Also not good if you have cats. For various reasons.If you've ever watched an idiot friend eat some by accident, you would rethink that
It tastes terrible
I mean they tell me it tastes terrible....
Also not good if you have cats. For various reasons.If you've ever watched an idiot friend eat some by accident, you would rethink that
It tastes terrible
I mean they tell me it tastes terrible....
The problem that I have with what Gopher said is that he implies both results
But then suggests
So there will be differences many of which are the ones we've been suggesting
Which again suggests that if PS4 is indeed easier to develop for, games will be more polished on it
And then he finishes with
Which makes me think studios will feel the pressure to push each system to the max given time and budget constraints
So honestly I have no idea what to take away from it
It sounds like from a developers perspective framerate and resolution differences are not seen as a big deal so it could in fact mean what has been suggested
I really don't know
I was only addressing the first statement about how third parties make games look and run similarly on all consoles to help their brand. I think the rest is geared toward first parties and maybe time allocation between developing a game and porting it to other systems.
XBox 360 CPU = 77GLFops
I think it is not correct. According to specifications:
The theoretical peak performances according to flops (single precision floating point operations per a second)
Xbox360 | CPU (Xenon): 115 GFLOPS | GPU (Xenos): 240 GFLOPS | CPU+GPU: 355 GFLOPS
CELL = 7 * 25.6 GFlops (SPE FLOPS * 7 at 3.2 GHz )
CPU+GPU difference: 0% (XBox360 = PS3)
GPU difference: 36% (XBox360 > PS3)
with the next generation
XBOX ONE | CPU ~112GFlops | GPU 1,31 TFlops | CPU+GPU 1,422 TFlops
PS4 | CPU 102 GFlops | GPU 1,84 TFlops | CPU+GPU 1,942 TFlops
CPU+GPU difference: 36,5% (PS4 > XBOX ONE)
GPU difference: 40,5% (PS4 > XBOX ONE)
I think it is not correct. According to specifications:
The theoretical peak performances according to flops (single precision floating point operations per a second)
Xbox360 | CPU (Xenon): 115 GFLOPS | GPU (Xenos): 240 GFLOPS | CPU+GPU: 355 GFLOPS
CELL = 7 * 25.6 GFlops (SPE FLOPS * 7 at 3.2 GHz )
CPU+GPU difference: 0% (XBox360 = PS3)
GPU difference: 36% (XBox360 > PS3)
with the next generation
XBOX ONE | CPU ~112GFlops | GPU 1,31 TFlops | CPU+GPU 1,422 TFlops
PS4 | CPU 102 GFlops | GPU 1,84 TFlops | CPU+GPU 1,942 TFlops
CPU+GPU difference: 36,5% (PS4 > XBOX ONE)
GPU difference: 40,5% (PS4 > XBOX ONE)
I think what he means is that devs will start creating games with the goal of the two versions looking the same and running at the same framerate but with the xb1 version at 900p and the ps4 at 1080p. If the devs can lock in their desired framerate and still have some extra power, they will use that power on small things such as better AA or preventing framerate drops.The problem that I have with what Gopher said is that he implies both results
But then suggests
So there will be differences many of which are the ones we've been suggesting
Which again suggests that if PS4 is indeed easier to develop for, games will be more polished on it
And then he finishes with
Which makes me think studios will feel the pressure to push each system to the max given time and budget constraints
So honestly I have no idea what to take away from it
It sounds like from a developers perspective framerate and resolution differences are not seen as a big deal so it could in fact mean what has been suggested
I really don't know
I think what he means is that devs will start creating games with the goal of the two versions looking the same and running at the same framerate but with the xb1 version at 900p and the ps4 at 1080p. If the devs can lock in their desired framerate and still have some extra power, they will use that power on small things such as better AA or preventing framerate drops.
The edge article really makes this seem like whats going to happen. Currently, unoptimized code runs @30fps1080p on ps4 but runs @sub20fps900p on xb1. From this unoptimized performance, I can see developers then optimizing the xb1 hardware to close the framerate gap and optimizing the ps4 hardware to get a rock solid fps and a better form of AA ( extra little bits of polish).
Since the ps4 is stronger and easier to develop for, developers can hit their targets quicker which gives them time to slightly exceed those targets. But the original target will still be based on what the xb1 can handle. And by doing this , they are pushing both consoles.
My question is if the Xbox One didn't have Kinect bundled in, why did Microsoft gimp the hardware of the Xbox One so much?
Are Sony's engineers just better at putting together hardware?
The xbox one does have kinect bundled in though. So it has to be considered when looking at the price. Sony might be a bit better at putting a console together. But I don't think that describes the power difference. Microsoft probably made the choice to release a weaker console for two main reasons.My question is if the Xbox One didn't have Kinect bundled in, why did Microsoft gimp the hardware of the Xbox One so much?
Are Sony's engineers just better at putting together hardware?
What here got him banned? I'm somewhat confused on the gaf banning policies...Long time reader, first time poster...I'm going to preface this post by saying that I am not pulling for either platform to be a clear winner, I am going to purchase both because gaming is my hobby and both will have exclusives worth playing.
This forth coming console 'war' won't be decided on stats alone, Microsoft, for better or worse has much more they can gamble on their console winning. One of their chips that they have played which I haven't seen discussed here is the fact that Windows 8.1 and the X1 will have exclusive rights to future (directx 11.2 and beyond). I see the first few years of this cycle going like this: developers make ps3/xbox 360 versions, they make a PC version which gets ported to next gen. Here is a quote from DICE:
Frostbite 3 Supports DirectX 11.1 API Faster GPU/CPU Performance on PCs and Xbox One
Now this is the interesting bit, DICE confirms that the Frostbite 3 engine supports DirectX 11.1 API as revealed by DSOGaming.
We use DX11.1, there are some optimizations in it (constant buffer offsets, dynamic buffers as SRVs) that we got in to the the API that improves CPU performance in our rendering when one runs with DX11.1. This will be in BF4.
This means that PC and Xbox One versions of Battlefield 4 would be more optimized than PlayStation 4.
The API's in the beginning will be a huge player in early next gen content regardless of power...even though there has been comments of SONY's libraries being better developed these are the same software engineers who couldn't make cross game chat in their last OS. Developers have been programming next gen(beyond ps3/360 capability) content on PC's for the last 6 years and they have been doing it with directX as the primary library.
They both have their strengths and they both have their weaknesses, they both will have gems that will most likely be titles developed exclusively for their respective console.
What here got him banned? I'm somewhat confused on the gaf banning policies...
ThanksI would assume he was found to be astroturfng, based on his registration e-mail address or something. Nothing in that post itself is ban worthy. The gist of the post was that the Xbone would get better performance, and that the consoles 'both have their strengths and they both have their weaknesses', which is not really true. The PS4 is not weaker than the Xbone in any area, unless you use Microsoft Maths to prove otherwise.
The reason why the recent batches of juniors seems terrible is fairly simple.
A new console generation is about to begin, so it isn't surprising that fanboyism is at an all-time high. It certainly doesn't help that there's blatant astroturfers mixed in the juniors.
So, it's a combination of fanboysim and astroturfing that makes the juniors seem so terrible recently.
I would assume he was found to be astroturfng, based on his registration e-mail address or something. Nothing in that post itself is ban worthy. The gist of the post was that the Xbone would get better performance, and that the consoles 'both have their strengths and they both have their weaknesses', which is not really true. The PS4 is not weaker than the Xbone in any area, unless you use Microsoft Maths to prove otherwise.
Third party devs will develop their IP to look similar to protect their own interests, not the platform holders, and to make sure they dont alienate one side or other. Differences will be slight, mostly resolution stretches, framerate locks or other subjectives. This is done at design/preprod to develop your scenes with this is mind and use graphical effects to maximise its look/impact. Think GOW3.
The MOST important aspect is the time taken to produce your basic complete - Faster complete means more time to polish, add extras etc. Will MS have direct control? Unlikely, even at the most pro-MS studios. There are too many tech-savvy fans out there and studios need all the goodwill they can get.
"I am purchasing both" always gives it away. Must be in the handbook.
"I am purchasing both" always gives it away. Must be in the handbook.
"I am purchasing both" always gives it away. Must be in the handbook.
This may have already been answered, with 88 pages it's likely that I missed it, but why would developers go for parity over maxing out on each console?
The PS4 version of, let's say, Watch Dogs isn't competing against the Xbone version of Watch Dogs. It's competing against the PS4 version of other open world games. If the PS4 version looks nicer than the Xbone version, will Xbone users simply not buy their console's version of the game?
It makes no sense. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
So basically there is no point in competition with consoles. No incentive to innovate. The lower spec/design always dictates things for Devs? That's kind of shitty. :/
"I am purchasing both" always gives it away. Must be in the handbook.
Lots of banned first posters lately were following the formula perfectly. They could at least try to seem like real people."I am purchasing both" always gives it away. Must be in the handbook.
not with consoles but certainly there will be competition with other games... that is what will drive better/maximized graphics.
The Microsoft engineers got one job to do and the Sony engineers another one.Are Sony's engineers just better at putting together hardware?
Look out for Juniors (<10 posts) that say "I love Kinect voice commands if I have my hands full like when I'm holding my kid."Boy, was that pathetic.
"Hi, I'm new. I'm purchasing both because games are awesome either."
"By the way... did you know that Xbox is not actually as weak as it seems/PS4 is not as awesome as they seem?"
*goes into multi-post tirade on engines, latency, or whatever bullshit clingable*
What here got him banned? I'm somewhat confused on the gaf banning policies...
What here got him banned? I'm somewhat confused on the gaf banning policies...
I was only addressing the first statement about how third parties make games look and run similarly on all consoles to help their brand. I think the rest is geared toward first parties and maybe time allocation between developing a game and porting it to other systems.
The PS4 being more powerful and cheaper than the XBOne is kind of a big deal this generation. MS is banking on the Kinect being the driving force that differentiates XBone from the PS4 with the casual audience, and it very well could have if it didn't cost $499. Most casuals aren't going to see the difference between what their 360 kinect devices already offers them, and what the XBone kinect is going to offer.
MS won't be able to win back the good will of core gamers with a more expensive, and less powerful device, than the PS4, unless they do something very drastic. None of my friends are still interested in buying XBone after the draconian policies they tried to pull. They just don't trust MS anymore and MS hasn't given them a reason to.
Even giving the benefit of the doubt that they are going to buy both consoles, why exactly would anyone buy the less powerful, more expensive one first ?
You buy the PS4 first then evaluate the weaker "One" and pick it up cheaper next year if you are still inclined to.
No way in hell I would touch the XB1 out of the gate... Not a single reason...
In AUS its only $50 difference, and now with FIFA14 added you can say its cheaper then PS4.
Also why im going with Xbox one 1st? simple, launch games appeal to me more than the PS4.
It's what gets me about MS' entire strategy with the Xbone. I get the feeling that they must've assumed Sony would just have an aneurism and forget to release a new console after the PS3 and that they'd be able to sell whatever in the upcoming gen.
In AUS its only $50 difference, and now with FIFA14 added you can say its cheaper then PS4.
Also why im going with Xbox one 1st? simple, launch games appeal to me more than the PS4.
Those numbers are not very accurate and PS3/360 are far less efficient, among other things.Numbers
In AUS its only $50 difference, and now with FIFA14 added you can say its cheaper then PS4.
Also why im going with Xbox one 1st? simple, launch games appeal to me more than the PS4.
I keep forgetting that Australia falls under the EU market. Pretty sweet that you guys and girls get FIFA.
We also get royally screwed money wise (the PS4 costs $549 AUD, and the XBONE costs $599 AUD) so im planning on buying from overseas.
We also get royally screwed money wise (the PS4 costs $549 AUD, and the XBONE costs $599 AUD) so im planning on buying from overseas.
Aren't games also ridiculous prices?
I'm just getting caught up on all this.
Developers will gimp PS4 versions of their game, bringing them down to Xbone quality, to make Microsoft happy?
I don't have words for the white hot rage this brings. I really wish we knew who these devs were. They don't deserve our money.
Jesus DAT import tax! Highway robbery I say.
Please... PS4 has so many more free Day one games. Vaue is far on the PS4 side.
I guess if giving away a free game (which will still look worse on the XB1) was all it took to suck you in to an inferior console then I guess MS PR did its job. Enjoy a decade of console mediocrity ...
Keep dribbling more spin.
Again games that I want at launch on X B O X O N E interest me more then P S 4.
Do U get it or you want me to simplify it more?
I think his point was why get an inferior version of Fifa and an inferior console even if you save a few bucks?
I was about to say something similarDo you serve any purpose other than making a steady stream of one or two sentence drive by posts? Genuine question. Almost every post I've seen from you is some snarky one liner that adds nothing to the discussion.