So never criticize a culture you're a part of. Got it.
You can criticize it just fine, it's just that you missing out on enjoyment of a game because other people are enjoying it too much is a hilarious notion to me.
And I didn't say you take games seriously... I said you take people and gamers (who take games seriously) too seriously. Your previous post pretty much proved it.
What's the top 10 from 2 gens ago?
Cause I definitely don't feel that way at all.
Too many to list but just a primer:
1) RE4: Pretty much demolishes most of the 3rd person shooter/survival action type games of this gen. Way better than RE5/RE6 and is a template for TloU (and I would rate RE4 better than TloU for sure). A ton of games this gen modeled themselves after RE4.
2) Half Life 2: Enough said. A high achievement in video game level design.
3) Diablo 2: Still the best loot based RPG game ever made. Both PoE and D3 try to be like D2 but they just fall just short.
4) World of Warcraft : I am not personally big into WoW but its impact on the industry is massive. Pretty much every modern day MMO takes off of WoW.
5) GTA3: Pretty much started the whole open world sandbox type game play and started the GTA franchise. So many open world type game rip shit off of GTA3.
6) Shadow of the Colossus/ICO : A great example of marrying game play with strong but subtle narrative as well as excellent art direction and emotional core. People gave Journey GOTY in this generation when it pales in comparison to something like SOTC.
8) Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, Soul Calibur, TTT/T5 : Pretty much the prime of 3D fighters was in the last generation. Hell you can make the case that "anime" fighting game started with Guilty Gear last gen.
9) Viewtiful Joe/Okami/Godhand : Clover games are the type of mid tier games I am talking about that used to be prevalent but not anymore. No studio would risk these types of games except Nintendo on Platinum games. I would take these games over Wonderful 101 any time of the day (and W101 is still a good game).
10) Halo 1/Metroid Prime/SOCOM/COD2 : This was the start of the shooter phenomenon. Each of these games brought something good to the table. SOCOM was the first good military shooter and Halo made console shooters a thing.
And I missed a shit ton of great games from last gen like MGS2/MGS3, Kingdom Hearts, Shadow Hearts, Monster Hunter, Riddick, Prince of Persia, KOTOR, FFX/FFXII, REmake, Zelda WW, MVC2, CvS2, DOTA 1/WC3 etc. I honestly cannot think of 10 games that compare to those 10 games respectively speaking. Maybe Minecraft and the Souls games.