I was a little confused by the slow moments comment in reviews, you can literally go speak to who it tells you to speak too and start the level.Yeah, the game is polished (except for this bug) fun, long enough and full of content and performance are great at least on pc.
Too bad people believe shitty reviewers who compare this game to sony cinematic games because you have some cutscenes and like 2-3 "slow" moments in like 16 levels...
I walked round and picked up the lore items and cash in Calico and other locations though
The resolution is a little lower than I'd like on series X for the 60fps mode, but I had a great time with the game.
It was fun and satisfying to playthrough and some off the encounters were quite challenging, I didn't feel like it took me out the action for too long ever.
For the £37 I paid, I was happy with that and felt the game was worth it

Hopefully it does well.
I will probably wait before buying their future titles instantly though, as losing a save file blows.
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