 ($124 more expensive)
The Xbox is $499 USD in the US which is AU$533 ($65 more expensive)

On top of that, our games regularly cost $99 - $110 for new releases, we aren't getting a good deal, we are getting screwed as usual.


Please... PS4 has so many more free Day one games. Vaue is far on the PS4 side.

I guess if giving away a free game (which will still look worse on the XB1) was all it took to suck you in to an inferior console then I guess MS PR did its job. Enjoy a decade of console mediocrity ...

Nothing like, good old console war.


According to specifications:

The theoretical peak performances according to flops (single precision floating point operations per a second)

Xbox360 | CPU (Xenon): 115 GFLOPS | GPU (Xenos): 240 GFLOPS | CPU+GPU: 355 GFLOPS

PS3 | CPU (CELL): 217,6 GFLOPS | GPU (RSX): 176 GFLOPS | CPU+GPU: 393,6 GFLOPS

CELL = (1 PPE * (4 FPU Flops + 8 VMX Flops) * 3.2 Ghz) + (7 SPE * 8 Flops * 3.2 Ghz) = 217.6 GFlops

CPU+GPU difference: 10,8% (PS3 > XBox360)
GPU difference: 36% (XBox360 > PS3)

Next generation consoles:

XBOX ONE | CPU ~112GFlops | GPU 1,31 TFlops | CPU+GPU 1,422 TFlops

PS4 | CPU 102 GFlops | GPU 1,84 TFlops | CPU+GPU 1,942 TFlops

CPU+GPU difference: 36,5% (PS4 > XBOX ONE)
GPU difference: 40,5% (PS4 > XBOX ONE)

So bigger difference than last gen confirmed!


I think what he means is that devs will start creating games with the goal of the two versions looking the same and running at the same framerate but with the xb1 version at 900p and the ps4 at 1080p. If the devs can lock in their desired framerate and still have some extra power, they will use that power on small things such as better AA or preventing framerate drops.

The edge article really makes this seem like whats going to happen. Currently, unoptimized code runs @30fps1080p on ps4 but runs @sub20fps900p on xb1. From this unoptimized performance, I can see developers then optimizing the xb1 hardware to close the framerate gap and optimizing the ps4 hardware to get a rock solid fps and a better form of AA ( extra little bits of polish).

Since the ps4 is stronger and easier to develop for, developers can hit their targets quicker which gives them time to slightly exceed those targets. But the original target will still be based on what the xb1 can handle. And by doing this , they are pushing both consoles.

If Xbox and PS4 were the only games in town, I'd agree. No point creating assets that only PS4 can leverage, just too expensive. So target Xbox and maybe add so bells and whistles to PS4 if you have time.

However, doesn't the PC muddy these waters? Assuming many/most third party titles will have a PC version, which platform now becomes the target? Wouldn't assets be created taking into account all three platforms, meaning potentially you PC core engines ported sideways across to both Xbox and PS4? That means you might have higher quality assets at your disposal so why not use them if the platform is capable.

And as for third party companies not wanting one platform to fare badly vs another,why is it fine for a PC version to look obviously better?

I don't get the 'not wanting to upset either side' - presumably meaning owners of Xbox/PS4, because GopherD said publishers wouldn't gimp for platform holders. If you only have an Xbox, or only have a Ps4 - which will be most people, then why would you care about whether BF5 looks better on 'that other machine', if you don't have it? Shouldn't the publisher be focusing on making sure that BF5 competes with COD7 on the same platform?


Nothing! I said nothing!
I don't buy into games being purposefully held back to achieve parity.

This generation games were easier to put onto the 360 and they generally sold better as well. So more dev time on the PS3, got you less reward and you still ended up with a slightly inferior game bar the odd exception.

I do realise I am greatly simplifying things but If the situation is reversed this gen, I see no reason why the same thing wont happen.
According to specifications:

The theoretical peak performances according to flops (single precision floating point operations per a second)

Xbox360 | CPU (Xenon): 115 GFLOPS | GPU (Xenos): 240 GFLOPS | CPU+GPU: 355 GFLOPS

PS3 | CPU (CELL): 217,6 GFLOPS | GPU (RSX): 176 GFLOPS | CPU+GPU: 393,6 GFLOPS

CELL = (1 PPE * (4 FPU Flops + 8 VMX Flops) * 3.2 Ghz) + (7 SPE * 8 Flops * 3.2 Ghz) = 217.6 GFlops

CPU+GPU difference: 10,8% (PS3 > XBox360)
GPU difference: 36% (XBox360 > PS3)

Next generation consoles:

XBOX ONE | CPU ~112GFlops | GPU 1,31 TFlops | CPU+GPU 1,422 TFlops

PS4 | CPU 102 GFlops | GPU 1,84 TFlops | CPU+GPU 1,942 TFlops

CPU+GPU difference: 36,5% (PS4 > XBOX ONE)
GPU difference: 40,5% (PS4 > XBOX ONE)
CPU+GPU difference for X1 and PS4 would be 26.7%


Gemüsepizza;82448849 said:

1.942 / 1.422 = ~1.366 -> PS4 is 136.6% of X1 -> +36.6% more

Yes, and the XBone has 26.8% less than PS4. It depends on what you consider as 100%.

Either it's XBone 100% and PS4 136.6% OR
PS4 100% and XBone 73.2%
Yes, and the XBone has 26.8% less than PS4. It depends on what you consider as 100%.

Either it's XBone 100% and PS4 136.6% OR
PS4 100% and XBone 73.2%

Holy fucking shit this is first class statistical manipulation. Bravo. You should go into politics.

"They did not get 10% more votes, we got 9% less votes."
Yes, and the XBone has 26.8% less than PS4. It depends on what you consider as 100%.

Either it's XBone 100% and PS4 136.6% OR
PS4 100% and XBone 73.2%

Yes, I was just confused because he pointed at a single value and said it was wrong while not complaining about the others. Maybe it was a joke because in previous topics many people didn't get that both values were valid.

But I guess this is troubling for some Xbox fans - on the one hand you can use this view on numbers to reduce the difference between both consoles, but on the other hand you are defining PS4 as "100%" and X1 as "73.2%", which could be interpreted in a way that X1 "isn't enough". But when you say X1 is "100%" and PS4 is "136.6%" they could say "100%" is all you need.
just kidding obviously


In terms of a PC GPU, would that basically make the PS4 at 1152 GPU Cores / Stream Processes basically near the level of an HD7850

http://www.anandtech.com/show/5625/...-hd-7850-review-rounding-out-southern-islands (to compare)

In the Anandtech Xbox One and PS4 comparison article, they mention the PS4's GPU Core is at 900Mhz. With the HD7850 having 1024 Shaders and 860Mhz Core clock, the PS4 is comparably close to this, isn't it?

It is something between 7850 and 7870
In terms of a PC GPU, would that basically make the PS4 at 1152 GPU Cores / Stream Processes basically near the level of an HD7850
In the Anandtech Xbox One and PS4 comparison article, they mention the PS4's GPU Core is at 900Mhz.


I don't see it.

If they were to run at 1.8/900 or higher it'd be fully GG for the XBone IQ wise IMO.
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