Developers will gimp PS4 versions of their game, bringing them down to Xbone quality, to make Microsoft happy?
I don't have words for the white hot rage this brings. I really wish we knew who these devs were. They don't deserve our money.
I don't think this is the case. Developers will always try to create the best game possible, the backlash involved if they are told to gimp the game would be huge and vocal - we would hear about it pretty swiftly.
But business is business and for the first crop of games they will be aiming for parity. Why?
Well hard deadlines and new hardware means there is a scramble to put up
anything. PS4's simpler and more powerful architecture will mean it gets the base game up and running and looking alright in record time.
If you were managing this project what would you do now? You would shove all the resources off the PS4 version to bring the XB1 version up to snuff, to at least bring it up to parity with the easier PS4 port.
No "bad agenda" - just human nature when facing nasty deadlines. Upshot is the PS4 version may
appear gimped.
For 3rd parties at the beginning of this new gen - it's all effectively "rushed ports from the PC version".
I believe this has been backed up on GAF:
ATVI was doing the CoD: Ghosts port to nextgen. It took three weeks for PS4 and came out at 90 FPS unoptimized, and four months on Xbone and came out at 15 FPS.
I know - quoting GAF on GAF is hardly hard evidence, but it gets the point across.
In the longer term the PS4 will shine... just now - don't expect any miracles from 3rd parties, just be happy with parity. Even 1st parties are gonna struggle to show uge differences from current gen for launch.
Please be kind... my first and hopefully not last post! Gulp! Welcome to the machine... the one that chews people up and spits them out!